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戈壁粗粒土填料填筑铁路路基压实评价指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取兰新铁路第二双线4个具有代表性的路基试验段,进行戈壁粗粒土填筑路基的压实质量评价指标研究。研究表明:粗粒土填料填筑路基的孔隙率偏小,但现有规范规定的孔隙率标准偏大,起不到控制路基密实度的作用,因此提出用填料的细颗粒室内击实试验得到的孔隙率换算整体孔隙率的方法控制粗粒土填筑路基的密实度;K30能较好地反映填料的塑性变形,且对压实质量敏感,比Ev2更适合作为路基压实质量的评价指标;Ev2/Ev1控制路基压实质量的实质是Ev1在起作用;规范不应用统一的Ev2/Ev1标准,而应根据填料的粗颗粒含量制定相应的Ev2/Ev1标准,填料的粗颗粒含量越多,填筑的路基的弹性变形量越小,Ev2/Ev1的规范标准应越大;Ev1的测试深度比K30大,且塑性变形在总变形中的比例也大,因此可以考虑将Ev1设定为路基压实质量的评价指标。  相似文献   
文章通过对钦州港仙岛公园红树林湿地的表层沉积物进行取样分析,测定其重金属、有机质的含量,并采用地质累积指数法、潜在生态危害指数法评价沉积物中重金属的综合污染效应。评价结果表明:表层沉积物的Pb属于偏中度污染,As为轻度污染,Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Zn的五种重金属均值属于无污染水平;各种重金属的潜在生态危害系数大小顺序为AsPbCdMnCuCrZn,综合潜在生态风险处于轻微生态风险水平。  相似文献   
Sampling campaign was conducted over six weeks to determine particulate matter (PM) concentrations from Sydney Trains airport line (T2) at both underground and ground levels using DustTrak. Dust samples were collected and analysed for 12 metals (Fe, Ca, Mn, Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb, Al, Co, Ni, Ba and Na) by atomic emission spectroscopy. Average underground PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations from inside the trains were 2.8 and 2.5 times greater than at ground level. Similarly, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations on underground platforms were 2.7 and 2.5 times greater than ground level platforms. Average underground PM concentrations exceeded the national air quality standards for both PM10 (50 µg/m3) and PM2.5 (25 µg/m3). Correlation analysis showed a strong to moderate association between PM concentrations at ground level and background PM concentrations (r2 from 0.952 to 0.500). The findings suggested that underground PM concentrations were less influenced by the ambient background than at ground level. The metal concentrations decreased in the order of Fe, Cr, Ca, Al, Na, Ba, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co and Pb. The pollution index (PI) and enrichment factor (EF) values were calculated to identify the levels and sources of contamination in the underground railway microenvironments. PM was remarkably rich in Fe with a mean concentration of 73.51 mg/g and EF of 61.31, followed by Ni and Cr. These results noticeably indicated a high level of metal contamination in the underground environments, with the principal contribution from track abrasion and wear processes.  相似文献   
贵金属银因具有优异的理化性质,被广泛地应用于工业催化、电子电镀、感光材料等领域。本文综述了含银废弃物中银综合回收工艺的研究现状,分析了火法和湿法回收技术的原理和工艺,介绍了工业上银的溶解方法和还原方法,比较了不同方法的优缺点,并结合工业实例论述了从废银基催化剂、电子废弃物和含银废液中回收银的工艺流程,最后对含银废弃物中银综合回收的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
