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The West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program was designed to achieve multiple economic goals and objectives, including increasing net benefits, profitability, flexibility, and utilization of harvest allocations. In this article, we leverage seven years of comprehensive cost and earnings data to evaluate progress towards these goals with a focus on harvesters. Our assessment shows that five years post-implementation, net benefits to the nation have doubled, and indicators of productivity and profitability have increased. The fleet that targets Pacific whiting has seen the largest gains, due in part to increases in total allowable catch and the elimination of the race-to-fish. However, increased revenues have not been realized to the degree that was expected for harvesters targeting non-whiting groundfish, partly due to lower than predicted consolidation and relatively low quota utilization. Economic outcomes indicate that tradeoffs exist between certain objectives of the program, specifically between achieving full utilization and flexibility for harvesters. Results are discussed in the context of the design and evaluation of catch share programs for diverse, multispecies fisheries.  相似文献   
State agencies responsible for ADA-eligible paratransit services are increasingly under pressure to contain costs and maximize service quality. Many do not operate vehicles themselves; instead, they contract out the provision of services. Contractors are paid for each hour of service. They are responsible for hiring crew, forming routes, dispatching, and operating and maintaining agency-owned vehicles. In the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Metro Mobility, the agency responsible for providing paratransit services, requires contractors to use agency-approved software for booking trips dynamically and sets parameters that guide contractors’ practices. Customer trips booked in this fashion may not utilize capacity in the most efficient manner. Therefore, beginning with the daily trip schedules generated by the software, this paper proposes two approaches for improving the efficiency of paratransit operations and estimates the benefit of using these approaches via experiments that utilize Metro Mobility data. The first approach re-optimizes routes developed at the end of each day. The second approach evaluates the benefit to state agencies of selectively using non-dedicated service providers such as taxis. Both approaches are tested on actual data obtained from Metro Mobility. The study shows that a conservative estimate of savings from re-optimization would be approximately 5% of Metro Mobility’s operating costs. Savings from the use of taxis are smaller and in the range of hundreds of dollars per day.  相似文献   
成立安全气囊气体发生器合资企业、引入EPS国产化生产线,在过去的2010年,TRW在本土化方面进行了更多的投入。面对快速发展的中国汽车市场,TRW期望进一步提高本土化响应能力。  相似文献   
带着1800万辆的喜悦,我们迈入了十二·五规划的第一个年头。在过去的2010年,中国再次成为全球汽车业的焦点。可是整个产业高速增长的同时,由此而引发的能源、环境、交通等矛盾却日益突出。  相似文献   
Strategy Analytics的统计数据显示,2009年英飞凌以13.1亿美元的销售额,成为全球头号汽车芯片供应商。其中,欧洲的市场占有率为第一,北美和亚洲市场均为第二。此次慕尼黑电子展期间,英飞凌科技(中国)有限公司汽车电子总监刘鲁伟先生向本刊记者谈起了该公司在汽车电子行业的发展情况。目前英飞凌在汽车行业的应用涉及汽车动力系统、车身和便利系统、安全管理、信息娱乐系统等。刘鲁伟表示,英飞凌的传感器、微控制器和功率半导体致力于帮助降低汽车燃耗和排放,改善安全性和经济性。  相似文献   
<正>埃克森美孚公司日前发布了《至2030年能源展望》报告。该报告指出,到2030年,全球能源需求将比2005年增长约35%。中国已经成为能源消耗第一大国,经济的快速增长,使我们面临日益严峻的能源挑战。如何解决这一问题?扩大能源供应、采用新技术和清洁燃料,是切实可  相似文献   
<正>当下,汽车行业的重点无疑是节能减排。温室效应、极端气候的频繁出现,自然资源的日渐枯竭,使得降低汽车排放及能源消耗迫在眉睫。目前各国政府已经推出了更为严格的排放法规,各种节能减排的鼓励政策也相继出台。无论是欧美日汽车工业发达国家,还是像中国、印  相似文献   
在汽车工业的百年发展史中,创新是永恒的主题。从化油器到电喷系统、从安全带到主被动安全系统集成、从金属材料到新型轻量化材料、从机械装置到电子操控、从化石燃料到新能源汽车……汽车工业的发展离不开汽车技术的持续创新。  相似文献   
<正>2010北京车展已经落下帷幕,作为本年度国内最高规格的汽车展会,此次车展吸引了国内外主要汽车生产商的参与。多款全球首发车、中国首发车的亮相,以及众多新能源技术的推出,显示了各公司对于中国市场的重视。  相似文献   
<正>近期的热点莫过于6月1日国家财政部、科技部、工信部、发改委联合发布的《私人购买新能源汽车试点财政补助资金管理暂行办法》,以及财政部、国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部联合下发的《"节能产品惠民工程"节能汽车(1.6L及以下乘用车)推广实施细则》。  相似文献   
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