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二十年之前,当马丁·梅尔在超市中看到当红的Samantha Fox(80年代英伦当红歌手、演员、模特)和兰博基尼的康塔什海报时,他毫不犹豫地选择了后者,我一直狂迷于类似康塔什这样的纯种超跑,对于我来说康塔什已经不是一个简简单单的机械产  相似文献   
法国车厂喜欢把钱花在一些比较另类的方面:比如打造一辆适合家庭使用且制作工艺精湛的主流B级车,抑或是精雕细琢的A级车。而各大车展便成了他们的秀场,看看这些年他们推出的那些惊为天人的概念车就知道,业内大腕们可能都在颤抖了,可能是法拉利,可能是保时捷。但是当我们  相似文献   
作为建筑师、设计师及企业家。巴克明斯特·福勒(BuckminsterFuller)是一个高瞻远瞩的人。他从1930年代开始,不仅设计出了宏伟的穹顶建筑,还希望能创造一个新的世界。在可回收材料和环境保护意识方面,他走在时代的前端。最大限度能源利用车(Dymaxion-Car)就是他设计的一种环保车型。他将地球看作是一个由人类驾驶,在银河中飞行的航天飞船。他知道,只有人类与大自然和谐相处才能免于灭顶之灾。但福勒的意思并非要人们拒绝现代生活方式带来的舒适与安逸,虽然这种生活同时也会伴有环境污染等问题。  相似文献   
Sinatra  Hido 《汽车生活》2011,(10):112-113
对于改款科帕奇的出现,很多同级别的车型内心应该不怎么好受:合理的价格、不俗的外形、宽敞的空间、合适的代言人,仿佛都准确地契合中国消费者诉求。大部分国人买车买的就是这几点,毕竟我们没有汽车文化的底蕴,购车理念相对落后,同样的车子妈妈看外形,爸爸看空间,女儿看代言人,全家讨论价格。于是应运而生了很多时势造英雄的车型,这次改款各方面都不俗的科帕奇是否能打破同级别"神车"的统治呢?  相似文献   
Measurements of boundary layer moisture have been acquired from Rotronic MP-100 sensors deployed on two NDBC buoys in the northern Gulf of Mexico from June through November 1993. For one sensor, which was retrieved approximately 8 months after deployment, the post- and precalibrations agreed closely and fell well within WMO specifications for accuracy. The second sensor operated continuously from June 1993 to February 1997 (3.5 years). Buoy observations of relative humidity and supporting data were used to calculate specific humidity and the surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat. Specific humidities from the buoys were compared with observations of moisture obtained from nearby ship reports, and the correlations were generally high (0.7–0.9). Surface gravity wave spectra were also acquired. The time series of specific humidity and the other buoy parameters revealed three primary scales of variability, small (h), synoptic (days), and seasonal (months). The synoptic variability was clearly dominant and occurred primarily during September, October, and November. Most of the synoptic variability was due to frontal systems that dropped down into the Gulf of Mexico from the continental US followed by air masses which were cold and dry. Cross-correlation analyses of the buoy data indicated that: (1) the moisture field was highly coherent over distances of 800 km or more in the northern Gulf of Mexico; and (2) both specific humidity and air temperature served as tracers of the motion associated with propagating atmospheric disturbances. These correlation analyses also revealed that the prevailing weather systems generally entered the buoy domain from the South prior to September, but primarily from the North thereafter. Spectra of the various buoy parameters indicated strong diurnal and semidiurnal variability for barometric pressure and sea surface temperature (SST) and lesser variability for air temperature, wind speed and significant wave height. The surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat were dominated by the synoptic events which took place from September through November with the transfer of latent heat being primarily from the ocean to the atmosphere. Finally, an analysis of the surface wave observations from each buoy, which included calculations of wave age and estimates of surface roughness, indicate that major heat and moisture flux events coincide with periods of active wave growth, although the data were insufficient to identify any causal relationships.  相似文献   
This paper describes a coupled beam method, which estimates elastic response in the longitudinal bending of a passenger ship with a large multi-deck superstructure. The method can be applied during an early project stage, when detailed three-dimensional finite element modelling is not yet possible. The theory is based on the assumption that each deck in the superstructure and also the main hull can be considered as a thin-walled beam. These beams are coupled to adjacent beams with springs modelling vertical and shear stiffness. The shear effect in the side and deck structures is included with options for large openings. As a result, the method allows for the calculation of the normal stresses and vertical deflections in the arbitrary location of the hull girder. Average longitudinal displacements of deck structures and shear stresses in the side structures can be estimated as well. Simplified structures were analysed in order to validate the coupled beam method against the three-dimensional finite element method.  相似文献   
李惟哲  Sinatra  张娟 《汽车生活》2011,(9):124-125
EOS这个词对于普罗大众来说会被认作为相机的代名词,殊不知就是与很多大众汽车的车型一样,她的名字别有一番风味goddess of dawn in ancientmythology,就如同我们这期另外的一个小钢炮scirocco一样。优雅的名字如今重装上阵来到我们面前,动力提升11马力,极速超越236km/h,破百时  相似文献   
Sinatra  Rice 《汽车生活》2011,(5):50-51
如今的上海街头有几种人看不到了,分别是帝国主义、洋气的工人、开心的穷人以及老早的流氓。确实。今日的上海或许有更为财大气粗的老板,各种豪车争奇斗艳,想要脱颖而出必须别出心裁,就像我们拍了这么多的车,各种吸盘、超广角、大光圈已经被用烂。所以对着这辆非常有爱的微车,我们决定来个light graffiti。  相似文献   
"设计师是天底下仅次于上帝的职业,同样是创造。"这是张帆对自己职业的理解。张帆,这位从小就喜欢画画的四川小伙子,不到30岁就被全球豪华车三巨头之一——奔驰德国设计本部聘为终身设计师;宝马1系、奥迪A3的强劲竞争对手;上海车展上大杀菲林的奔驰A-CLASS概念车的外观设计就出自他之手。  相似文献   
Sinatra  Hido 《汽车生活》2011,(10):104-105
Lady Gaga把她的死忠歌迷称为little monster来源于她的畅销专辑《The Fame Monster》,而一直被冠以"尚酷"之名的VW Scirocco自始至终在我眼里是以一个little monst,er的姿态出现在街头巷尾——从外观来说,荣获唯美汽车设计大奖的高性能两厢车大奖、《TopGear》年度车型、德国《汽车画报》运动车型年度最佳设计大奖、苏格兰2008年度运动车  相似文献   
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