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为满足交通规划、建设与管理等应用场景对交通分配多样化的需求,结合目前交通分配方 法族谱中的众多模型与方法,本文构建能够满足族谱中所有交通分配特征的一体化交通分配技 术框架,提出交通网络交通分配一体化技术体系,并将该体系嵌入交通分析平台软件“交运之星- TranStar”中。该技术体系包括:“模型关键参数”“交通阻抗函数”“交通网络交通分配基础模型与 快速算法”3部分模块组合的分析模型一体化;面向步行、自行车、机动车及公共交通等多模式交 通网络的分析对象一体化;针对城市土地开发,交通网络建设,交通管理控制,公共交通系统,以 及交通政策制定等应用场景一体化。选取南京市道路网络和公交网络进行实证分析。结果表 明,本文提出的交通分配一体化技术具有处理超万节点多模式交通网络的能力,对各类交通模 式、典型业务场景的分析结果可为城市交通系统规划、建设与管理提供决策支持。  相似文献   
A new convex optimization framework is developed for the route flow estimation problem from the fusion of vehicle count and cellular network data. The issue of highly underdetermined link flow based methods in transportation networks is investigated, then solved using the proposed concept of cellpaths for cellular network data. With this data-driven approach, our proposed approach is versatile: it is compatible with other data sources, and it is model agnostic and thus compatible with user equilibrium, system-optimum, Stackelberg concepts, and other models. Using a dimensionality reduction scheme, we design a projected gradient algorithm suitable for the proposed route flow estimation problem. The algorithm solves a block isotonic regression problem in the projection step in linear time. The accuracy, computational efficiency, and versatility of the proposed approach are validated on the I-210 corridor near Los Angeles, where we achieve 90% route flow accuracy with 1033 traffic sensors and 1000 cellular towers covering a large network of highways and arterials with more than 20,000 links. In contrast to long-term land use planning applications, we demonstrate the first system to our knowledge that can produce route-level flow estimates suitable for short time horizon prediction and control applications in traffic management. Our system is open source and available for validation and extension.  相似文献   
The development and calibration of complex traffic models demands parsimonious techniques, because such models often involve hundreds of thousands of unknown parameters. The Weighted Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (W-SPSA) algorithm has been proven more efficient than its predecessor SPSA (Spall, 1998), particularly in situations where the correlation structure of the variables is not homogeneous. This is crucial in traffic simulation models where effectively some variables (e.g. readings from certain sensors) are strongly correlated, both in time and space, with some other variables (e.g. certain OD flows). In situations with reasonably sized traffic networks, the difference is relevant considering computational constraints. However, W-SPSA relies on determining a proper weight matrix (W) that represents those correlations, and such a process has been so far an open problem, and only heuristic approaches to obtain it have been considered.This paper presents W-SPSA in a formally comprehensive way, where effectively SPSA becomes an instance of W-SPSA, and explores alternative approaches for determining the matrix W. We demonstrate that, relying on a few simplifications that marginally affect the final solution, we can obtain W matrices that considerably outperform SPSA. We analyse the performance of our proposed algorithm in two applications in motorway networks in Singapore and Portugal, using a dynamic traffic assignment model and a microscopic traffic simulator, respectively.  相似文献   
With the advent of connected and automated vehicle technology, in this paper, we propose an innovative intersection operation scheme named as MCross: Maximum Capacity inteRsection Operation Scheme with Signals. This new scheme maximizes intersection capacity by utilizing all lanes of a road simultaneously. Lane assignment and green durations are dynamically optimized by solving a multi-objective mixed-integer non-linear programming problem. The demand conditions under which full capacity can be achieved in MCross are derived analytically. Numerical examples show that MCross can almost double the intersection capacity (increase by as high as 99.51% in comparison to that in conventional signal operation scheme).  相似文献   
In the field of Swarm Intelligence, the Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) has proven to be capable of solving high-level combinatorial problems, like the Flight-Gate Assignment Problem (FGAP), with fast convergence performances. However, given that the FGAP can be often affected by uncertainty or approximation in data, in this paper we develop a new metaheuristic algorithm, based on the Fuzzy Bee Colony Optimization (FBCO), which integrates the concepts of BCO with a Fuzzy Inference System. The proposed method assigns, through the multicriteria analysis, airport gates to scheduled flights based on both passengers’ total walking distance and use of remote gates, to find an optimal flight-to-gate assignment for a given schedule. Comparison of the results with the schedules of real airports has allowed us to show the characteristics of the proposed concepts and, at the same time, it stressed the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
