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无线通信不仅应满足城市轨道交通内部专用运营管理和业务需求,而且应提供公共移动通信服务,方便人民群众。那么,除了必须设置专用无线通信系统外,如何引入民用无线通信系统、如何避免相互影响以及系统设备共用等问题的解决,将保证无线通信质量的要求,避免无线通信系统的无序、重复建设和浪费资源。  相似文献   
In this paper, the crowding effect in a transit vehicle is modeled in a time-expanded network that considers the daily variation in passenger flows. The study models the daily variation of in-vehicle crowding in a real large-scale transit system. A transit assignment for this real network is modeled and implemented by constructing a crowding cost function that follows the valuation of crowding and by using the reliable shortest path finding method. The direct application of the crowding model to a real network for the Utah Transit Authority indicates that crowd modeling with multi-user classes could influence public transportation system planning and affect the revenues of transit agencies. Moreover, the addition of the disutility factor, crowding, does not always appear to cause an increase in disutility for transit users.  相似文献   
佘世英 《城市交通》2007,5(4):66-69,26
通过对比分析的方法,将伦敦曾经面临过的与国内大中城市正面临的城市交通问题进行对比,研究了英国交通发展的历史,伦敦公交发展现状,着重研究了伦敦公交优先政策实施的主要措施.提出,公交优先是多种公共交通模式并存的优先发展,实现公交优先,需要整合各种交通基础设施,并将城市用地、交通需求管理和可持续性的公共交通三者结合起来共同考虑.最后,对提升现有常规公交的服务水平提出了5点具体建议.  相似文献   
The rapid expansion of many Chinese cities has put increasing pressure on existing urban transportation systems. Using Baidu users’ location data, this research analyzes the spatial patterns of the transit systems and commuter flows in Wuhan Metropolitan Area, China, and identifies transit deserts affecting low-income commuters. The results show that, first, most transit demand are generated by trips between neighboring communities, while large transit supply tends to occur between distant communities in the region. Second, about 11.21% of low-income commuters are affected by transit deserts in Wuhan Metropolitan Area. In detail, 61.30% of them commute within the city centers and 36.06% of them commute within the suburbs. Only about 2.64% of them actually travel between city centers and suburbs. Third, for low-income suburban commuters, transit deserts occur when they are surrounded by low-density transit infrastructure and low-frequency transit services, which makes it very difficult for them to connect to rest of the region. However, for low-income commuters residing in the city centers, transit deserts are mainly caused by the large numbers of transit-dependent people competing for limited transit supply in the areas. This research explores the relationship between transit systems and commuting demand in a major Chinese metropolitan area. The findings could help guide future transit system planning in China and beyond.  相似文献   
Users’ loyalty to public transit service is fundamental to promote its popularity in the transportation market. A four-step analytical framework is advanced to investigate the importance of service attributes that heterogeneous transit user segments place on their public transit service loyalty, measured in terms of overall satisfaction and re-use intention. Critical service attributes perceived by transit users that are relevant for loyalty enhancement are explicitly determined, which vary between user segments. It is suggested that the design of strategies aimed to promote the use of public transit by increasing user loyalty towards transit service be targeted at specific attributes that contribute most to loyalty and specific user segments whose original loyalty level is significantly different to others.  相似文献   
徐栋  陈万里 《铁道勘察》2020,(3):108-112
城市轨道交通无缝线路应力放散施工面临有效作业时间不充裕、对供电及信号等轨旁设备影响大、可能影响次日运营等困难。以北京地区某实际工程为例,采用细致筹备、"可视化"现场分工、全方位的专业保障等措施,安全高效地完成全线的无缝线路应力放散。并详细介绍了城市轨道交通运营期的无缝线路应力放散和调整施工组织及供电、信号系统保障措施。  相似文献   
城市高架轨道交通景观评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:目前国内对于城市高架轨道景观评价的研究尚处于探索阶段,还没有成熟的指标体系及评价方法,为此需首要建立一套较为客观、简捷、实用,又能得到专家和公众认同的景观评价体系。研究方法:本文选用“目标—指标层次结构”模式,就是AHP层次分析方法,从动态景观和静态景观2个方面去构建城市高架轨道交通景观评价体系,并以重庆轻轨2号线中的2个有代表性的区段景观,对该体系进行验证。研究结论:经实例验证,本文建立的城市高架轨道交通景观评价体系能够具体体现出高架轨道景观的差异性,并能反映具体差异点及差异程度。可明确量化地反映高架轨道交通的景观评价等级和其中单项指标的景观等级,并具有可比性,其结果能准确、客观地反映城市高架轨道交通景观的实际情况,方法简单易行,具有实用性。  相似文献   
系统地描述和分析总结了JR东日本的新干线信号通信设备的维修管理体制.对维修管理系统的管理对象、组织结构、主要任务,以及信号通信系统的中央信息监视系统和维修作业管理系统进行了充分的说明,对我国客运专线的综合维修管理体制的建设有很好的借鉴作用.  相似文献   
本文探讨了列车自动运行系统(ATO,Automatic Train Operation)中的列车自动运行速度曲线的优化问题.根据ATO控制指标的要求,建立了包含速度防护、舒适度、节能、精确停车等多个目标的列车运行控制模型;采用遗传算法对列车自动运行控制策略进行优化,验证和仿真了优化后的速度曲线,直观反映了列车自动运行的安全性,舒适性,高效性和停车精度等性能提高情况.  相似文献   
本文对屏蔽门结构设计特性进行了阐述,指出工程分析是屏蔽门设计和开发的有效手段.采用紧凑结构布局和质量较大的转动零部件靠近驱动电机轴线的方法,减小屏蔽门转动惯量和提高屏蔽门谐振频率.以某型半高屏蔽门为研究对象,建立了工程结构分析模型,对其结构进行了静力分析和模态分析,并对计算结果进行评价.结果表明屏蔽门结构的整体强度、刚度均满足使用要求,结构应力在材料的屈服极限以内,分析得到了静态下的最大应力与最大变形,并且与设计要求进行比较,为屏蔽门的优化设计与制造提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
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