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The focus of this paper is the degree to which day-to-day variability in the individual's travel pattern has a systematic, or nonrandom, component. We first review the different sources of variability in travel, emphasizing the difference between between-individual and within-individual variation and the implications of this difference for travel analysis. After discussing the impact of measurement (i.e. the way in which travel behavior is measured) on the study of repetition and variability, we use the Uppsala data to examine the level of systematic variability in an individual's longitudinal travel record. The analysis focuses on two questions:
  • - How well does observation over one week capture longer-term (five-week) travel behavior; in other words, is behavior highly repetitive from week to week?
  • - How systematic is within-individual variability; in other words, are certain stops distributed over the five-week record in a nonrandom, that is either regular or clustered, fashion?
  • Using measures of travel that include more than one stop attribute (e.g. activity, mode, time of day, and location), we found that:
  • - A seven-day record of travel does not capture most of the separate behaviors exhibited by the individual over a five-week period, but it does capture, for most people, a good sampling of the person's different typical daily travel patterns.
  • - Whereas a considerable portion of intraindividual variability is systematic (nonrandom), clustering is a more important source of nonrandom variation than is regularity.
  • The results suggest that behavior does not follow a weekly cycle closely enough for a one-week travel record to measure the longer-term frequency with which the individual makes certain stops or to assess the level of day-to-day variation present in the individual's record. Because these results are likely to reflect the particular measures of behavior we used, one conclusion of this study is the need for other studies that replicate the aims of this one but use a variety of other travel measures. Only through such additional work can we truly assess the sensitivity of our findings to measurement techniques.  相似文献   

    Shared ride services allow riders to share a ride to a common destination. They include ridesharing (carpooling and vanpooling); ridesplitting (a pooled version of ridesourcing/transportation network companies); taxi sharing; and microtransit. In recent years, growth of Internet-enabled wireless technologies, global satellite systems, and cloud computing - coupled with data sharing – are causing people to increase their use of mobile applications to share a ride. Some shared ride services, such as carpooling and vanpooling, can provide transportation, infrastructure, environmental, and social benefits. This paper reviews common shared ride service models, definitions, and summarises existing North American impact studies. Additionally, we explore the convergence of shared mobility; electrification; and automation, including the potential impacts of shared automated vehicle (SAV) systems. While SAV impacts remain uncertain, many practitioners and academic research predict higher efficiency, affordability, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The impacts of SAVs will likely depend on the number of personally owned automated vehicles; types of sharing (concurrent or sequential); and the future modal split among public transit, shared fleets, and pooled rides. We conclude the paper with recommendations for local governments and public agencies to help in managing the transition to highly automated vehicles and encouraging higher occupancy modes.  相似文献   
    Susan Francis 《游艇业》2009,(1):122-127
    驾驶着用两年半时间等来的Nordhavn55游艇,我们战胜了邪恶的飓风,穿过了弥漫的大雾。经过了“致命航线”。这次历时5个半月的航行使我这个“乘客”变成了“船员”,也使家人和朋友之间学会了相互信任和依靠。  相似文献   
    Researchers have devoted considerable effort to identifying homogeneous travel-behavior groups, each of which also has distinctive sociodemographic characteristics. Interest in these efforts has been fueled by both theoretical and applied concerns. From a theoretical perspective, if such behaviorally and sociodemographically homogeneous groups cari be identified, we would have an improved understanding of the determinants of travel. From an applied perspective, because spatial choice models assume behavioral homogeneity within each sociodemographically defined subgroup, one would like to be able to identify groups that are homogeneous with respect to both behavior and sociodemographics. Most previous efforts to define such groups have classified individuals on the basis of one-day travel records. In this paper we review these efforts, note the problems inherent in using one-day travel records for identifying homogeneous travel-behavior groups, and use standard grouping procedures to classify individuals on the basis of behavior observed over a longer time period (five weeks). Using multi-day travel data means that the travel measures employed in classifying individuals are different from and more complex than those used with one-day data. We identify five travel-behavior groups, each of which has distinctive socio-demographic characteristics. Considerable intra-group variability remains, however, even though the groups are classified on the basis of longer-term behavior. The paper concludes with an examination of the implications of day-to-day variability in individual travel for classification procedures.  相似文献   
