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章从理论上分析了不完全竞争对经济过剩的影响,指出,当家庭在劳动市场上面临数量约束时,将导致对消费品需求减少,从而存在从劳动市场到产品市场的溢出效应;当厂商在商品市场上面临数量约束时,将导致对劳动需求减少,从而又存在从产品市场到高层到劳动市场的溢出效应,章从而个市场的关系出发,分析了乘数发挥作用的前提条件。  相似文献   
[目的]为处理水面船舶航向控制过程中受到的非零漂角和输入饱和影响,提出一种基于反步法的航向控制方法。[方法]首先,利用相对速度求出实际漂角,再通过漂角对航向角误差进行修正;然后,采用一种预滤波方法减小航向改变时对航速变化的影响,同时引入双曲正切函数和Nussbaum函数逼近输入约束,结合自适应律对逼近误差和艏摇方向上的扰动进行估计;最后,借助指令滤波器简化反推过程,并通过Lyapunov理论证明控制系统的稳定性。[结果]仿真结果表明,所提控制器有效减小了水面船舶的航向输出误差,且能始终保持较小的控制输入力矩。[结论]研究成果可为水面船舶航向控制设计提供参考。  相似文献   
An effective modeling method of domain level constraints in the constraint network for concurrent engineering (CE) was developed. The domain level constraints were analyzed and the framework of modeling of domain level constraints based on simulation and approximate technology was given. An intelligent response surface methodology (IRSM) was proposed, in which artificial intelligence technologies are introduced into the optimization process. The design of crank and connecting rod in the V6 engine as example was given to show the validity of the modeling method.  相似文献   
IntroductionIn practice, owing to the limitations of actua-tors and other physical properties, the inputs of asystem are often subject to constraints. It has sig-nificant theoretical and engineering values to inves-tigate the control of constrained systems. In thepast years, many attempts have been made on thisissue[1-5]. For a class of uncertain constrained dis-crete-time systems, Kothare, et al[4]proposed anonline receding predictive control algorithm. Byanalyzing the degradation condition …  相似文献   
传统的重型货车驾驶室俯仰平面动力学模型没有考虑悬置导向机构的影响,仅能粗略计算驾驶室垂向和俯仰响应,无法计算驾驶室质心的纵向振动特性,因而其仿真精度较低,且在实际工程应用中受到了限制.为提高模型精度并拓宽其工程应用范围,创建了考虑导向摆臂约束作用的驾驶室俯仰平面动力学模型,分析了摆臂导向机构的约束特性.在此基础上,通过...  相似文献   
针对薄壁结构提出了一种混合有限元方法,对结构关心的部位采用板壳单元模拟,其他部位采用杆系单元模拟,根据平截面假定推导了2种单元在交界面处的约束方程,由此建立整体混合有限元模型。通过算例验证了该方法的可靠性,可以计算薄壁结构的整体稳定、局部稳定和整体局部相关稳定。用该方法对某座刚构-单肋钢箱系杆拱组合桥梁进行特征值和弹塑性稳定分析,得到了相应的稳定系数和失稳模态。实例显示,该方法既可以弥补梁单元模型无法计算构件局部屈曲的不足,又可克服局部板壳模型无法准确模拟其整体边界条件及工作环境的缺点,还可以避免全结构板壳模型产生过多单元数量和庞大结构刚度矩阵的弊端,计算可靠性和计算效率大大提高。  相似文献   
施工过程分析在ANSYS中的实现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在结构施工过程中,结构受力体系、边界约束条件、荷载分布在不断的改变。利用大型有限元软件ANSYS的“生死单元”,可以进行结构施工过程分析。主要介绍了“生死单元”的机理,并举例分析了仅与“杀死单元”相连接的节点的约束问题,使其能较好的模拟结构施工过程。  相似文献   
时间因素在协同作战中作用日益凸显。首先对简单时间约束网络进行了分析,而后根据时间约束网络,对航空兵协同时间约束进行了定量化,将定量时间约束转化为 STCN要求的不等式形式,给出了时间协同STCN模型建模的具体流程,最后,建立了基于 STCN的d个协同动作时间约束模型。  相似文献   
Rural areas generally have lower and more dispersed demands for travel which cannot sustain conventional public transport services and consequently have a greater number of flexible and demand responsive transport services operating. These services usually operate on a stand-alone basis, are often subsidized and are typically only accessible by certain passenger types or for specific trip purposes. This generally results in uncoordinated and inefficient transport provision overall. The Flexible integrated transport services (FITS) system featured in this paper has been designed to address this problem. FITS can be used as a planning tool to assess potential benefits from relaxing operating constraints (e.g., a service's operating boundaries), which can potentially suggest service redesign. It also includes the capacity to assign subsidy payments on a trip by trip basis to increase cost efficiency whilst meeting a greater proportion of transport needs. The case study in the paper focusses on transport to health in the Aberdeenshire and Morayshire areas of Scotland in the UK. Despite flexible transport operators receiving public funds to meet passenger needs, this is currently being supplemented by public bodies paying large amounts in taxi fares in instances where there is a statutory obligation to provide travel but where no other suitable transport service exists. The results demonstrate the potential substantial savings which could be realized by allowing transport operators to redesign their services by relaxing constraints and by the reassignment of subsidies: resulting in more passenger demands being met and a reduction in public spending on taxi fares.  相似文献   
在西北环境恶劣地区,线路区间往往较少设置实体应答器,列车在区间重启时需要长距离低速运行.经过实体应答器后才能确定列车位置。针对该问题.本文提出一种基于卫星导航系统和车载电子地图的列车初始定位方法。该方法利用轨道约束算法和概率学方法,设计满足铁路安全标准要求的列车初始定位方法。  相似文献   
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