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Lydia 《汽车杂志》2010,(3):244-244
初识东方,并未觉得有何特别。只是她有一个格外好听的名字一“东方忆桐”。东方并非出生在东方,而是在寒冷的北欧丹麦,祖籍是在新加坡,在广州工作生活了4年。迥异的成长文化氛围,造就了东方迥异的性格,在这个女孩子弱小的身体里,却有着两个完全不同的自己。  相似文献   
在印度首都新德里,随着一声汽笛声,列车进站了.车门打开,一股凉气扑面而来.一阵铃声过后,车门关闭,列车又朝下一站驶去.这样的情景如果在德国柏林、泰国曼谷、瑞典斯德哥尔摩或者新加坡的列车站台,是极其平常的,然而,它却发生在印度新德里市.该市几近完工的地铁的巨大成功,可以说是一种奇迹般的壮举,它给人们带来了新的希望:印度永远破旧的城市基础设施也将随着地铁被带入21世纪.  相似文献   
Using CalCOFI data for coastal shallow stations (above 100 m depth), higher than expected nitrate concentrations were detected in near-surface high-temperature waters off of Central Baja California during some El Niño winters. Though recent data are not available for Central Baja California, past El Niño data, though limited, showed nitrate concentrations above 16 μM at temperatures above 16 °C, and nitrate concentrations between 1 and 2 μM at 19 °C, while the previously established relationship of temperature and nitrate for California Current waters predicts nitrate depletion above 14 or 15 °C. The anomalous, high temperature–high nitrate enrichment events documented in Central Baja California were detected as shallow as 9 m and as deep as 73 m, were associated with low-oxygen (between 2 and 4 ml/l) and high-salinity (between 33.8 and 34.3 psu) waters, and occurred during the winter months of an El Niño year. Using recent data for San Diego, CA, similar but weaker enrichment events were detected for the El Niño winter of 1997–1998. The periodic shoaling of a subsurface subtropical water mass of high temperature, high salinity, low oxygen and high nutrients during some El Niño winters is proposed to cause periodic enrichment and to maintain productivity during warming events in this area. Enrichment events were not detected off Ensenada, in Northern Baja California, possibly due to the amplification of the onshore flow during El Niño there, or due to the Ensenada front. The proposed mechanism of periodic enrichment of nutrient-depleted surface waters during some El Niño winters by subsurface waters from the California Undercurrent may explain the following: (1) survival of giant kelp forests at their southern limit in Central Baja California documented during past El Niño events in warm waters, (2) the rapid recovery and high carrying capacity of giant kelp documented after the mass disappearance during El Niño 1997–1998, and (3) the increase in the extent of mesotrophic chlorophyll detected in the area during the 1997–1998 and 1982–1983 El Niño events.  相似文献   
严绍健 《汽车杂志》2010,(4):233-233
老爷车作为收藏品,受关注程度完全不亚于新车,而在拍卖会上,老爷车的拍卖价格绝对让人瞠目结舌。在前不久的世界上最大的收藏车拍卖会——Barrett-Jackson拍卖会上,就有3款经典名车拍卖价突破百万美元,最高价格374万美元,将近3000万元人民币!  相似文献   
这大概是最隆重的50周年生日庆典了,持续将近一年的Mni50周年庆祝活动,在全世界的每个角落里,以意想不到的ART方式秀出!  相似文献   
Lydia 《汽车杂志》2010,(1):238-239
如果要小猪和袖子回忆一下2009年最值得纪念的事情与最遗憾的事情,那么有一件事是相同的。而这件事对小猪是值得纪念的,对袖子则是遗憾。这源于她们的一次约定:去伦敦,参加Mini50周年PARTY。  相似文献   
Lydia 《汽车杂志》2009,(8):228-229
你已不记得多少次跨入车门,习惯性地.向后靠紧椅背,贴近真皮包裹的座椅,但这些小动作每一次都能让你感觉到一种真实的满足感。我们就是这样日复一日的体验幸福,不曾察觉的让日子如静静流水一般淌过。所以,凡人给自己起了这样一个网名。  相似文献   
Lydia 《汽车杂志》2010,(3):245-245
偷偷告诉你,这辆斯柯达明锐是我的嫁妆,老爸送给我的结婚礼物,方便我们经常开车回家。但是我对车一窍不通,老公很喜欢这车。我看他每天埋头苦干地研究车型,感觉很放心。他说斯柯达明锐的发动机好,1.BT的发动机动力充沛,最主要的是,这款车性价比高。当我看到这款车的时候,实在没什么感觉。外形一般般,但老公说德国车结实,在同等价格下.这款车比较结实,我也就对外观没太大意见了。  相似文献   
Lydia 《汽车杂志》2010,(3):198-203
那天下着毛毛雨,雨水似乎无法打湿身体,却像是从身体里蒸发了出来。潮湿的冬天让人情绪无法高涨。停靠在一边的保时捷Panamera S被雨水弄得灰头土脸,我有些担心如此恶劣的天气会不会影响模特的发挥。但当CICI从车里走出来的那一刻,在场的工作人员发出了一阵讶异声——好美的后背!  相似文献   
还记得法拉利世界主题乐园吗?就是那个红色像章鱼一样延伸的夸张家伙!当时给大家介绍的时候,它看上去还像一个模型。如今阿布扎比法拉利世界主题乐园的主打产品——“Formula Rossa”云宵飞车真的诞生了。  相似文献   
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