    Disruptions and random supplies have been important sources of uncertainty that should be considered in the design and control of supply chains. There have been many real world examples in which a single catastrophic event has simultaneously degraded the capabilities of several suppliers leading to considerable erosion of profits and goodwill for a company. However, the literature on analytical models that account for the dependence nature of disruptions and its impact on supply chain performance is sparse.In this paper, we consider an m-manufacturer, 1-retailer, newsvendor inventory system with stochastically dependent manufacturing capacities, caused by random disruptions that may simultaneously inflict damages to the capacities of the manufacturers. We develop the structural/analytical properties of key performance measures and optimal inventory policies for the multi-source and assembly inventory systems. We show that stochastic dependence in disruptions can have opposite effects on system performance in the multi-source and assembly systems. While risk diversification is preferred in the multi-source system, risk concentration is preferred in the assembly system. Our results also suggest that, if the retailer ignores the effect of dependent disruptions, then in the multi-source structure, it would underestimate the cost, overestimate the fill rate, and order more units than the optimum; however, in the assembly structure, the opposite would happen. We perform a comprehensive numerical study to validate our analytical results and generate useful managerial and operational insights for effective risk management of supply chains in the presence of dependent supply uncertainty.  相似文献   
    测定30例PVG-PVG和40例LEW-PWG角膜移植术前、术后血清、房水和泪液Ig和C3含量。结果表明,泪液和房水IgG含量异常升高与角膜移植排斥反应显著相关。初步建立了大鼠角膜移植术后无排斥反应发生时泪液IgG含量变化的定量关系,提出预测角膜移植术后排斥反应发生的一种辅助方法。  相似文献   
    As the number of married women working outside the home continues to grow, questions arise as to the impact of a wife's employment on household travel patterns. In this paper we examine the effects of a wife's employment status on her own travel activity pattern and on that of her husband. Using data from the Uppsala Household Travel Survey, in which sample-household members kept detailed travel diaries for 35 days, we first compare the travel patterns of married women employed full time with those of married women employed part time and married women not working outside the home. We then compare the travel patterns of the three corresponding groups of husbands. Measures of travel activity patterns that were used include indices of overall travel frequency for different purposes, amount of time spent and distances travelled for different purposes, indices of the level of variety in the individual's destination choice set, and measures of mode use. The results show that women employed full-time do reduce their participation in some non-work activities although their distances travelled to activity sites are not shorter than those travelled by the other women.Few significant intergroup differences distinguish the travel activity patterns of the three groups of men. The evidence suggests that a woman's full-time employment does bring significant changes to her own travel pattern but has little impact on that of her husband. The paper concludes with a discussion of policy implications and a review of several Swedish programs that could eventually result in greater similarity in the travel activity patterns of men and women.  相似文献   
    Fang  Kevin  Handy  Susan 《Transportation》2019,46(1):263-283
    Transportation - Efforts to promote non-motorized, active transportation modes typically focus on walking and bicycling. However, other self-propelled devices such as skateboards, roller skates,...  相似文献   
    As a means of transportation and as a form of physical activity, bicycling generates benefits to the bicyclist as well as to the community as a whole. Bicycling now accounts for less than 1 percent of all trips for all purposes in the U.S., but evidence from other western countries suggests that under the right conditions, bicycling levels can be significantly higher. Indeed, the experiences of some U.S. cities suggest that it is possible to create conditions conducive to higher levels of bicycling even in the U.S. However, the extent to which bicycle investments have contributed to bicycling levels in these communities has not been rigorously assessed. The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of the determinants of bicycle ownership and use as a basis for identifying ways to promote bicycling. A cross-sectional study of six cities was designed to test the importance of bicycle infrastructure and other physical environment factors relative to individual factors and social environment factors, using a nested logit model to examine ownership and use decisions jointly. The results show strong effects of individual attitudes and physical and social environment factors on bicycle ownership and use.  相似文献   
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