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为进一步明确无砟轨道部件伤损对轨道结构受力和行车安全的影响,需要对典型病害类型展开现场动力学试验。本次现场试验主要针对框架板式轨道CA砂浆伤损进行动力测试试验,从而分析CA砂浆伤损(碎裂、掉块等)修复前后钢轨及轨道板的动力学响应,评估CA砂浆伤损对轨道结构受力和行车安全的影响,以及针对现场CA砂浆碎裂等病害的现有修复技术加以评估。  相似文献   
客车发生正面碰撞事故约占客车碰撞事故的50%~60%。利用LS-DYNA软件,建立了包括假人、安全带和安全气囊在内的大客车车体有限元模型,对不同速度下营运大客车的正面碰撞特性进行了模拟仿真计算,分析了无任何保护措施、佩戴安全带及佩戴安全带且安全气囊起爆三种事故形态下乘员头部HPC值、胸部压缩量和大腿骨轴向接触力等伤害值。研究结果表明,安全带对于驾驶员的保护意义重大,为营运大客车乘员保护设计以及合理制定营运大客车正面碰撞法规提供数据参考。  相似文献   
目的研究大鼠弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury,DAI)后小G蛋白rab10在大脑皮层的表达变化规律,探讨DAI后rab10在神经修复中的作用及意义。方法采用头颅瞬间旋转损伤装置建立大鼠DAI模型,随机分为1d、3d、7d组及对照组。采用Gless嗜银染色和TUNEL染色分别观察DAI后神经轴索形态和凋亡变化;采用Western blot、免疫组化等方法检测大鼠大脑皮层rab10的分布及表达,并采用免疫荧光双标染色分析大脑皮层神经元内rab10的表达变化。结果嗜银染色显示DAI后1d神经轴索形态损伤最严重,3~7d时损伤逐渐减轻;TUNEL染色显示DAI后1d凋亡细胞数开始升高,3~7d时凋亡数量更高,呈迟发性改变。Western blot及免疫组化结果均提示DAI后1d大脑皮层rab10的表达显著增加,3d后稍降低,7d后明显降低,但仍高于正常(P<0.05);免疫荧光双标染色提示正常神经元内几乎不表达rab10,DAI后神经元内rab10表达在1~3d较高,7d时较前降低。结论大鼠DAI后大脑皮层rab10表达水平先增加,随后降低;神经元内rab10的表达变化可能与DAI后神经轴索修复有关。  相似文献   
目的研究弥漫性轴索损伤(DAI)后患者外周血CD4+/CD8+T细胞比值及炎症因子IL-6、IL-10水平的变化,探讨影响DAI患者预后的相关危险因素及可能的预测因子。方法收集115例DAI患者的相关临床资料及伤后至少6个月的随访结果,并将采集的患者外周血采用流式细胞仪检测CD4+、CD8+T细胞及其比值,ELISA法检测IL-6、IL-10水平,对免疫炎症指标及临床资料进行单因素和多因素分析,多因素分析采用Logistic回归分析。结果DAI后合并其他脑损伤、瞳孔改变、伤后昏迷时间及入院时GCS评分是影响患者预后的危险因素,而其他因素则与预后不相关。CD4+/CD8+T淋巴细胞比值降低是DAI后发生ARDS/ALI的危险因素,CD4+/CD8+T淋巴细胞比值与患者预后关系不大,而ARDS/ALI的发生则是影响DAI患者预后的重要危险因素。IL-6增加与DAI后ARDS/ALI密切相关,可作为ARDS/ALI发生的预测因子,其水平是患者预后的危险因素,而IL-10则在此过程中与ARDS/ALI不相关,且与患者预后无关。结论 CD4+/CD8+T淋巴细胞比值降低是DAI后发生ARDS/ALI的危险因素,IL-6可作为ARDS/ALI发生的预测因子。DAI后与患者预后相关的危险因素包括合并其他脑损伤、瞳孔改变、伤后昏迷时间、入院时GCS评分、IL-6水平及并发ARDS/ALI。  相似文献   
目的本研究旨在评价亚低温治疗(HT)对弥漫性轴索损伤(DAI)的疗效及安全性。方法计算机检索Pubmed、Embase、Cochrane Library、中国知网、万方、维普、中国生物医学文献数据库,时间截止到2014年6月,纳入HT与常温(NT)对比治疗DAI的随机对照研究(RCT)。由2位研究者独立评价纳入研究的质量、提取数据,采用RevMan 5.2.7进行统计分析。结果共纳入18个方法学质量较低的研究,包括1 332例DAI患者,其中HT组713例,NT组619例。Meta分析结果显示:HT组患者的病死率低于NT组(RR=0.62,95%CI:0.53~0.73,P<0.000 01);格拉斯哥预后评分(GOS)显示HT组3月GOS 4~5(RR=1.65,95%CI:1.45~1.88,P<0.000 01)与6月GOS 4~5(RR=1.54,95%CI:1.08~2.19,P=0.02)均高于NT组;HT治疗24h后患者颅内压低于NT组(MD=-0.70,95%CI:―0.94~―0.47,P<0.000 01)。在感染、出血事件、心律失常等并发症方面HT与NT之间差异无统计学意义。结论目前没有确切证据表明HT治疗具有明显优势,DAI患者可能从HT治疗中受益,但在临床上推广应十分谨慎。期待设计严格、统一标准的大样本、多中心RCT继续研究。  相似文献   
目的研究AMP激活的蛋白激酶(AMPK)信号通路在弥漫性轴索损伤(DAI)大鼠脑组织中的表达,探讨AMPK对DAI后神经自噬的调节机制。方法大鼠头颅瞬间旋转损伤法建立DAI模型,免疫蛋白印迹法检测造模后1、3、7d大脑皮层和海马AMPK、磷酸化AMPK(p-AMPK)、Beclin1、LC3Ⅰ/Ⅱ、p62蛋白的动态表达,并与正常组和假手术组比较。侧脑室给予AMPK抑制剂Compound C及激活剂AICAR,检测药物干预对大鼠神经自噬相关蛋白表达的影响,并与DAI组和vehicle组进行比较。结果与正常组和假手术组相比,DAI 1d后脑内AMPK信号通路激活,3d后脑内自噬水平上调;Compound C可以减少AMPK磷酸化激活同时下调脑内的自噬水平,AICAR可以增高AMPK磷酸化水平上调神经自噬改善神经功能损伤。结论大鼠DAI后AMPK的激活可以上调神经自噬的水平,对DAI后的神经保护有重要意义。  相似文献   
Euro NCAP发布的行人模型认证技术公告TB024的最新版本对6岁儿童行人模型认证提出了单独要求,旨在加强对儿童行人的保护.本研究应用符合Euro NCAP技术公告(TB024)规定并且具有详细解剖学结构的6岁儿童行人有限元模型,设置了4组不同方位行人-汽车碰撞仿真试验,以探究不同碰撞方位下的儿童下肢损伤机理.结果...  相似文献   
为了探究旋转速度在行人头部与车辆碰撞中对颅脑组织响应影响,对46例真实交通事故进行了运动学重建获得行人头部与车辆碰撞线性、旋转速度分布特征,并依此建立了头部与风挡、发动机罩碰撞有限元仿真模型,分析了头部旋转速度在不同线性速度和碰撞位置下对颅脑应力应变响应影响特征.结果表明:在行人头部与风挡碰撞中,当线性速度小于40 k...  相似文献   
