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介绍南沙龙穴造船基地深水河涌水下大砂袋封截的施工经验。  相似文献   
Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, which constitutes a major industrial reduction fishery in the USA, spawn across the northern Gulf of Mexico with a focus of spawning about the Mississippi Delta. This species is estuarine dependent; adults spawn over the continental shelf and their larvae are transported, by mechanisms that are presently not well understood, to estuarine nursery areas. Larval gulf menhaden, along with some other surface oriented larval fishes, appear to aggregate along the Mississippi River plume front, while evidence of the ecological consequences of this aggregation in terms of the feeding, growth, and survival of larvae is ambiguous. On an annual scale, Mississippi River discharge is negatively associated with numbers of half year old recruits. Discharge of the Mississippi River and the population recruitment of gulf menhaden may be plausibly linked through the action of the river's plume and its front on the shoreward transport of larvae. Greater river discharge results in an expansive plume that might project larvae farther offshore and prolong the shoreward transport of larvae. An indirect, decadal scale, positive response of recruitment and river discharge is possible, but not certain. Recruitment became elevated after 1975 when river discharge increased and became highly variable. This response might owe to enhanced primary and secondary production driven by nutrient influx from the Mississippi River.  相似文献   
铁路道口信号设备的维护与监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用微机技术、单片机技术、传感器技术和RS-232方式,完成对铁路道口信号设备实际运行情况的卖时监测,为实现道口信号设备状态维修提供基础设备。  相似文献   
长江口深水航道治理工程的施工组织原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江口深水航道治理工程具有规模大、施工强度高、水域开敞、作业条件差,特别是滩面物质易发生冲蚀等特点。整治建筑物工程大量采用了新型结构。因此,一、二期工程中创新地制定并实施了一系列施工组织原则,确保了河势的稳定和整治建筑物的安全;研制开发了一批施工新工艺和大型专用作业船;创造了水运工程建设的高速度;取得了良好的整治效果。文中对工程概况、特点、该工程实施的施工组织原则及实践效果作了概要介绍。  相似文献   
The long-term mean fresh water balance of the Adriatic Sea is studied by ananalysing evaporation, precipitation and river runoff. Evaporation is computed from May latent heat flux and by means of bulk formula. In the latter case two wind speed data sets are used, namely those from the NMC and May. The sea surface temperature is taken from a historical Adriatic data set, and the air temperature and relative humidity come from the NMC data set. Two precipitation data sets are considered, namely the Legates and Willmott climatology and a data set consisting of data measured at 62 rain-gauge stations located on the Adriatic coasts. Runoff contribution to the fresh water balance is estimated from the long-term average flow rates of 39 rivers and the horizontal distribution of salinity in the upper mixed layer.The spatial distribution of the fresh water balance, as well as of its components, is analysed by means of monthly objective maps, from which averages and standard deviations are computed. The results obtained from the different computations are not always univocal, particularly in the evaluation of Summer evaporation, and are affected by relatively large statistical errors. Significant spatial and seasonal variability occurs, with a noticeable fresh water gain along the coastline of the northern and middle basins, while small areas of fresh water loss are found in the middle and southern basins. Nevertheless, on an annual basis, the difference between the fresh water losses by evaporation and the gains by precipitation and runoff is clearly negative, indicating that, unlike the whole Mediterranean, the Adriatic Sea is generally a dilution basin.  相似文献   
针对我国企业铁路道口事故不断,人身安全受到严重威胁的现状,设计一种具有列车接近语音、灯光报警,无线预警,接近和故障记录以及纪录数据在线串口读出等功能的道口报警系统。经现场使用实践证实,该系统具有灯光、语音提示及栅栏控制,既减少了事故,又增加企业铁路运能,为实现正点运输和安全生产提供了有利保障。  相似文献   
随着盾构法施工在城市地铁隧道中的应用,使得在盾构法施工中面临到的环境也越来越复杂.以上海市12号线东兰路站~虹梅路站区间隧道为工程实例,介绍了一些在盾构施工中面临小半径曲线下穿越建筑物的施工技术,对在施工过程中遇到的难点、重点进行了分析,提出了一些解决方法,对以后类似工程有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   
悬挂式单轨车辆走行轮在车辆运行中起到承载和传力的重要作用,其走行轮失效对悬挂式单轨车辆运行性能有重大影响。通过多刚体动力学理论建立悬挂式单轨车轨耦合动力学模型,仿真分析了不同工况下走行轮失效对单轨车辆曲线通过及运行平稳性的影响。仿真结果表明:空载状态下走行轮失效的悬挂式单轨车辆在曲线半径100 m的线路上限速为35 km/h,而满载状态下走行轮失效的车辆一直处于不安全状态,需要尽快行驶到就近站点疏散乘客;同侧走行轮失效对单轨车辆的影响趋势基本一致;在相同行车速度下,走行轮失效时竖向平稳性指标出现了部分数值超过3.0的情况,说明走行轮失效时车辆的运行平稳性会变差。仿真研究结果可为走行轮失效的悬挂式单轨车辆运行提供参考。  相似文献   
为研究冻结法加固技术在强风化砂岩(红砂岩)地层中的适用性,依托兰州地铁1号线联络通道工程,首先介绍地层加固方案,通过经典解析法核算冻结壁平均设计温度。基于包含土体、隧道和联络通道的三维数值模型,讨论施工各阶段的冻结壁安全系数。最后,根据监测结果分析隧道收敛、地表沉降等关键施工控制参数。结果表明:冻结壁平均设计温度符合要求,可保证各阶段冻结壁安全系数满足规定,各项监测指标均未超过控制标准。冻结法在强风化砂岩(红砂岩)地层中具有很好的适用性,能够有效解决其他加固技术难以克服的难题。  相似文献   
高速铁路异物侵限监测系统是高速铁路重要的基础设施,其监测网的安装范围正确与否将直接关系到高速铁路的运输安全,原铁道部运输局2010年颁布的《高速铁路防灾安全监控系统-公跨铁立交桥异物侵限监测方案》提供了公跨铁立交桥异物侵限监测电网设置范围的计算公式。通过举例分析发现,当公跨铁立交桥与铁路线的夹角大于70°时,该计算公式得出的计算结果偏小,甚至还会出现负值的不合理现象,对高速铁路运营安全产生不利影响,因此有必要对该计算公式进行修改完善。根据公跨铁立交桥与铁路线的夹角大小分(0,70°)、[70°,90°)、[90°,180°)三个区间进行讨论,并利用三角函数法,研究得出一整套新的计算公式。研究成果表明,用新的计算公式得出的公跨铁立交桥异物侵限监测电网设置范围更加科学合理,提高了高速铁路异物侵限监测系统的安全监控性能。  相似文献   
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