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随着区域路网的完善,其承载的道路运输业也呈现快速发展态势。在区域层面上,实现两者的良性互动,需要因地制宜,实现区域与运输业阶段性的协调决策,进而保证在全社会范围内对优化资源配置。这些分析的实现需要合适的评价方法对道路运输业投入要素与产出要素间的内在关系进行深入研究,并能对投入、产出要素进行量化控制。本文引入数据包络分析方法(Data Envelopment Analyses,简称DEA方法),采用CCR模型(Charnes,Cooper and Rhodes Model)以各区域道路运输为决策单元;构筑各区域道路运输生产前沿面,评价各单元的相对效率,分析各要素投入的变动对产出的影响。  相似文献   
通过对CK3263A数控卧式车床的结构和工作原理深入分析,结合所加工出的差速器壳球体部分尺寸超差具体情况,经过现场分析和判断过后,制定出了一套可行的解决方案,即通过在该机床回转刀架定位鼠齿盘的背面增加调整垫,从而调整刀尖的相对位置的方案,彻底的解决了此难题。  相似文献   
This paper presents a discussion of the characteristics of ship waves in a narrow channel restricted by vertical walls, based on observed data and the results computed by a 2-D model. In the numerical model, the propagation of waves generated by a moving ship is simulated by solving 2-D depth-integrated Boussinesq equations. To get the boundary conditions at the location of the ship, the slender-ship approximation is employed. A field observation was carried out at a straight length of navigation channel. The ships targeted in the observations are two kinds of waterbuses with lengths of 28 and 24 m. The relative depth Froude number for the river current, an appropriate parameter for assessing the influence of the current on ship wave characteristics in a navigation channel, ranged from 0.47 to 0.76. The observed maximum wave height varied between 0.13 and 1.26 m. The maximum wave height of the wave train is sharply increased when the relative depth Froude number exceeds 0.6. The results computed by the present model agree fairly well with the observed data.  相似文献   
针对南方某地铁线路高架车站站台设置送风系统方案,采用舒适度评价方法进行定量分析,得出结论:在夏季,高架站站台送风系统设计的必要性不大,因高架站站台设机械通风对人的舒适感没有太多的作用,因此可以不设机械通风,而延用自然通风方案即可。  相似文献   
应用P-5L_2型数字粉尘计与配有符合BMRC粒度分级标准予捕集器的粉尘采样器,置于各粉尘作业场,同时、同步测定呼吸性粉尘与总粉尘质量浓度及相对质量浓度,通过相关分析与计算,求得粉尘质量浓度转换K与K_1值,及CPM与mg/m~3换算图。  相似文献   
目前关于断层破碎带破坏围岩完整性方面的研究已取得不少成果,但断层对隧道围岩稳定性的影响程度及其机理仍是一个模糊问题.文章以石吉高速五峰山一号隧道为背景,采用室内模型试验对有无断层、断层与隧道距离变化情况下的围岩破坏特性进行了研究.结果表明,断层与隧道距离在一倍洞径以内时,围岩不能形成完整的压力拱,断层的存在对围岩的稳定性影响较大;隧道开挖对隧道周线两侧围岩稳定性的影响具有不对称性.  相似文献   
对某焊接场所8种有害物质进行了测定,并对使用酸、碱性焊条的焊工进行健康检查和神经电生理学、生化免疫、肺功能和X线检查。结果表明:焊接场所有害物质浓度多数以使用碱性焊条为高。相对综合危险性评价亦表明使用碱性焊条者高于使用酸性焊条的焊工。  相似文献   
A language model for information retrieval is built by using a query language model to generate queries and a document language model to generate documents. The documents are ranked according to the relative entropies of estimated document language models with respect to the estimated query language model. Two popular and relatively efficient smoothing methods, the Jelinek- Mercer method and the absolute discounting method, are used to smooth the document language model in estimation of the document language, A combined model composed of the feedback document language model and the collection language model is used to estimate the query model. A performacne comparison between the new retrieval method and the existing method with feedback is made, and the retrieval performances of the proposed method with the two different smoothing techniques are evaluated on three Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) data sets. Experimental results show that the method is effective and performs better than the basic language modeling approach; moreover, the method using the Jelinek-Mercer technique performs better than that using the absolute discounting technique, and the perfomance is sensitive to the smoothing peramters.  相似文献   
地铁车站内空调控制温度及系统运行模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于对广州地铁站内气流温度、速度的实测,计算相应的相对热指标(RWI),发现虽然能够按照《地铁设计规范》要求,实现从室外到站厅、站台厅温度的递减,但RWI值波动较大,导致乘客在行进过程中无法获得"暂时舒适"。因此,提出根据室外逐时温度,给定适当的相对热指标差值,确定地铁站内夏季空调各时刻运行控制温度,以满足乘客的过渡性舒适要求。根据室外逐时温度变化及客流量的波动,计算地铁站台厅内夏季典型日逐时负荷及逐时送风量,提出夏季风机分时段改变运转速度或运行台数的运行方案。探讨两种极限热损失率(HDR)所对应的冬季地铁车站内的控制温度,提出冬季站台厅温度的调节范围。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes and compares two different relative spatial position (RSP) designs in an integrated e-hailing/fixed-route transit system: a zone-based design that operates e-hailing vehicles within a zone, and a line-based design that operates e-hailing vehicles along a fixed-route transit line and with a stable headway. To conduct a meaningful comparison, the optimal design problems for both systems are formulated using a same analytical framework based on the continuous approximation approach. A comprehensive numerical experiment is performed to compare various cost components corresponding to the optimal designs, and a discrete-event simulation model is developed to validate the analysis. The analytical and simulation results agree with each other well, with a discrepancy in the total system cost less than 5% in most test scenarios. These results also suggest that the line-based system consistently outperforms the zone-based system in terms of both agency and user costs, for all scenarios tested. Compared to the zone-based design, the line-based design features a sparser fixed-route network (resulting in larger stop spacing) but a higher dispatching frequency. It is concluded that the higher efficiency of the line-based design is likely derived from the strategy of operating e-hailing vehicles with a more regular route/headway structure and allowing ride-sharing.  相似文献   
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