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改性淤泥做码头填筑材料试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过新型固化剂对江底淤泥的改性作用,使得江底淤泥达到作为堤岸码头填筑材料的技术要求,同时使得淤泥改性后淤泥改性土在抗剪强度指标上达到C≥30Kpa、内摩擦角f>25°,成为工程用土。一方面可以减少江底清淤工程量;另一方面,可以将淤泥作为填筑材料资源化利用。  相似文献   
计及空气阻尼影响的接触线波动速度修正研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
接触线的波动速度是高速铁路弓网动态特性的关键参数,直接决定着动车组的最高运行速度。在计算接触线的波动速度时,一般未考虑空气阻尼对接触线波动速度的影响。本文通过对张力梁的波动方程中波动速度详细求解公式的推导,建立空气阻尼下接触线的受力模型,详细推导计及空气阻尼的接触线波动速度公式,找出影响接触线波动速度的关键参数,分析接触线波动速度与张力-空气阻尼系数的关系曲线,为高速铁路接触线的设计与施工提供借鉴。  相似文献   
对大功率电力机车的牵引缓冲装置变形吸能元件支撑板的功能、结构、主要工艺难点进行分析,介绍一种新型的加工工艺方法,大大地提高了其生产效率.  相似文献   
Objective To study direct cortical electrical stimulation technique for the recording of motor evoked potentials under general anesthesia in central sulcus lesions. Methods The largest N20-P25 response was recorded from postcentral gyrus by intraoperative monitoring of cortical motor evoked potentials in 10 patients with intracranial lesions near or in the central area. The muscles of upper extremity in all patients were activated by delivering stimulus to cortical areas continuously. Moving the cortical electrodes forward, the largest P20-N25 response, SEP phase reversal,was obtained as a motor center stimulus. In this site of cortex, a short train stimulation elicited reproducible muscle action potentials that could be observed from the oscilloscope without averaging.Results MEPs can be recorded, pre- and post-operatively, without motor deficits of upper limbs in all patients.Conclusion This technique seems to be preferable for intraoperative localization of motor evoked potentials in central sulcus lesions under total intravenous anesthesia.  相似文献   
The eigenvector of a module with six adjacent module's state was constructed according to self-reconfigurable robot M-Cubes and the configuration of system was expressed with the eigenvectors of all modules.According to the configuration and motion characteristics of the modules,a 3-dimension motion rule set was provided.The rule sets of each module was run according to eigenvector of the module after the motion direction of system decided and motion rules were selected.At last,the rapid and effective motion and metamorphosis were realized in system.The rule sets are operated on three systems and the distributed motion of system is fully realized.The result of simulation shows that the 3-dimension motion rule sets has perfect applicability and extensibility.The motion steps and communication load of the modules increase with the module number in linear.  相似文献   
结合工业生产和生活中的实际问题,以STC89C52单片机为核心,通过外围硬件电路达到液位监控的目的.该系统主要是实时监测液位变化并进行显示输出.此外,系统在液位不满足要求的情况下,实现自动注水或放水,保证系统的水位在规定的范围内.本设计的液位显示通过LCD1602实现,液位测量部分使用了超声波测距模块,分辨率高,且为非接触式测量,抗干扰能力强.而对于液位的控制部分主要通过C语言编程来实现,同时增加了液位报警功能.  相似文献   
深圳太子湾邮轮母港工程在码头接岸结构遇到复杂软弱地质夹层,采用疏排管桩新型码头结构可以提高岸坡整体稳定性,文中论述了几种结构设计方案的比选,疏排管桩码头结构成为实施方案,该结构的顺利实施为今后类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   
分析当前高校人力资源管理的特征及存在的主要问题,探讨了高校人力资源管理机制等方面的改革和创新思路和建议.  相似文献   
结合国内外超大型绞吸挖泥船的特点和发展趋势,对我国自主研发设计的"天鲲"号超大型自航绞吸挖泥船的船型、主尺度和总布置等总体设计要点进行详细论述,形成了大型绞吸式挖泥船船型论证分析的总体思路,为超大型自航绞吸式挖泥船的总体设计提供参考,提升了国内整体绞吸船的设计和建造水平。  相似文献   
以静排水量为400 t的水翼复合小水线面双体船HYSWATH为研究对象,对其纵向运动性能进行数值模拟,将理论计算结果与模型试验结果进行对比分析,验证CFD理论计算方法的可靠性。并且以此为基础,研究水翼参数变化对HYSWATH纵向运动性能的影响,为后续该类船舶的设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   
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