One interaction between environmental and safety goals in transport is found within the vehicle fleet where fuel economy and secondary safety performance of individual vehicles impose conflicting requirements on vehicle mass from an individual’s perspective. Fleet characteristics influence the relationship between the environmental and safety outcomes of the fleet; the topic of this paper. Cross-sectional analysis of mass within the British fleet is used to estimate the partial effects of mass on the fuel consumption and secondary safety performance of vehicles. The results confirmed that fuel consumption increases as mass increases and is different for different combinations of fuel and transmission types. Additionally, increasing vehicle mass generally decreases the risk of injury to the driver of a given vehicle in the event of a crash. However, this relationship depends on the characteristics of the vehicle fleet, and in particular, is affected by changes in mass distribution within the fleet. We confirm that there is generally a trade-off in vehicle design between fuel economy and secondary safety performance imposed by mass. Cross-comparison of makes and models by model-specific effects reveal cases where this trade-off exists in other aspects of design. Although it is shown that mass imposes a trade-off in vehicle design between safety and fuel use, this does not necessarily mean that it imposes a trade-off between safety and environmental goals in the vehicle fleet as a whole because the secondary safety performance of a vehicle depends on both its own mass and the mass of the other vehicles with which it collides.  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of personal and environmental characteristics on severity of injuries sustained in pedestrian–vehicle crashes using a generalized ordered probit model. The data covers 2000–2004 of pedestrian–vehicle crashes taken from police incident reports for Baltimore City and supplemented with local land use, urban form and transportation information specific to the individual crash locations. The results on personal and behavioral variables confirm previous findings. Women pedestrians involved in crashes tend to be injured less frequently than their male counterparts; children have an increased likelihood of sustaining injuries and older persons are more likely to be fatally injured. Pedestrians who cross against the traffic signal, are not in a crosswalk and are involved in a crash after dark are associated with greater injury risk. Of the built environment policy variables of interest, transit access and greater pedestrian connectivity, such as central city areas, are significant and negatively associated with injury severity. These results suggest that the environmental conditions should be given more scrutiny and be an important consideration when evaluating and planning for pedestrian safety.  相似文献   
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