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The article reports an experimental study of driver steering control behaviour in a lane-change manoeuvre. Eight test subjects were instrumented with electromyography to measure muscle activation and co-contraction. Each subject completed 30 lane-change manoeuvres with one vehicle on a fixed-base driving simulator. For each driver, the steering torque feedback characteristic was changed after every ten manoeuvres; the response of the vehicle to steering angle inputs was not changed. Drivers' control strategies were found to be robust to changes in steering torque feedback. Path-following errors, muscle activity and muscle co-contraction all reduce with the number of lane-changes performed by the driver, suggesting the existence of a learning process. Comparing the test subjects, there was some evidence that high levels of co-contraction were used to allow high-frequency steering inputs to be generated. The results contribute to the understanding of vehicle-driver (and more generally, human-machine) dynamic interaction.  相似文献   
跟驰过程中驾驶员认知结构模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在道路交通4要素中(人、车、路、环境),人以其主动性和智慧性起着支配作用,是其中的主体要素。基于认知心理学的有关知识,论文采用因子分析法对五轮仪实验系统观测到的车辆跟驰数据进行分析,确定了对车辆跟驰信息提取过程有独立作用的4个因素,相应地将驾驶员认知过程划分为4个阶段,建立了车辆跟驰过程的驾驶员认知结构模型。为驾驶行为研究和车辆跟驰模型的建立提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
The turning behavior is one of the most challenging driving maneuvers under non-protected phase at mixed-flow intersections. Currently, one-dimensional simulation models focus on car-following and gap-acceptance behaviors in pre-defined lanes with few lane-changing behaviors, and they cannot model the lateral and longitudinal behaviors simultaneously, which has limitation in representing the realistic turning behavior. This paper proposes a three-layered “plan-decision-action” (PDA) framework to obtain acceleration and angular velocity in the turning process. The plan layer firstly calculates the two-dimensional optimal path and dynamically adjusts the trajectories according to interacting objects. The decision layer then uses the decision tree method to select a suitable behavior in three alternatives: car-following, turning and yielding. Finally, in the action layer, a set of corresponding operational models specify the decided behavior into control parameters. The proposed model is tested by reproducing 210 trajectories of left-turn vehicles at a two-phase mixed-flow intersection in Shanghai. As a result, the simulation reproduces the variation of trajectories, while the coverage rate of the trajectories is 88.8%. Meanwhile, both the travel time and post-encroachment time of simulation and empirical turning vehicles are similar and do not show statistically significant difference.  相似文献   
One interaction between environmental and safety goals in transport is found within the vehicle fleet where fuel economy and secondary safety performance of individual vehicles impose conflicting requirements on vehicle mass from an individual’s perspective. Fleet characteristics influence the relationship between the environmental and safety outcomes of the fleet; the topic of this paper. Cross-sectional analysis of mass within the British fleet is used to estimate the partial effects of mass on the fuel consumption and secondary safety performance of vehicles. The results confirmed that fuel consumption increases as mass increases and is different for different combinations of fuel and transmission types. Additionally, increasing vehicle mass generally decreases the risk of injury to the driver of a given vehicle in the event of a crash. However, this relationship depends on the characteristics of the vehicle fleet, and in particular, is affected by changes in mass distribution within the fleet. We confirm that there is generally a trade-off in vehicle design between fuel economy and secondary safety performance imposed by mass. Cross-comparison of makes and models by model-specific effects reveal cases where this trade-off exists in other aspects of design. Although it is shown that mass imposes a trade-off in vehicle design between safety and fuel use, this does not necessarily mean that it imposes a trade-off between safety and environmental goals in the vehicle fleet as a whole because the secondary safety performance of a vehicle depends on both its own mass and the mass of the other vehicles with which it collides.  相似文献   
The present paper proposes a conceptual framework for the driver’s visual–spatial perceptual processes. Based on a theoretical analysis of driving proposed by Gibson and Crooks [(1938). A theoretical field-analysis of automobile-driving. The American Journal of Psychology, 51, 453–471. doi:10.2307/1416145], the developed field of safe travel (FoST) framework suggests that at any moment the driver constructs a “field” by integrating two perceptual entities: (i) the possible available spatial fields for locomotion and (ii) the driver’s mental image of ego-vehicle outer-line and motion dynamics. This framework is used to reinterpret in a unified way a number of disparate research findings reported in the literature concerning specific driving sub-tasks (e.g. lane keeping and car following). It is argued that the FoST framework may be used to predict drivers’ behaviour in various traffic/situation environments based on their prioritisation between the above two perceptual entities. Implications of the proposed framework at a theoretical and practical level, in view of the future of driving with multiple levels of automation, are also discussed.  相似文献   
探讨司机控制器可靠性试验,包括如何进行可靠性试验、试验的工作周期和流程设计、MTBF的时间单位与周期单位的换算、故障分级、试验结果的统计分析等相关问题,以解决开展可靠性试验中遇到的诸多实际问题,与机车厂提出的可靠性MTBF要求相呼应,为司机控制器可靠性试验铁道行业标准的制定提供参考.  相似文献   
本系统集监测与舒缓功能于一身实现驾驶员不良情绪状态实时、非接触式地监测及舒缓.该系统首先使用肤色模型算法迅速定位人脸,然后利用累积差分帧和 Hough 变换等实时图像处理技术进行检测、跟踪眼睛和嘴巴的状态并提取相对特征参数,进而与表情模板匹配,以相似度衡量相似程度并最终判定驾驶员的实时情绪状态.如果判定的结果为不良情绪状态,系统将自动播放与之相对应的舒缓曲目,最终达到舒缓驾驶员情绪、保证安全行车的目的.  相似文献   
基于预瞄跟随理论,本文应用一般随机摄动法,对考虑驾驶员不确定性的人-车闭环系统进行响应分析,结合实例,说明该方法在汽车主动安全性评价中的应用。  相似文献   
本文就驾驶员动视力的好坏对行车安全的影响进行了探讨,重点分析了驾驶员事故群与无事故群动视力的差异的显著性,论述了检测驾驶员动视力的必要性。同时介绍了动视力检测仪的检测原理、仪器的结构及检测方法。该仪器可以自动地对各类人员进行动视力、动静视力和静视力的检测。  相似文献   
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