烧结机破碎辊的单(双)齿是承受高温冲击磨损的工件.本文对其堆焊层的金相组织、高温性能及抗磨性进行了测试与分析,采用高温金相、透射电镜、电子探针等检测手段,查明了堆焊层的组织构造.通过微区成分分析证实骨络状组织为 Fe4(Cr,Mo)2C型复合碳化物.文中还对自行研制的 L2型高温耐磨堆焊焊条堆焊层的组织性能进行了分析,证实其性能完全满足烧络机单(双)齿辊的技术要求.  相似文献   
以皖南山区G318青阳段改建工程的全风化花岗岩物理改良路基填料为研究对象,通过大型直剪试验研究其抗剪强度指标,探讨该改良填料的强度特性。研究结果表明:改良料具有较好的抗剪强度指标,表现为黏聚力较小,内摩擦角较大;抗剪强度随着含水率的增大呈减小趋势,在最佳含水率±3%的变化程度较小,施工时可以放宽填料含水率3个百分点进行填筑;在饱和时,抗剪强度降低约1/4,施工时应严防路基受水浸泡;压实系数的增大可以提高改良料的抗剪强度,增强其水稳定性;最大粒径对改良料的强度指标影响与粗颗粒含量有关,不可单独作为评价改良料强度的影响因素。  相似文献   
通过对粉煤灰、矿粉、消石灰、水泥4种矿物填料组成的沥青胶浆进行动态频率扫描试验和稳态流动试验,对4种不同矿物填料、不同粉胶比对沥青高温性能的影响进行了评价。研究表明:沥青胶浆的线粘弹范围小于沥青的线粘弹性范围;掺加4种矿物填料的沥青胶浆在代表胶浆的低温状态的高频区域内复合模量的增长趋向一致,在代表胶浆的高温状态的低频区域复合模量的差别变大;相同粉胶比下消石灰对沥青的高温性能提高最显著,其他依次为粉煤灰、水泥、矿粉,但后三者对沥青的影响差别不大;粉胶比的增加与复合模量、粘度的增加并不成正比例。  相似文献   
本文研究了用Zn和Zn—Cu作中间夹层金属与Al形成共晶液相实现Al—Al接头的共晶反应钎焊。试验表明用Zn作中间夹层虽可与母材铝形成低熔点共晶液相,但由于对铝的强烈溶蚀作用,无法形成钎焊接头;在Al和Zn之间添加很薄的一层铜箔,可以防止Zn对Al的溶蚀,并与Zn、Al形成共晶液相,形成良好的钎焊接头。  相似文献   
This work aims at studying the geochemistry and mineralogy of Milos bay surface sediments. The bay forms an enclosed marine area, supplied totally by volcanic formations. Totally 16 samples were subjected to sedimentological (grain size), mineralogical (microscope examination and X-ray diffraction of the bulk sample and the pelitic fraction), and geochemical analyses (X-ray fluorescence in the pelitic fraction). Also the carbonate content was determined. Sediments were sandy with a high carbonate content (14–58%). The dominant minerals recognized in the pelitic fraction were smectite, kaolinite and illite, followed by chlorite, quartz, calcite, Mg-calcite and feldspars. In general, element concentrations appeared to be within the normal range, except Pb and Zn, which exhibited relatively high values. The Index of Geoaccumulation Igeo was computed, in order to investigate a possible enrichment of the surface sediments in metals. The analysis revealed again high values of Igeo class for both Pb and Zn. A careful study of the area, in relation to the quality of the catchment basins petrology, lead to a non-anthropogenic origin of these high concentrations. The enrichment of the surface sediments in Pb and Zn is attributed to the weathering of several mineral deposits, pyroclastic rocks and lavas, covering almost all Milos vicinity. A study of the geochemical data correlation coefficient matrix revealed three major groups of elements: (i) the elements of detrital origin represented by Si, Al, K and a part of the metals; (ii) the carbonates group; and (iii) a Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides–oxides group, which attracts a part of Pb, Cr and Ni.  相似文献   
武广客运专线采用无碴轨道形式,要求工后沉降不大于15 mm,路基作为控制沉降的重点部位,必须按"土工结构物"的理念组织施工。设计上对路基的填料要求采用A、B组料,XXTJV标段管区碎石类A、B组料短缺,无法满足施工要求,但沿线其它区段砂砾石储量丰富,为此对砾石类A、B组料进行了大量试验研究,并提出了满足武广客运专线要求的砾石类A、B组料组成及施工工艺。  相似文献   
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