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To address the various problems in excavation of the underground tunnels of pumped storage power sta⁃ tions, such as long construction period, large construction difficulties, and high safety risk, this paper takes into ac⁃ count the types and characteristics of underground tunnels and puts forward three key technologies: large-diameter small-turning radius TBM, Elf TBM, and large-inclined shaft TBM. The study also develops three improved TBM equipment, which are applicable to the construction of traffic tunnels, drainage galleries, and water diversion inclined shafts respectively. In view of the short construction length of single power station and the large development scale of power station groups, this paper carries out a study on the key technologies of intelligent TBM tunnelling. Based on a cloud computing platform and big data collection and analysis, this paper plans a construction platform system for the intelligent excavation of pumped storage power stations. The study applies large-diameter small-turning radius TBM equipped with vibration monitoring and TBM-SMART intelligent tunnelling system in the traffic tunnels of Funing Pumped Storage Power Station and realizes the analysis and sharing of the tunnelling data. It also applies the Elf TBM, which is equipped with ground remote control and the TBM-SMART intelligent tunnelling system and vibration monitoring technology, in the drainage galleries of several pumped storage power stations to realize the continuous con⁃ struction of the power station groups. © 2023 Editorial By Modern Tunnelling Technology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
为揭示全断面隧道掘进机(TBM)锥面刀盘的滚刀破岩机制,明确滚刀安装排布对岩石破碎效果的影响规律,在对锥面刀盘多台阶悬切破岩模式分析的基础上,基于颗粒离散元方法构建锥面刀盘滚刀破岩数值模型并进行试验验证,开展锥面刀盘“平-锥”过渡区域滚刀破岩过程的数值模拟研究。研究结果表明:锥面刀盘锥区滚刀的破岩本质为临空面辅助破岩,破岩效果受到盘面锥角、滚刀间距、滚刀安装倾角的共同影响;为提高锥面刀盘破岩效率,可适当增大盘面锥角、减小锥区滚刀间距、增大滚刀安装倾角使锥区“斜刀正装”;对于抗压强度为180 MPa的极硬花岗岩,为确保高效破岩,建议盘面锥角为25°,锥区滚刀间距不大于70 mm,滚刀安装倾角与盘面锥角接近。  相似文献   
高层民用建筑火灾起数不断上升,作为其重要保障措施的消防给水系统设计也广受人们的关注。建筑分类是确定消防安全要求的基础,也是消防给水系统设计的重要依据,本文从国内外对高层民用建筑的定义入手,分析总结了国内外定义区别。结合着工作实践经验,分析了高层民用建筑消防给水系统设计难点和关键点及高层民用建筑消防设计中存在的问题,并从创新优化设计理念、给水形式、重视排水、冗余设计等多个方面提出了高层民用建筑消防给水系统设计的优化建议。  相似文献   
盾构和隧道掘进机(TBM)施工对盘形滚刀的设计及制造要求较高,特别是对滚刀刀圈的材料和热处理工 艺的要求更高。随着盾构和 TBM 施工工程增多,复杂地质条件难以准确预测,特别是在上软下硬地层中,普通 工艺的滚刀刀圈易出现刀圈崩块、断裂现象。针对上软下硬地层的地质条件,进行冷作模具钢刀圈材料成份和刀 圈刃型的设计,对滚刀刀圈梯度硬度热处理工艺进行研究,并通过项目现场试验,检验热处理工艺的效果。  相似文献   
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