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为揭示冲击荷载作用下无砟轨道结构振动和噪声的内在关联性,采用1∶1足尺模型对CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道结构进行多组冲击振动试验。通过在板式无砟轨道不同方向、不同位置的锤击,获得钢轨轨顶、轨腰、轨底各个位置的加速度及声强声压数据,采用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)获得了振动和噪声的频谱图,并进行频域特性对比分析,研究振动和噪声的内在关联性。结果表明:侧向冲击荷载下,轨顶轨腰处声强主要与侧向振动有关,频谱图峰值对应良好;垂向冲击荷载下,0~1 500 Hz区段的声强主要受垂向振动影响。  相似文献   
加强轮胎的使用管理对装载机的保值、增值具有重大意义.针对不同工作状况,从保护轮胎的角度介绍了装载机使用和管理过程中应注意的事项.  相似文献   
焦玲玲  赵路  杨会  竹亮 《船海工程》2021,(2):91-93,97
为明确船舶营运过程中晃荡载荷对不同船型液货舱构件的影响,基于《散货船和油船结构共同规范》,分析晃荡载荷的形成及决定晃荡载荷的因素,结合纵向和横向晃荡在油船中的具体载荷水平,分析晃荡运动对CSR油船液货舱结构的影响,以VLCC制荡舱壁为优化目标,提出新的设计方案,采用MSC.Patran&Nastran有限元分析软件,论...  相似文献   
考虑外环境影响的船舶操纵模拟自动舵系统   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
自动舵系统是建立船舶操纵离线模拟模型所要解决的关键因素之一,本文给出了一种船舶操纵模拟自动舵系统,该系统可以对船舶出入港时受到的复杂载荷,如风,浪,流,限制性航道等做出合理反应,可以应用于船舶出入港操纵运动的离线模拟中。  相似文献   
通过对冲孔灌注桩和旋挖灌注桩桩顶、桩端沉降量静载试验资料及桩身应力应变测试资料的分析,得出桩身荷载传递机理及不同施工工艺在不同荷载水平下桩的受力性状差异.并就影响桩侧摩阻力的因素进行深入探讨.这一研究表明:桩周土的性质、桩土相对位移、桩端沉渣、成孔时间、护壁清孔方式及加载反力装置均会对单桩极限承载力产生重要影响.  相似文献   
根据11.00R20-16PR型全钢子午线轮胎实际结构,考虑轮胎材料、几何及接触非线性,利用ABAQUS有限元软件建立轮胎与刚性路面接触三维模型,并与轮胎径向刚度试验结果对比验证了该模型的有效性;分析了静止竖向荷载作用下胎压一定荷载不同和荷载一定胎压不同的轮胎路面接触应力及印迹分布变化。研究结果表明:轮胎与路面接触应力呈非均匀分布,且接触面积并非路面设计中所采用的圆形而更接近于矩形。  相似文献   
从船级社规范对于不符合主尺度比要求的船舶船体梁波浪载荷的规定出发,采用理论预报和船模试验2种综合方式,进行了小于0.6方型系数、高航速、高海况目标船的波浪载荷研究.从规范对波浪载荷的线性理论预报值进行的非线性修正,修正后中拱和中垂波浪弯矩绝对值之和与线性理论预报极值全幅值相等出发,阐述所研究船特殊主尺度比下的模型试验结果、三维非线性水弹性理论预报结果显示出的波浪载荷非线性行为;同时综合模型试验与理论预报的共同规律,研究不同波高、航速、浪向等非常规船型船体波浪载荷的强非线性行为,从而认为规范基于的线性理论预报值进行非线性修正的统一规定太过笼统,进而建议规范对波浪载荷的非线性修正予以进一步的明确区分和规定.  相似文献   
卜凡  余龙 《船舶工程》2019,41(6):6-12
本文设计了一种新型的双机对转式海流发电机并对其系泊系统与叶片载荷和直径关系进行模拟分析。首先将单机式海流发电机与已有研究进行对比验证其可靠性,然后在不改变系泊方式的前提下,设计出双机式结构,并通过分析机身位移和旋转比较两种系统的稳定性。为考虑叶片载荷对系泊系统影响,在Orcaflex中对不同精细程度的叶片进行建模,分别对比单一翼型/三翼型/九翼型的数值模拟结果。接着使用M-BEMT软件优化后的翼型参数,对比使用原始升阻力系数的三翼型发电机的模拟结果,同时将使用不同直径叶片的发电机系统进行对比,说明双机式发电机的稳定性更优,对海流发电机及其系泊系统的设计提供重要参考价值。  相似文献   
Environmental contours are often applied in probabilistic structural reliability analysis to identify extreme environmental conditions that may give rise to extreme loads and responses. They facilitate approximate long term analysis of critical structural responses in situations where computationally heavy and time-consuming response calculations makes full long-term analysis infeasible. The environmental contour method identifies extreme environmental conditions that are expected to give rise to extreme structural response of marine structures. The extreme responses can then be estimated by performing response calculations for environmental conditions along the contours.Response-based analysis is an alternative, where extreme value analysis is performed on the actual response rather than on the environmental conditions. For complex structures, this is often not practical due to computationally heavy response calculations. However, by establishing statistical emulators of the response, using machine learning techniques, one may obtain long time-series of the structural response and use this to estimate extreme responses.In this paper, various contour methods will be compared to response-based estimation of extreme vertical bending moment for a tanker. A response emulator based on Gaussian processes regression with adaptive sampling has been established based on response calculations from a hydrodynamic model. Long time-series of sea-state parameters such as significant wave height and wave period are used to construct N-year environmental contours and the extreme N-year response is estimated from numerical calculations for identified sea states. At the same time, the response emulator is applied on the time series to provide long time-series of structural response, in this case vertical bending moment of a tanker. Extreme value analysis is then performed directly on the responses to estimate the N-year extreme response. The results from either method will then be compared, and it is possible to evaluate the accuracy of the environmental contour method in estimating the response. Moreover, different contour methods will be compared.  相似文献   
This paper examines the dynamic behavior of the tubular K-joints in offshore platforms by means of experimental and numerical studies. The structural response is studied through Falling Weight Impact Tester(FWIT) with three different falling heights. A non-direct similitude method is developed and applied to the scaled K-joint models. The experimental results, including final deformed shapes and impact force responses, are reported to be useful for further benchmark studies. The finite element models are then developed by commercial software LS-DYNA, where nonlinear material properties are considered based on the corresponding tensile tests. Good correspondence between the numerical and experimental results is achieved, and relevant sensitivity analyses of numerical results are carried out to verify the reliability of the numerical models. Finally, the influence of the strain-rate definition and the reliability of the similarity are discussed. In general, the impact response in the present study is significantly dependent on the definition of dynamic material characteristics. The results obtained from Cowper-Symonds model with constants derived from the dynamic tensile test yield a good estimation when compared with the experimental results. Besides, scaled models tend to obtain un-conservative prediction results, and the developed non-direct similitude method is appropriate for the application.  相似文献   
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