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北京京西重工正在酝酿重启全盘竞购德尔福的计划。因债权人反对,德尔福此前与美国私募股权投资公司PlatinumEquity以36亿美元价格达成的全盘收购计划已被推翻。目前,美国破产法院正要求德尔福重新公开出售其资产。京西重工3月30日以1亿美元的价格收购了德尔福全球汽车悬架和制动项目。准备在北京构建高端零部件产业园区,而全盘收购德尔福曾被列入其下一步并购计划中。  相似文献   
倪达 《汽车与配件》2000,(41):36-37
9月15日清晨,韩国大宇集团结构调整协议会接到美国福特汽车公司的通知,称经过董事会的慎重讨论,决定放弃收购大宇汽车公司的计划,但未具体说明原因。消息传出后在韩国经济界引起轩然大波,投资者普遍对大宇汽车公司的未来乃至韩国经济复苏前景表示担忧,导致大  相似文献   
四川腾中重工收购悍马交易在美国东部时间2010年2月24日被宣布中止,通用汽车给出的原因是:四川腾中无法在拟议的交易时间里获得中国监管部门的许可。  相似文献   
5月6日,保时捷和大众汽车宣布,双方将合并组建新集团。而此前,保时捷一直在进行着对大众汽车的收购计划。至今年1月,保时捷已拥有大众汽车超过50%的股份。  相似文献   
杨毅 腾中重工收购悍马事件终于迈入了实质进展阶段,双方就悍马业务的出售签署最终协议。腾中重工总经理杨毅从默默无名到如今风光出镜,说话的口气仍旧充满信心。其实腾中能否真的收购悍马。这事挺悬!交易还要中美双方政府相关监管部门审批。如果中国政府不予以批准。收购计划就会落空。但这显然不是杨毅所关心的问题,一边高调规划中国高端越野车梦,一边继续赚吆喝。何乐而不为?  相似文献   
When an aircraft moves under a low carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) or at a high speed, increasing the sensitivity of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver is a goal quite hard to achieve. A novel acquisition scheme assisted with micro-electro-mechanical-sensor (MEMS) inertial navigation system (INS) is presented to estimate the Doppler caused by user dynamics relative to each satellite ahead of time. Based on tightly coupled GNSS/INS estimation algorithm, MEMS INS Doppler error that can be achieved is first described. Then, by analyzing the mean acquisition time and signal detection probability, the MEMS INS-assisted acquisition capabilities in cold, warm and hot starts are quantitatively determined and compared with the standard GNSS acquisition capability. The simulations and comparisons have shown that: the acquisition time in cold start can be shortened by at least 23 s, the time in warm start can be shortened to 1 s and the acquisition capability is improved 95%, and the reacquisition time in hot start can be shortened by around 0.090 s and the capability can be enhanced 40%. The results demonstrate the validity of the novel method.  相似文献   
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