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This paper explores the online channel strategies adopted by Chinese manufacturers with regard to the Belt and Road. It also investigates the effect of offline channel power structures and maritime transportation costs on online channel mode selection and pricing strategies. The offline channel power structures are classified into three types, namely, Chinese manufacturer Stackelberg (MS) structure, vertical Nash (VN) structure, and foreign retailer Stackelberg (RS) structure. Furthermore, a game model is developed among the Chinese manufacturer, foreign retailer, and cross-border e-tailer to investigate the interactions among offline channel power structures, maritime transportation costs, and Chinese manufacturers’ online channel mode selection. The results show that Chinese manufacturers’ preferences for the online agency selling mode increases correspondingly with the decrease in their market position and bargaining power. Moreover, foreign retailers can obtain higher profits in the online agency selling mode under the VN structure. However, the level of profit for foreign retailers depends on the intensity of their competition with cross-border e-tailers under the MS and RS structures. Finally, consumers in countries along the Belt and Road can obtain a higher surplus in the online agency selling mode under all of the structures.  相似文献   
严吉  李峻林  赵恒 《舰船电子工程》2007,27(2):63-65,85
针对当前舰载文电系统开发效率低、灵活性和健壮性较差的问题,提出一种基于CORBA的舰载文电系统构件化设计与实现方法,分析和比较采用此方法所实现的新型文电系统的特点。  相似文献   
铁路道口信号设备的维护与监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用微机技术、单片机技术、传感器技术和RS-232方式,完成对铁路道口信号设备实际运行情况的卖时监测,为实现道口信号设备状态维修提供基础设备。  相似文献   
对东海大桥光板岩墩基础施工方案进行了介绍和讨论,在风大、浪高、水急、涌强等恶劣天气外海海况,以及基岩裸露、岩面倾斜度大、基岩强度高等地理状况的特殊施工条件下,光板岩墩基础施工方案的选定和成功实施,为我国跨海桥梁光板岩基础的施工提供一些经验和参考.  相似文献   
结合实例介绍了轿车故障码的正确运用:一是要认清电脑故障的性质和范围;二是能区别故障码的真伪性;三是提取故障码之前,应首先确认自诊断系统是否正常;四是不轻易更换电脑;五是故障码的正确清除方法;六是重视检修后的车辆检验;七是熟悉OBD—Ⅱ随车电脑诊断系统。  相似文献   
GM(1,1)模型与指数模型在基桩沉降预测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以某大型基桩的沉降预测为例,利用灰色系统理论的GM(1,1)与Aeax曲线模型进行基桩在外荷载作用下沉降量的预测。结果表明:两种模型对于呈指数变化规律的系统能获得较好的预测结果;两种模型对基桩累计沉降的预测符合工程实际,对各级荷载作用下的本级沉降预测不够合理。对两种模型关系的研究表明,两者有内在联系,都属指数曲线预测模型,且指数曲线Aeax预测模型比GM(1,1)模型应用起来更简单,方便。  相似文献   
贫困大学生就业分析及思路创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生就业形势日益严峻,而贫困大学毕业生是大学毕业生中的弱势群体,他们客观存在着不利因素,很大程度上影响了他们就业。各级就业工作职能部门应该从“以人为本”的高度,创新思路,千方百计帮助贫困大学生克服就业障碍,成功就业。  相似文献   
Discusses and analyzes the causes and characteristics of the uncertainties of the information and actions for preventing collision at sea on the basic knowledge of the collision avoidance.Describes the ways and functions of the investigations about the uncertainties of the information and actions of collision avoidance with the navigation simulators.Puts forward some suggestions for the officers to master the skills of the recognition of these uncertainties of the information and actions by the training with the sim- ulator during the MET course.  相似文献   
新型铣磨车磨粉收集装置可及时、高效地输送磨盘打磨钢轨产生的磨粉,有效防止磨粉在管道中堆积。磨粉收集装置的核心是风机和风管。本文具体阐述了风机和风管的参数设计过程,并分析了各参数的相互影响,提出了收集装置设计中三个难点的解决方法:①整个装置中磨粉的高压输送,通过合理的风机和风管参数解决;②在管道中,高温磨粉通过高速空气输送被风冷;③黏着主要由潮湿和静电所致,磨加工产生的高温使潮湿的磨粉干燥,静电则通过加装除静电的导线解决。  相似文献   
研究目的:西南山区地形地质条件复杂,高速铁路隧道难免会下穿溪流河谷,隧道浅埋暗挖下穿河谷存在较高的安全风险,在设计中也有很多技术性问题。本文以贵广铁路重点工程岩山隧道下穿八匡河段的设计为工程背景,对隧道浅埋暗挖下穿季节性河谷设计关键技术展开研究。研究结论:(1)浅埋暗挖下穿季节性河谷主要风险有地表水大量涌入隧道突水突泥、暗挖隧道坍方、隧道衬砌结构上浮三部分;(2)采用由咬合桩、压顶梁、压顶抗浮板、框架内注浆加固岩体与全封闭衬砌组成门式封闭结构体系,可大幅降低施工风险且结构安全可靠;(3)先封后挖的施工工序和有效的风险控制预案,可保证下穿施工安全、工程风险可控;(4)研究成果可应用于类似的隧道下穿季节性河谷地段工程设计及施工。  相似文献   
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