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通过对企业全年经济数据分析,得出企业全年经济运行拐点上扬的趋势。结合国内基础建设现况,指出建设项目按基建程序办事的重要性;针对企业情况,提出企业经济增长需提高内生动力。  相似文献   
在充分研究铁路信息化发展现状、演进困境以及云计算平台技术的基础上,结合中国国家铁路集团有限公司对于信息化的总体规划,提出铁路云数据中心的总体技术架构,详细阐述基于云计算技术的铁路数据中心平台优势.对涉及到的关键技术:超融合技术和网络拓扑技术展开说明.立足铁路云数据中心规划建设角度,重点从IaaS层资源规划、云管平台建设...  相似文献   
The aim of the German Government is the licensing of one million electric vehicles (EV) in Germany until 2020. However, the number of battery electric vehicles (EVs) today still is just above 25,000. There are several reasons for deciding against an EV, but especially low battery ranges as well as too long perceived charging duration inhibit the usage of an EV. To eliminate the negative influence of these two reasons on the decision to purchase an EV, a novel charging technology is established. The rapid-charging technology enables the user to recharge the battery to 80% of its state of charge (SOC) within 20–30 min. For the examination of the technology’s impact from (potential) user’s perspective, users and nonusers of battery electric vehicles were questioned about the perceived additional value of public rapid-charging infrastructure by taking into account different trip purposes and running comparisons to regular charging options. The results show an increased perceived value especially for trips with leisure purpose, considering their share of all trip purposes in Germany, according to the MiD 2008. In order to increase the number of licensed EVs in Germany, the study’s results also suggest further dissemination of information on rapid charging which might influence the perceived usefulness of the technology and consequentially the perceived usefulness of an EV.  相似文献   
Among the natural hazards that threaten transportation infrastructure, flooding represents a major hazard to highways as it challenges their design, operation, efficiency and safety. In extreme cases, it may lead to massive obstruction of traffic and direct damages to the road structures themselves and indirect damages to the economic activity and development of the region. To enable the prevention of such consequences, and the proposition of adaptive measures for existing infrastructure, this paper presents an integrated framework to identify the most vulnerable points to flooding along a highway. This is done through the combination of remote sensing information (e.g. LiDAR based Digital Elevation Model, satellite imagery), a high-quality dataset, and a quasi-2D hydrodynamic model. The forcing condition is defined using a hyetograph associated to a storm with duration of 1 day and return period of 100 years. The selected highway is located in the Mexican state of Tabasco, where extreme precipitation events and floods are frequent. Results demonstrate the ability of the methodology to identify critical water levels along the road (h > 1.50 m) at those locations where flooding has been experienced, as well as points of inspection for the highway drainage. These locations were visited in the field and maintenance problems were detected that do increase its level of exposure. We show that this framework is useful for the generation of a flood management strategy to the analyzed highway, which includes an optimum location of adaptive measures to an anticipated more intense future climate.  相似文献   
Over one million workers commute daily to São Paulo City center, using different modes of transportation. The São Paulo subway network reaches 74.2 km of length and is involved in around 20% of the commuting trips by public transportation, enhancing mobility and productivity of workers. This paper uses an integrated framework to assess the higher-order economic impacts of the existing underground metro infrastructure. We consider links between mobility, accessibility and labor productivity in the context of a detailed metropolitan system embedded in the national economy. Simulation results from a spatial computable general equilibrium model integrated to a transportation model suggest positive economic impacts that go beyond the city limits. While 32% of the impacts accrue to the city of São Paulo, the remaining 68% benefit other municipalities in the metropolitan area (11%), in the State of São Paulo (12.0%) and in the rest of the country (45%).  相似文献   

Taking an institutional perspective, in this article we develop an index of the governmental support for public private partnership (PPP) — a ‘PPP Governmental Support Index’ (GSI) — which aims to measure the extent to which national governments provide an institutional framework that is either conducive or preventive for the introduction and diffusion of PPPs within transport infrastructure and other sectors. First, based on a substantive review of the literature, we define the elements of the PPP GSI, including the policy and political commitment regarding PPPs, the legal and regulatory framework, and the presence/absence of dedicated PPP-supporting arrangements. Second, we calculate the PPP GSI for 20 European countries, cluster them and compare similarities and differences in national governmental support of infrastructure PPPs. Third, we explore the potential link between national institutional index scores and infrastructure PPP activity in the 20 countries. Lastly, we discuss the potential and usefulness of the presented PPP GSI, as well as methodological limitations, and elaborate on how this index might be utilised to strengthen future comparative research on PPP in transport and other sectors.  相似文献   
铁路基础设施是铁路运输的基础,加强检测监测工作,以全面掌握基础设施运用状态和变化规律,可为高铁预防性状态修和精准维修提供技术支撑.结合工电供融合、修程修制改革和铁路高质量发展等新要求,研究提出从国内外调研、需求分析、工电供专业系统优化、大数据平台设计、工电供专业融合、检测监测体系结构等6个环节开展高速铁路基础设施检测监...  相似文献   
钱七虎 《隧道建设》2019,39(11):1737
当今世界,绿色发展已经成为一个重要趋势,绿色发展理念更是指导我国“十三五”规划的重要理念之一。建设城市地下空间是转变城市发展方式、治理“城市病”并建设绿色城市的主要着力点。首先,说明绿色建筑与绿色城市的概念,以及二者的关系。重点从节约土地、利用地热能、节水、绿色城市基础设施(包括绿色客运城市交通和城际交通,未来城市货运交通,绿色城市污水、雨洪蓄排系统,绿色城市垃圾集运和处理系统,智慧地下综合管廊,城市智慧行车系统)等方面,并结合国内外典型案例分析说明利用地下空间发展绿色建筑和绿色城市的理念、方法、构想。最后,结合实例强调地下空间开发规划的重要性、规划科学的重要性、开发与规划中的问题及规划的具体要求。  相似文献   
工程竣工决算审查必须本着实事求是和坚持原则的精神。结合国家的方针、政策、有关规定及项目立项批复文件精神,使竣工决算全面反映建设项目从筹建到竣工投产全过程中各项资金的实际使用情况及设计概算执行情况,对合理确定工程投资、正确核定新增资产价值、总结分析建设过程中的经验教训、提高工程造价管理水平、积累技术经济资料提供资料和经验。  相似文献   
构建和完善港口基础设施系统投融资体制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析当前我国港口基础设施系统投融资体制现状的基础上,根据公共经济学理论对港口设施系统要素按投资来源、投资方式进行了合理划分,并充分借鉴国外港口建设的投融资体制,提出应根据不同类型项目分类融资的思想,最后给出了建立与完善市场经济条件下港口投融资体制的具体建议。  相似文献   
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