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高等级公路施工中,机械化程度很高,施工中机械的配备对工程的影响很大.文章结合京津塘高速公路北京段及合肥-南京-级公路安徽段工程实际施工情况,介绍了我国高等级公路施工机械的配备.  相似文献   
天津港突堤转角处高桩码头后承台构件相对错位破损原因   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近几年天津港多个突堤转角处的高桩码头岸坡变形比较明显,导致码头后方承台结构构件出现明显的相对错位、变形等破损情况,严重影响了码头结构物安全。通过对破损状况的调查统计,总结出了破损的特点,对破损的原因进行了理论分析,并用原型观测和数模计算结果进行了验证。原型观测结果表明:码头岸坡内的淤泥质粘土层为水平位移最明显土层,靠近挡土墙的大部分桩顶都出现了不同程度的向陆侧倾斜,这与实际见到的桩端倾斜状况完全相符。数模计算结果除验证了原型观测的结果以外,还发现仅在后方堆场堆载工况为最危险情况,是造成岸坡变形和后方承台构件相对错位的主要原因。  相似文献   
在阐述铁水联运集疏运系统的构成和建立条件的基础上,分析了铁路参与无水港建设的可行性和模式。铁路应通过全面参与无水港建设,加快融入综合运输体系的步伐,可采取改造现有场站设备与设施和新建物流中心两种方式参与无水港建设,同时应注意以下4个问题:采取多种途径解决资金问题;重视信息管理系统建设;提供优质运输服务;注重开发主业副产品。  相似文献   
汽车发动机气道内的流动模拟计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了汽车发动机气道内三维定常可压缩流动数值模拟的模型、算法及算例。为达到能定量分析并应用于实际设计的目的,提出了一种新的计算网格划分法,并开发了计算软件,对提高计算精度、加速收敛等关键问题进行了探索。  相似文献   
文章通过对钦州港仙岛公园红树林湿地的表层沉积物进行取样分析,测定其重金属、有机质的含量,并采用地质累积指数法、潜在生态危害指数法评价沉积物中重金属的综合污染效应。评价结果表明:表层沉积物的Pb属于偏中度污染,As为轻度污染,Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Zn的五种重金属均值属于无污染水平;各种重金属的潜在生态危害系数大小顺序为AsPbCdMnCuCrZn,综合潜在生态风险处于轻微生态风险水平。  相似文献   
结合日照港的建设与发展以及港口"十一五"规划,研究分析港口工作船靠泊面临的突出问题,提出建设专用工作船泊位的必要性及建设方案。  相似文献   
Exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs) in urban and port areas were evaluated through a dedicated investigation. The HDV fleet composition and traffic driving from highways to the maritime port of Genoa and crossing the city were analysed. Typical urban trips linking highway exits to port gates and HDV mission profiles within the port area were defined. A validation was performed through on-board instrumentation to record HDV instantaneous speeds in urban and port zones. A statistical procedure enabled the building-up of representative speed patterns. High contrasts and specific driving conditions were observed in the port area. Representative speed profiles were then used to simulate fuel consumption and emissions for HDVs, using the Passenger car and Heavy duty Emission Model (PHEM). Complementary estimations were derived from Copert and HBEFA methodologies, allowing the comparison of different calculation approaches and scales. Finally, PHEM was implemented to assess the performances of EGR or SCR systems for NOX reduction in urban driving and at very low speeds.The method and results of the investigation are presented. Fuel consumption and pollutant emission estimation through different methodologies are discussed, as well as the necessity of characterizing very local driving conditions for appropriate assessment.  相似文献   
Emissions of GHG from the transport sector and how to reduce them are major challenges for policy makers. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships while in port based on annual data from Port of Gothenburg, Port of Long Beach, Port of Osaka and Sydney Ports. Port call statistics including IMO number, ship name, berth number and time spent at berth for each ship call, were provided by each participating port. The IMO numbers were used to match each port call to ship specifications from the IHS database Sea-web. All data were analysed with a model developed by the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute for the purpose of quantifying GHG emissions (as CO2-equivalent) from ships in the port area. Emissions from five operational modes are summed in order to account for ship operations in the different traffic areas. The model estimates total GHG emissions of 150,000, 240,000, 97,000, and 95,000 tonnes CO2 equivalents per year for Gothenburg, Long Beach, Osaka, and Sydney, respectively. Four important emission-reduction measures are discussed: reduced speed in fairway channels, on-shore power supply, reduced turnaround time at berth and alternative fuels. It is argued that the potential to reduce emissions in a port area depends on how often a ship revisits a port: there it in general is easier to implement measures for high-frequent liners. Ships that call 10 times or less contribute significantly to emissions in all ports.  相似文献   
Exhaust emissions cause air pollution and climate change. The exhausts of shipboard fuel combustion are equally damaging particularly, so close to the environmentally sensitive mainland and island coasts, as well as at ports due to their urbanized character. This paper estimates, for the first time, exhaust pollutants related to cruise and ferry operations in Las Palmas Port and, in an island context. Emission assessment is based on a full bottom-up model and messages transmitted by the Automatic Identification System during 2011. Results are described as a breakdown of NOx, SOx, PM2.5, CO and CO2, according to ship classes, operative type and time, providing valuable information to environmental policy makers in port-city areas and islands under similar conditions. It is generally concluded that vessel traffic and passenger shipping in particular are a source of air pollution in Las Palmas Port. Emission maps confirm location of hot spots in quays assigned for cruise and ferry operations. Policy recommendations encourage regular monitoring of exhaust emissions and market-based incentives supported by details on polluting and operative profiles. On the other hand, feasibility studies are suggested for automated mooring, LNG bunkering facilities and also shore-side energy services, prioritizing berthing of shipping sectors (or sub-sectors) with the highest share of exhaust emissions once their local effects have been confirmed by a dispersion, exposure and impact assessment.  相似文献   
传统钢轨钻孔作业机具尺寸大,占用劳力多,费时费力。通过分析钢轨打孔工作原理,研制了便携式手动钢轨钻孔装置,具有结构简单,体积小巧,便于携带的特点。介绍了该装置的结构、工作原理、创新特点和相关参数等。  相似文献   
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