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随着工业制造对环境友好和可持续发展的需求增加,智能制造融合绿色制造理念是未来工业发展的方向。在“双碳”背景下,探讨了如何构建具有绿色制造理念特色的智能制造工程专业建设。在专业建设方面,强调培养学生智能制造领域的绿色意识和环保责任感的重要性。在课程中引入环保相关知识,培养学生的创新和环境问题解决能力。通过强化实践教学,提高学生在绿色制造领域的实际操作技能。深化智能制造与绿色制造理念的融合,可以为培养具备绿色意识和智能制造工程技术人才提供有力支持,推动智能制造迈向更可持续的未来。  相似文献   
[Objective]In view of the insufficient safety and reliability of the traditional deterministic vibration analysis of ship propulsion shafting system, the vibration response analysis of the shafting system under uncertain excitation conditions is carried out. [Methods]Using non-random vibration analysis based on non-probabilistic convex model process, the uncertain excitation and vibration response are described in the form of the upper and lower bounds of the interval to reduce dependence on a large amount of excitation sample data. Compared with the calculation results in the relevant literature, the validity of the program for solving the response bound of the two-degrees-of-freedom (2-DOFs) system is verified, and the uncertain vibration problem of the shafting system is then explored on this basis. [Results]The results show that when the shafting system is excited by [−30 N, 30 N] propeller laterally, a displacement response of the magnitude of about 10−6 m is generated at the bearing. It is also indicate that the shafting system is excited in a certain interval, so a certain interval response must be produced. [Conclusions]Applying the non-probabilistic convex model process and non-random vibration analysis to the field of the uncertain vibration analysis of ship propulsion shafting system, the vibration displacement response bound of the shafting under uncertain excitation conditions can be obtained with fewer excitation samples, thereby providing useful references for improving the robustness of the dynamic response prediction of ship propulsion shafting systems. © 2023 Chinese Journal of Ship Research. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
[目的]由于船舶艉轴承的长径比较大,将其简化为传统的单点支撑等效模型难以反映出轴承的实际运行情况,因此有必要探讨艉轴承等效形式对轴系横向振动特性的影响。[方法]首先,基于能量原理,引入改进傅里叶级数方法描述推进轴系的横向振动位移,构建可用于单点、多点和连续分布式支撑的多种等效形式的推进轴系横向振动特性计算模型;然后,分别分析由液膜压力等效的支撑刚度变化对轴系横向振动特性以及螺旋桨激励对轴系振动响应的影响;最后,与文献和采用有限元方法(FEM)计算的结果进行对比,验证所提模型的正确性。[结果]结果显示,多点支撑的计算结果收敛于连续分布式支撑计算结果,螺旋桨激励下轴系响应受转速影响。[结论]研究表明,可采用三点支撑等效形式研究液膜压力分布对推进轴系横向振动特性的影响,所构建的计算模型收敛性好、计算精度高、代价低。  相似文献   
  目的  针对传统的船舶推进轴系确定性振动分析存在安全性与可靠性不足的问题,开展轴系在不确定性激励下的振动响应分析。  方法  采用基于非概率凸模型过程的非随机振动分析方法,以区间上下界的形式描述不确定性激励和振动响应,降低对大量激励样本数据的依赖。与相关文献的计算结果对比,验证所编求解二自由度系统响应边界程序的正确性,并基于在此,探究轴系的不确定振动问题。  结果  当轴系受到螺旋桨[−30 N,30 N]的横向激励力激励时,在轴承处产生了量级约为10−6 m的位移响应,表明轴系受到某一区间的激励,则必会产生某一区间的响应。  结论  将基于非概率凸模型过程的非随机振动分析方法应用于船舶推进轴系不确定性振动分析领域,可求得轴系受到不确定性激励时的振动位移响应边界,并可在激励样本较少的情况下为提高轴系系统动态响应预测的稳健性提供有益参考。  相似文献   
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