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针对影响现状公路交通特征参数较多且各指标之间又具有相关性的实际特点,应用模糊数学基本原理建立关系矩阵,对铁岭市县乡公路网进行综合评价。  相似文献   
东营黄河大桥主桥上部结构(116 200 220 200 116)m预应力混凝土刚构连续结合梁的箱梁采用菱形挂篮悬臂施工法。介绍了主墩和次主墩0号块施工分别选取的支架方案,以及现浇直线段的支架方案。阐述了挂篮的试压方法,并对其试压结果进行了分析。  相似文献   
堆积体围岩中隧道洞口段修建技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要介绍丹 (东 )本 (溪 )高速公路的张家隧道右线洞口段通过弃渣堆积体围岩的施工技术。施工中采用自钻式锚杆和注浆工艺并获得成功。  相似文献   
指出装配式公路钢桥设计中所采用的简化计算方法的不足,使用大型有限元软件ANSYS对其受力情况和承载力进行了分析,并与简化计算方法作了对比,得出了一些规律性的结论,对实际应用具有指导意义。  相似文献   
通过作者的亲身经历,详细介绍了旅美期间对美国交通的所见所闻,包括美国的公路网及高速公路管理、交通秩序、市内轻轨交通以及集航空、旅社、车辆出租为一体的"一条龙"服务等。  相似文献   
天津港突堤转角处高桩码头后承台构件相对错位破损原因   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近几年天津港多个突堤转角处的高桩码头岸坡变形比较明显,导致码头后方承台结构构件出现明显的相对错位、变形等破损情况,严重影响了码头结构物安全。通过对破损状况的调查统计,总结出了破损的特点,对破损的原因进行了理论分析,并用原型观测和数模计算结果进行了验证。原型观测结果表明:码头岸坡内的淤泥质粘土层为水平位移最明显土层,靠近挡土墙的大部分桩顶都出现了不同程度的向陆侧倾斜,这与实际见到的桩端倾斜状况完全相符。数模计算结果除验证了原型观测的结果以外,还发现仅在后方堆场堆载工况为最危险情况,是造成岸坡变形和后方承台构件相对错位的主要原因。  相似文献   
全面推进农村经济的发展,首先要切实加强对农村公路发展工作的管理,促使公路建设管理水平再上新台阶。  相似文献   
Major highway reconstruction can cause significant disruptions to existing travel patterns and economic activity. Reducing these impacts on travelers, shippers, businesses and residents requires that innovative and effective transportation management actions be developed and implemented. This paper reports the major findings and recommendations of a research study on managing transportation during highway, reconstruction. The primary objectives of the study were
–  to investigate and document the critical interrelationships among state-of-the-art reconstruction and scheduling techniques, traffic accommodation strategies, construction quality control measures, and project planning and evaluation processes, and
–  to formulate and recommend a corridor transportation management process that can be used to develop, implement and evaluate a transportation management plan of strategies to mitigate the corridor-wide impacts of major highway reconstruction.
The recommended process consists of five chronological phases, each composed of many tasks having related focuses within the overall process. Each task is designed to contribute to the common objective of seeing that an effective transportation management plan for mitigating travel impacts throughout the project corridor is successfully realized. This process was formulated on the basis of information collected on 25 highway reconstruction projects throughout the United States by way of site visits, direct meetings with project personnel, requests for documentation, and phone interviews.  相似文献   
Research purposes: In order to further study the reinforcement of prestressed anchor frame beam in the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake, a model of the deep cutting slope is built through FLAC 3D simulation software, the seismic wave to the model from three directions of x,y and z is input, and the dynamic response of the slope is analyzed. Then, the prestressed anchor frame beam reinforcement measures are applied to the model, and this paper analyzes the reinforcement effect of the prestressed anchor frame beam to the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake. Research conclusions:(1) The prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on restraining the horizontal displacement of the deep cutting slope. (2) Under the three dimensional strong earthquake, the prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on the horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity of the deep cutting slope, which reduces the peak of horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity. (3) Through the comparison of the response before and after the reinforcement of the prestressed anchor frame beam is given under the 9 degrees three dimensional strong earthquake, it can be concluded that the prestressed anchor frame beam can provide good reinforcement effect to the deep cutting slope. (4) This research can be used for reference to the earthquake resistance of the slope engineering. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   
紧邻既有线城际铁路建设,既需考虑既有线安全运行,又需保证新线按时保质施工。针对既有线路基边坡在新线建设开挖过程中的稳定性问题,模拟现场可能出现的不利工况,采用固结有效应力法等3种方法,计算施工开挖影响下既有线路基稳定性,采用数值分析法对其进行对比验证,并提出对地基处理方式与施工方法的修改建议,对现场施工具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
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