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A systematic method for assessing intact ship stability with a free-running model in a seakeeping and maneuvering basin is proposed in this paper. Model experiments were carried out in extremely steep regular waves for a model drifting, running in head seas, and quartering seas. This method was applied to two purse seiners, and efficiently identified thresholds in metacentric heights for capsizing of these ships. These capsizing thresholds are compared with requirements of the IMO Code on Intact Stability. This series of model experiments also confirms that capsizing at the threshold occurs only in quartering seas, and shows that capsizing is caused by broaching, loss of stability on a wave crest, or bow diving. Received for publication on Jan. 20, 1999; accepted on July 6, 1999  相似文献   
The new intact stability criteria which are under development at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are required to cover a broaching phenomenon, well known as a great threat to high-speed vessels which can lead to capsizing. Some reports exist which demonstrate that their numerical models can predict a highly nonlinear phenomenon of broaching. However, additional validation studies are needed for unconventional vessels, in addition to conventional ones, to develop direct stability assessment methods for the new intact stability criteria. In this research, we selected as the subject ship a wave-piercing tumblehome vessel with twin screws and twin rudders, a design expected to be one of a new generation of high-speed monohull ships. Firstly, a series of captive model tests were conducted to measure the resistance, the manoeuvring forces, the wave-exciting forces, the heel-induced hydrodynamic forces, and the roll restoring variation for the unconventional tumblehome vessel. Secondly, the existing mathematical model which had been developed for broaching prediction of conventional vessels with a single propeller and a single rudder was extended to unconventional vessels with twin propellers and twin rudders. Finally, comparisons between numerical simulations and the existing free running model experiments were conducted. As a result, it was demonstrated that fair quantitative prediction of broaching is realised when the rudder force variation, the roll restoring variation and the heel-induced hydrodynamic force for large heel angles are taken into account.  相似文献   
The parametric rolling of modern containerships is emerging as a serious problem, to the extent that its effects warrant a study into its prevention. In light of this, two methods for reduction of parametric rolling are proposed and examined by physical model experiments. The first is a sponson attached to the side of a ship, the purpose being to decrease the rate of change of the rollrestoring moment. The second is an antirolling tank to increase roll damping. By conducting free-running model experiments for a 6600-TEU post-Panamax container ship with sponsons under typical parametric rolling conditions, it was found that the sponsons could decrease the magnitude of parametric rolling. The antirolling tank could prevent parametric rolling completely in certain conditions, even in severe head seas. Using the damping coefficients from experimentally derived data of a model ship with an antiroll tank, a numerical simulation was established. The numerical model was then compared with the free-running model experiments. The results indicated that the numerical model could qualitatively verify the experimental results. Finally, an attempt to optimise the size of an antirolling tank for preventing parametric rolling for the subject post-Panamax container ship in the North Pacific Ocean is presented.  相似文献   
介绍了在新干线700系车组的开发中,为降低空气动力噪声,对车体外形、受电弓、超压母线所进行的改进。  相似文献   
This article presents work based on the development of a performance-based stability assessment method. It describes a numerical method used to determine the survival limit for a dynamic intact stability assessment procedure. The numerical method utilises a time-domain vessel motion program to assess the limit for a range of vertical centres of gravity (KG). The appropriateness of the numerical predictions was examined through comparison with model experiment results. Free-running model tests were conducted in regular following waves at discrete KGs. A comparison between the survival limits determined through the numerical and experimental methods is presented. The current International Maritime Organisation (IMO) stability criteria are also evaluated against the numerical and experimental dynamic performance-based stability assessment methods.  相似文献   
 We have attempted to develop a more consistent mathematical model for capsizing associated with surf-riding in following and quartering waves by taking most of the second-order terms of the waves into account. The wave effects on the hull maneuvring coefficients were estimated, together with the hydrodynamic lift due to wave fluid velocity, and the change in added mass due to relative wave elevations. The wave effects on the hydrodynamic derivatives with respect to rudder angles were estimated by using the Mathematical Modelling Group (MMG) model. Then captive ship model experiments were conducted, and these showed reasonably good agreements between the experiments and the calculations for the wave effects on the hull and the rudder maneuvring forces. It was also found that the wave effects on restoring moments are much smaller than the Froude–Krylov prediction, and the minimum restoring arm appears on a wave downslope but not on a wave crest amidship. Thus, an experimental formula of the lift force due to the heel angle of the ship is provided for numerical modelling. Numerical simulations were then carried out with these second-order terms of waves, and the results were compared with the results of free-running model experiments. An improved prediction accuracy for ship motions in following and quartering seas was demonstrated. Although the boundaries of the ship motion modes were also obtained with both the original model and the present one, the second-order terms for waves are not so crucial for predicting the capsizing boundaries themselves. Received: June 20, 2002 / Accepted: October 10, 2002 Acknowledgments. This research was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (No. 13555270). The authors thank Prof. N. Rakhmanin of the Krylov Ship Research Institute for providing the Russian literature, as well as Mr. H. Murata of NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) for translating it into Japanese. Address correspondence to: N. Umeda (e-mail: umeda@naoe.