This paper generalizes and extends classical traffic assignment models to characterize the statistical features of Origin-Destination (O-D) demands, link/path flow and link/path costs, all of which vary from day to day. The generalized statistical traffic assignment (GESTA) model has a clear multi-level variance structure. Flow variance is analytically decomposed into three sources, O-D demands, route choices and measurement errors. Consequently, optimal decisions on roadway design, maintenance, operations and planning can be made using estimated probability distributions of link/path flow and system performance. The statistical equilibrium in GESTA is mathematically defined. Its multi-level statistical structure well fits large-scale data mining techniques. The embedded route choice model is consistent with the settings of O-D demands considering link costs that vary from day to day. We propose a Method of Successive Averages (MSA) based solution algorithm to solve for GESTA. Its convergence and computational complexity are analyzed. Three example networks including a large-scale network are solved to provide insights for decision making and to demonstrate computational efficiency.  相似文献   
The airline schedule planning problem is defined as the sequence of decisions that need to be made to obtain a fully operational flight schedule. Historically, the airline scheduling problem has been sequentially solved. However, there have already been many attempts in order to obtain airline schedules in an integrated way. But due to tractability issues it is nowadays impossible to determine a fully operative and optimal schedule with an integrated model which accounts for all the key airline related aspects such as competitive effects, stochastic demand figures and uncertain operating conditions. Airlines usually develop base schedules, which are obtained much time in advance to the day of operations and not accounting for all the related uncertainty. This paper proposes a mathematical model in order to update base schedules in terms of timetable and fleet assignments while considering stochastic demand figures and uncertain operating conditions, and where robust itineraries are introduced in order to ameliorate miss-connected passengers. The proposed model leads to a large-scale problem which is difficult to be solved. Therefore, a novel improved and accelerated Benders decomposition approach is proposed. The analytical work is supported with case studies involving the Spanish legacy airline, IBERIA. The presented approach shows that the number of miss-connected passengers may be reduced when robust planning is applied.  相似文献   
The integration of activity-based modeling and dynamic traffic assignment for travel demand analysis has recently attracted ever-increasing attention. However, related studies have limitations either on the integration structure or the number of choice facets being captured. This paper proposes a formulation of dynamic activity-travel assignment (DATA) in the framework of multi-state supernetworks, in which any path through a personalized supernetwork represents a particular activity-travel pattern (ATP) at a high level of spatial and temporal detail. DATA is formulated as a discrete-time dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) problem, which is reformulated as an equivalent variational inequality (VI) problem. A generalized dynamic link disutility function is established with the accommodation of different characteristics of the links in the supernetworks. Flow constraints and non-uniqueness of equilibria are also investigated. In the proposed formulation, the choices of departure time, route, mode, activity sequence, activity and parking location are all unified into one time-dependent ATP choice. As a result, the interdependences among all these choice facets can be readily captured. A solution algorithm based on the route-swapping mechanism is adopted to find the user equilibrium. A numerical example with simulated scenarios is provided to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
Public transport networks (PTN) are subject to recurring service disruptions. Most studies of the robustness of PTN have focused on network topology and considered vulnerability in terms of connectivity reliability. While these studies provide insights on general design principles, there is lack of knowledge concerning the effectiveness of different strategies to reduce the impacts of disruptions. This paper proposes and demonstrates a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of a strategic increase in capacity on alternative PTN links to mitigate the impact of unexpected network disruptions. The evaluation approach consists of two stages: identifying a set of important links and then for each identified important link, a set of capacity enhancement schemes is evaluated. The proposed method integrates stochastic supply and demand models, dynamic route choice and limited operational capacity. This dynamic agent-based modelling of network performance enables to capture cascading network effects as well as the adaptive redistribution of passenger flows. An application for the rapid PTN of Stockholm, Sweden, demonstrates how the proposed method could be applied to sequentially designed scenarios based on their performance indicators. The method presented in this paper could support policy makers and operators in prioritizing measures to increase network robustness by improving system capacity to absorb unexpected disruptions.  相似文献   
在高速铁路沿线的山体斜坡上部署无线传感器网络,用于监测山体斜坡变化情况。综合考虑传感器节点能量有限性和对采集信息的实时性需求,提出一个基于事件的信道分配方案用于滑坡监测信息的传输。以是否有列车经过山体斜坡区域作为事件,当无列车经过时,为节点分配活跃周期和睡眠周期,采用TDMA的方式唤醒节点并分配一个可用信道进行数据传输,从而在保证数据传输的前提下节省节点能量,延长网络寿命;当有列车即将经过时,节点完全进入活跃周期,采用多个信道并行传输的方式传输数据,减少传输过程中由于信息碰撞造成的信息丢失和重传,从而降低传输时延,提高信息传输的实时性。最后,通过仿真实验分析系统性能,证明所提方案的有效性。  相似文献   
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