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Following the basic theory of protecting gas-reservoirs from damage with the temporary bridging technology, inert calcium carbonate (CaCO3) particles, whose diameter is consistent with the size of pores or apertures in the reservoir, were selected as the bridging agent, and modified resolvable starch was selected as filtration loss reducing particles to form the non-clay low damage temporary bridging drilling/completion fluids system (NLTDFS). Under the simulated condition of the well bottom during real drilling, NLTDFS was used to conduct dynamic and static damage experiments of cores for 48 hours, respectively, and then the experimented cores were permeated with pure nitrogen from the undamaged end to the damaged one to measure their recovery of permeability. The results showed that the permeability recovery rate of the core reached 90% or so, and the damaged depth was less than 1 cm, which demonstrates that NL TDFS has higher temporary bridging effectiveness and lower damage to the gas-reservoir than other drilling fluids system. NLTDFS has been used to drill many horizontal wells, and four of them have obtained high yield of natural gas. The yield of natural gas of LPl well reached 85 X 104 m3/day after completion with the rump pipe. The formation of the stable well wall and smooth drilling led to an API loss less than 4 mL and an HTHP loss less than 15 mL.  相似文献   
10月19日.“2014北京马拉松”开跑。然而天公不作美,重度雾霾于这一天再度袭来,早上十点左右空气污染指数逼近400.PM2.5指数也接近350。带着各式各样口罩参赛的跑者也成为了本届比赛的”一大看点”。据北京市环保局的数据统计.在北京市本地污染排放结构中.机动车、燃煤、工业生产、扬尘为主要来源.分别占31.1%、22.4%、18.1%和14.3%.不难看出,治理机动车尾气排放对缓解北京大气污染的重要性不言而喻。  相似文献   
2001—2010年重庆主城区空气质量变化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对重庆市主城区2001—2010年10a间空气污染指数统计分析,研究了空气环境质量的年际、月际变化。结果显示:重庆市主城区空气质量状况逐年转好,空气污染重点控制时段应以秋冬季节为主,以1、2、3、11、12月为重点;空气首要污染因子以可吸入颗粒物为主,以SO2为辅,可吸入颗粒物应全年加强控制,SO2污染重点控制月份以1、4、7、8、11月为主;从API指数来看,易反弹天数全年分布较为均匀,但临界优良天数较集中分布在1、2、3、11、12月份,应作为重点治理时段。  相似文献   
2010年1月20日,苏州市广大市民迎来了一件关乎舒适出行和改善空气污染指数的喜事。苏州市新能源混合动力公交车试运营启动仪式在市工人文化宫五一广场举行,两台苏州金龙公司生产的海格新能源混合动力公交车首次投入试用,在人民路上的公交1路线上运营。苏州市委副书记、市长阎立,市委常委、副市长周伟强等领导出席仪式。  相似文献   
金雯 《车时代》2012,(9):15-15
到App Store下载一个叫做“空气污染指数”的应用,将城市指定为北京。看过明天的空气污染状况预报之后(那通常来说不会是一个令你开心的数字),再打开“趋势”功能,看看360天的全年趋势图表——如果你是首都辖区内的敞篷车主,或尚未完成销售经理布置的敞篷车销售指标的4S店销售代表。  相似文献   
<正>随着"雾霾"这个词的频繁出现,空气污染指数常常爆表,人们对大气环境也越来越重视,人们经常生活在雾霾天气中,对身体健康、交通秩序、工作效率等都有严重的影响。如何有效控制雾霾天气对人们的危害,值得研究。1雾霾天气形成的原因分析(1)工业生产及燃烧排放。工业生产过程中需要大量的燃料,如煤、油、气等,这些物质在燃烧过程会排放出大量的碳氢化合物、氮氧化合物和硫化物等。  相似文献   
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