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp)  相似文献   

Bulk cargo containerization (BCC) involves changes in the transportation mode of container shipping for cargo that uses bulk carriers without packing. This topic has recently attracted considerable attention as an alternative transportation method for container cargo. BCC is advantageous because it can address imbalances in the amount of cargo conveyed between the main and back hauls, thereby improving efficiency. A previous survey among companies involved in cargo shipping revealed that in addition to ocean freight, vanning and devanning, and customs clearance costs, consignees’ decisions were the key factor in selecting transport modes. The present study aims to clarify the cost competitiveness of container shipping and identify cost reductions that may increase the use of BCC. To quantitatively check the results of the survey employed in this study, we constructed a model based on consignees’ and container shipping companies’ costs to determine the choice of transport mode for back-haul trade, then examined the incentives for consignees and shipping companies. We found that BCC can be realized by cost reduction on the part of the consignee and profit improvement on the part of the container shipping company for some routes and goods. Although reducing the freight rate would effectively promote BCC, reducing other costs would not have the same effect.  相似文献   
To avoid stability failure due to the broaching associated with surf riding, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has begun to develop multilayered intact stability criteria. A theoretical model using deterministic ship dynamics and stochastic wave theory is a candidate for the highest layer of this scheme. To complete the project, experimental validation of the theoretical method for estimating broaching probability in irregular waves is indispensable. We therefore conducted free-running model experiments using a typical twin-propeller and twin-rudder ship in irregular waves. A simulation model of coupled surge–sway–yaw–roll motion was simultaneously refined. The broaching probability calculated by the theoretical method was within the 95 % confidence interval of that obtained from the experimental data. This could be an example of experimental validation of the theoretical method for estimating the broaching probability when a ship meets a wave.  相似文献   
Sound pressure distribution around a monotone sound source was measured inside a marine propeller cavitation tunnel and compared with the calculated result by a two-dimensional boundary element method. The measured sound pressure distribution showed some peaks due to the reflection effect of the tunnel test section boundary. As the frequency increased, the sound pressure distribution became more complicated, showing more peaks. The tunnel reverberant effect should be taken into account when the noise data measured in the tunnel are converted into full-scale values. In the boundary element method calculation, the boundary condition at the acrylic observation window of the tunnel was examined in detail. The calculated sound pressure distribution pattern in the tunnel transverse section agreed well with the measured distribution when a reasonable boundary condition was adopted. The boundary element method is an effective method for theoretically predicting the acoustic field inside the cavitation tunnel if the precise boundary condition is adopted.  相似文献   
The environmental impact of a ships waves, such as the risk of erosion of coasts and riverbanks, and unacceptable ship movements in a restricted waterway, is now a significant ship design criterion. Therefore, it is necessary to predict ship-wave phenomena accurately in a restricted waterway. In this study, a numerical investigation of the breaking phenomena of a ships waves in restricted waterways was carried out. Incompressible Navier–Stokes and continuity equations were employed. The equations are discretized by a finite-difference method in a curvilinear coordinate system. The interface capturing method was applied to simulation of a ships waves, including wave-breaking. A modification of the level-set method is proposed to find the free surface shape clearly and without difficulty of the implemation of the boundary conditions for the distance function. In order to obtain a high resolution of wave height, a constrained interpolated profile (CIP) algorithm is adopted. In order to check the advantage of the CIP method, computations by two numerical methods, the CIP and the 3rd-order up-wind scheme, were compared. The computations for a Wigley hull in restricted waterways were performed and compared with experiments. The phenomena of ships waves in restricted waterways are discussed in order to understand the mechanism of wave-breaking in relation to the change in water depth along a waterway.  相似文献   
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