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针对钢管隧洞的结构特征及缺陷的模式化特性,基于弹性波在层状介质中的传播特性,以弹性波响应能量E作为评价指标,利用模式识别中的聚类分析方法,对弹性波响应能量进行了k-means聚类分析,以聚类分析的结果为阈值对缺陷模式进行了评价;以某钢管隧洞出现明显变形的22 m长区域为研究对象,布设测点,采用3D扫描测量及弹性波测试,对测得的缺陷处弹性波信号进行了聚类分析,划分响应能量阈值对脱空区域进行识别,评价了钢管内壁的变形特性。研究表明:钢管隧洞缺陷随机分布,部分缺陷联通形成大片病害区;缺陷区域的弹性波响应明显放大;弹性波信号响应能量聚类分析评价结果与3D扫描结果一致性较好,验证了弹性波映像识别法的有效性。  相似文献   
基于无限元人工边界和基床—路堤—场地子结构系统,建立上海金山铁路既有线有限元模型,根据实测路基响应特征构造基床顶面动荷载,模拟列车以现行速度通过路基产生的动荷载,分析列车在现行速度43km· h-1和目标速度160 km· h-1范围内变化时,普通路基在动荷载作用下的动力响应规律.研究发现:如果既有线路基床不改造,列车速度从43km· h-1提高至160km· h-1时,基床顶面动应力峰值将增大17%左右;路基面动应力沿基面以下深度方向呈指数形态衰减;与现行速度条件下基床顶面以下6.2m的影响深度相比,提速后影响深度增加了1.2m.  相似文献   
在沉管隧道工程中,采用无损检测技术对基础灌砂施工效果实施实时、经济、有效的监测,是施工监测必须要解决的难题。本文结合南昌红谷隧道监测实例,系统地介绍了冲击映像法在基础灌砂施工中的应用情况,包括测线布设、数据采集、分析与评定方法、监测结果以及相关的结论与施工建议。监测结果表明: 冲击映像法能够对基础灌砂效果进行实时有效地评判,是一种新的基础灌砂施工监测与灌砂效果评价方法。  相似文献   
It is an important subject to probe the structure in the medium by various kinds of detection methods in the geotechnical engineering. Based on the propagation theory of elastic wave in half-space layered medium, the propagation characteristics of elastic wave in layered medium with different elastic parameters are discussed using dynamic analysis of finite element method. It is known that the S-wave velocity, density and thickness of layer are related to the properties of the elastic wave including waveform characteristics, spectral characteristics and time-frequency characteristics. We pay special attention to the structure with low velocity interlayer. The impact imaging method is applied to the grouting construction of the immersed tube tunnel. Data acquisition and analytical method are introduced in detail. The grouting effects can be qualitatively evaluated by comparing the characteristics of elastic wave before grouting with those after grouting. Finally, a quantitative evaluation is obtained according to the relationship between energy response of elastic wave and impedance ratio.  相似文献   
论文以某大型泥水盾构隧道为工程背景,将探地雷达应用于复杂地形地貌、地下管网及盾构施工扰动影响引起土体变异等的现场探测。探讨地质雷达方法在盾构隧道中适用性,研究同步注浆对周围土体的渗透范围以及对土质变异的影响。结果表明:(1)根据各个扫描断面的位置以及反射异常出现的埋深位置,可以比较精确地判断结构的不均匀分布区或者异常区;(2)依据雷达反射图像的清晰程度、信噪比强弱可以有效地判别地下管道与周围土体间存的衬砌结构、注浆影响区、后部土层等三个区域。结果可供同类工程借鉴。  相似文献   
Study on the non-destructive detection techniques and damage identification method is of great importance in protecting and rehabilitating the ancient architectural structure. In order to identify the location and the grade of structural damages, a multi-point microtremor measurement is performed on carved brick screen walls at Songjiang area in Shanghai, and the observed dynamic parameters (natural frequencies and natural modal) are obtained. On the other hand, the dynamic parameters of the original structure are calculated by finite-element-method (FEM). Normalizing the observed and calculated parameters on unified physical quantity, the damages are located by the variation on vibration modal, and the grade of structural damages is quantitatively evaluated by stiffness losses based on the variation on vibration modal.  相似文献   
Full waveform inversion method is an approach to grasp the physical property parameters of underground media in geotechnical nondestructive detection and testing field. Using finite-difference time domain (FDTD) method for elastic wave equations, the full-wave field in horizontally inhomogeneous stratified media for elastic wave logging was calculated. A numerical 2D model with three layers was computed for elastic wave propagation in horizontally inhomogeneous media. The full waveform inversion method was verified to be feasible for evaluating elastic parameters in lateral inhomogeneous stratified media and showed well accuracy and conver- gence. It was shown that the time cost of inversion had certain dependence on the choice of starting initial model. Furthermore, this method was used in the detection of nonuniform grouting in the construction of immersed tube tunnel. The distribution of nonuniform grouting was clearly evaluated by the S-wave velocity profile of grouted mortar base below the tunnel floor.  相似文献   
Introduction A detailed reconnaissance survey was conduct-ed at the underground structures such as subwaystructures, mountain tunnels, multipurpose under-ground ducts and other underground structures,around the Hanshin District caused by the 1995Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake[1,2]. Among thesestructures, the Daikai Subway Station is the firstsubway structure that completely collapsed due tothe earthquake[3]. In order to clarify the dynamicbehaviors and the damage mechanism of the DaikaiSubway S…  相似文献   
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