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Benthic community patterns were investigated in the Northeast Water polynya (Greenland) during the summers of 1992 and 1993 to elucidate to what extent the bottom fauna is influenced by the dynamics of the overlying water. Five different fractions of the benthos (foraminiferans, nematodes, polychaetes, peracarid crustaceans, and epibenthic megafauna), ranging in average adult body size over 6 orders of magnitude (from about 100 μm to about 10 cm), were sampled quantitatively at 69 stations in water depths from 40 to 515 m. Total abundances of nematodes, polychaetes and peracarid crustaceans were found to be primarily correlated with parameters characterizing the potential benthic food supply (water column pigment and nitrate concentrations, sediment bound pigments and sediment biological activity), whereas abundances of foraminiferans and megabenthos were largely associated with seabed properties. Four benthic zones were distinguished by separately analyzing the faunistic composition and distribution of the five community fractions for Ob Bank, Western Westwind Trough, Eastern Westwind Trough, and Belgica Trough. This pattern was shown principally to reflect pelagic regimes differing in surface water hydrography, ice cover and euphotic productivity. This is the first time that a synoptic study of several benthic community portions spanning such a range in sizes and life styles has been performed in a polar shelf ecosystem. Our results indicate that abundances as well as composition of Arctic benthos are largely influenced by mesoscale pelagic processes, and thus provide further evidence for the importance of the benthic-pelagic coupling in high latitude seas.  相似文献   
轨道交通建设资金投入大、运营费用高,因此大家对轨道交通建设的综合效益期望也越来越多,最现实的做法就是利用轨道交通沿线土地增值效益作为轨道交通建设运营的融资途径。香港的成功经验激励着大家对"轨道+物业"发展的追求。但鉴于政策、规划管理体系、轨道建设运营制度等众多约束因素,国内城市轨道交通TOD(交通引导发展)模式的实施艰难无比。通过项目实例研究,从规划、轨道财务、市场等全景角度探讨轨道交通TOD的协调框架和策略,目的是促进"轨道沿线土地综合开发"与城市、轨道财务、市场三者协调发展,使得轨道TOD发展理念下"轨道+物业"模式健康发展。  相似文献   
The role of residential self-selection has become a major subject in the debate over the relationships between the built environment and travel behavior. Numerous previous empirical studies on this subject have provided valuable insights into the associations between the built environment and travel behavior. However, the vast majority of the studies were conducted in North American and European cities; yet this research is still in its infancy in most developing countries, including China, where residential and transport choices are likely to be more constrained and travel-related attitudes quite different from those in the developed world. Using the data collected from 2038 residents currently living in TOD neighborhoods and non-TOD neighborhoods in Shanghai City, this paper aims to partly fill the gaps by investigating the causal relationship between the built environment and travel behavior in the Chinese context. More specifically, this paper employs Heckman’s sample selection model to examine the reduction impacts of TOD on personal vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT), controlling for self-selection. The results show that whilst the effects of residential self-selection are apparent; the built environment exhibits the most significant impacts on travel behavior, playing the dominant role. These findings produce a sound basis for local policymakers to better understand the nature and magnitude toward the impacts of the built environment on travel behavior. Providing the government department with reassurance that effective interventions and policies on land use aimed toward altering the built environment would actually lead to meaningful changes in travel behavior.  相似文献   

Maritime shipping necessitates flexible and cost-effective port access worldwide through the global shipping network. This paper presents an efficient method to identify major port communities, and analyses the network connectivity of the global shipping network based on community structure. The global shipping network is represented by a signless Laplacian matrix which can be decomposed to generate its eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues. The largest gaps between the eigenvalues were then used to determine the optimal number of communities within the network. The eigenvalue decomposition method offers the advantage of detecting port communities without relying on a priori assumption about the number of communities and the size of each community. By applying this method to a dataset collected from seven world leading liner shipping companies, we found that the ports are clustered into three communities in the global container shipping network, which is consistent with the major container trade routes. The sparse linkages between port communities indicate where access is relatively poor.  相似文献   
为识别轨道交通与城市协同发展程度的空间差异性,以及不同空间范围内城市发展水平对轨道交通客流影响的差异性,引入描述空间集聚特征的莫兰指数Moran's I 建立轨道站点周边城市发展水平评价方法,将轨道站点周边城市发展水平和站点客流空间集聚分布特征作为轨道交通与城市发展协同程度判断标准,划定若干研究区域,利用地理加权回归GWR 模型研究两者空间相关性和城市发展因素对轨道交通客流的影响. 实证研究表明:轨道站点周边城市发展水平与站点客流协同程度较高的区域,城市发展水平对站点客流影响更大;将城市发展因素对站点客流影响程度进行排序,密度高于交通便捷程度、功能多样化程度和发展紧凑度.  相似文献   
交通拥堵、环境污染、土地无序开发等问题已严重影响城市健康发展,合理规划城市交通、高效利用城市土地、缓解城市环境污染是目前城市发展须面对的重大问题。通过对TOD的设计原则以及轨道交通系统进行分析,提出城市轨道交通的TOD模式,对其设计原则、优势以及评价方法进行研究,以此为轨道交通的TOD模式规划与建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   
城市轨道交通快速发展中值得思考的问题   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过国外知名城市线网的实践与国内特大城市规划线网的对比,探讨有关线网、TOD模式、服务水平和经济问题。  相似文献   
轨道交通站点的主要职能之一是运输乘客,通过网络化建设推动人口的大量流动,同时也产生多空间尺度效应,公共交通导向开发(TOD)可以满足多元化的功能需求,激发影响区域的城市活力和协同公交都市的建设,理论和实践价值越发突出。然而目前的TOD相关研究成果主要基于单一尺度进行探讨,缺乏系统、多尺度、多维度的梳理。基于此,通过文献计量法分析TOD理论演进,研究新城市主义影响下的站点综合效应、精明增长影响下的站区集聚效应、多维度时代的站群结构效应,探明不同发展阶段TOD规划设计理论。对比中美语境下TOD概念差异,发现中国城市整体密度高、密度分布均质化、大城市通勤时距长、职住不匹配的问题突显。针对中国现在面临的问题,分别从站点、站区和站群尺度,提出TOD精细设计、协同规划、时空交互的开发建议和策略,希望对未来的TOD规划设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
绿色发展是"上海2040"的规划理念之一,是上海市交通发展的核心价值导向。围绕建设卓越的全球城市的目标愿景,提出面向创新、人文、生态三个维度的绿色交通策略和指标,确立能源和资源双重约束下的绿色交通发展内涵。基于交通与城市空间协调布局、协同功能的规划思路,指出打造轨道都市、构建TOD社区、引导绿色出行是实现上海市绿色交通发展的主要路径及策略。提出重构多层次、多模式的轨道交通网络、推行街区制的全路网规划设计思路、实施交通策略分区、提升步行和自行车交通网络功能、加强智慧交通发展等多重措施。  相似文献   
城市土地开发模式的变革对城市交通系统的产生了新的要求,同时城市交通系统也会反作用于城市形态和用地开发.文章首先探讨了城市交通与土地开发的互动关系,并从内涵、基本结构和规划原则等方面对基于公交导向的土地开发模式(Transit Oriented Development,简称TOD)进行了初步探究.然后以新加坡、香港新市和波特兰及巴西库里蒂巴为例进行TOD模式实践剖析,体现TOD模式优越性与可持续性,最后总结了我国城市发展TOD的问题并给出了实施建议.  相似文献   
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