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Planning emergency evacuation operations in a proactive manner in public marine transportation systems is a critical success factor for passenger and crew safety. Despite the fact that there is a growing attention on safety issues for marine transportation systems, providing a real-time decision support for evacuation planning under different emergency conditions has not yet been addressed. In this context, this paper contributes to the related literature by providing a comprehensive methodology including simulation and statistical analysis along with a three-module decision support system (DSS) for ferryboat emergency evacuation. Emergency evacuation and fire environment are simulated via Maritime EXODUS V5.1 and SMARTFIRE V4.3, respectively. The methodology is applied to a real-life Ro-Ro ferry, and the results not only revealed significant factors on emergency evacuation performance, but also demonstrated the validity of the developed decision support system.  相似文献   
Contained herein are the results of research which quantifies the effects that various existing and projected truck configurations have as live loadings upon bridges which currently exist on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI). The truck configurations were determined from those actual or proposed vehicles which exhibit the highest GVW and which either are causing or are perceived to cause the highest levels of overstress on bridge superstructure elements. In order to simulate most accurately the actual field conditions, a criterion was defined which contained three major requirements: 1) The bridges utilized within the study shall be defined as being a statistically significant sample and be actual bridges taken from the NBI; 2) The analysis method shall be consistent with those actually used by engineers in designing and rating bridges, and; 3) The criteria utilized in evaluating the various bridge structures under the defined loadings shall be consistent with current practices. The results obtained indicates the acceptability of various truck configurations by GVW, size, and axle deployments, by system for the different criteria now in use.  相似文献   
Are Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) affecting transportation industry only? ITS are currently perceived as a contribution to transportation industry only; however, by quantitatively analyzing the economic impact of ITS on the state of Michigan, this work attempts to answer the posed question. The quantitative economic analysis is carried out through the well‐established Leontief's Input–Output (I‐O) model. This model is employed to establish ITS effects on each industry by detailing RIMS II I‐O tables for Michigan constructed from the national I‐O tables. Major savings by ITS identified as reduced time delays and fuel cost savings are quantitatively simulated thereby generating an overall cost reduction factor which is incorporated in Michigan I‐O tables to modify their characteristics. ITS impact on each industry in I‐O tables is achieved by maximizing effects on certain selected industries. Impact multipliers that are customary macro‐economic measures for I‐O analysis are then calculated for all the aggregated industries. Multipliers comparison for the three cases namely before ITS implementation, conventional improvement methods, and after ITS implementation is evaluated. These values suggest greater economic benefits that may be achieved by statewide implementation of the ITS. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Investigating the factors and processes that influence the spatiotemporal distribution of built space and population in an urban area, plays an extremely important role in our greater understanding of the urban travel behaviour. Existing location of activity centres, especially home and work, strongly influences the short-term individual-level decisions such as mode of transportation, and long-term household-level decisions such as change in job and residential location. Conditions in the built space market also affect households’ and firms’ location and relocation decisions, and hence influence the general travel patterns in an urban area. In this context, this paper addresses a very important, but at the same time, not very widely investigated dimension that plays a key role in the evolution of built space and population distribution: Market. A disequilibrium based microsimulation modelling framework is developed for the built space markets. This framework is then used to operationalize the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area’s owner-occupied housing market within Integrated Land Use Transportation and Environment (ILUTE) modelling system. Simulation results captured heterogeneity in the transaction prices, due to type of dwellings and different market conditions, in a very disaggregate fashion. The proposed methodology is validated by running the simulation from 1986 to 2006 and comparing the results with the historic data.  相似文献   
This work builds upon the thought that individuals allocate higher levels of importance to some particular features of the route, so called anchor points. Previous route choice models have either ignored the effects of anchor points (route-based models), or have given an exclusive attention to their effects and ignored the behavioral accuracy and practicality of these models (anchor-based models). In this work we argue that the consideration of both route-level attributes and anchor points would enhance the behavioral aspect of route choice models as well as their estimation and prediction abilities. Global Positioning System traces have been used to investigate the effect of bridges as anchor points for trips between Montreal and its Northern suburb, Laval. A classic Nested Logit and a nested Logit Kernel model have been estimated, in which interdependencies among routes crossing the same bridge are captured through the nested structure and the adopted factor analytic approach, respectively. A Metropolis–Hastings path-sampling algorithm is applied, for the first time, on a large road network with more than 40,000 nodes and 19,000 links to provide the consideration choice set. Estimates are then compared to three alternate models, representing route-based and anchor-based formulations; namely Path-Size Logit, Extended Path-Size Logit, and Independent Availability Logit models. Empirical results showed that the proposed nested structures with MH sampling provide better estimates and also perform better in the validation step with respect to comparative models. Findings underscore the importance of considering anchor points in conjunction with route level attributes in route choice decisions.  相似文献   
In this paper, a method for designing a statistically valid sample of bridges is proposed. The need for such a sampling procedure arises from the impracticality of a detailed analysis of the structural effects of new candidate truck configurations on the whole bridge inventory. In this study, a set of bridges from the national inventory was determined for the purpose of selecting a bridge sample. This set of bridges is referred to as the population. The selection of bridges for inclusion in the population was based on the status of the bridge, type of service, structural material, structural system type and functional class. The stratified sampling method was used in the determination of the required sample sizes. According to this method, the population was first divided into sub-populations, or strata. These sub-populations were non-overlapping. In turn, each strata was divided into sub-strata. The characteristics of each sub-stratum were estimated and combined to determine the characterics of the strata. Then the characteristics of the strata were combined to determine the characteristics of the bridge population. A comparison of the results based on the sample and bridge population was conducted in order to verify the validity of the proposed sampling procedure.  相似文献   
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