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修建水泥砼路面具有施工方便,后期养护成本低,经济适用等优点,是豫西山区农村公路的最佳选择。  相似文献   
按照时间序列分析辽宁农业劳动生产率的变动趋势,运用人均耕地面积、灌溉率、劳均化肥施用量、结构调整系数、机电提灌面积占有效灌溉面积比重等指标构建影响农业劳动生产率的模型,结果表明农业产业结构调整、劳均化肥施用量、灌溉率对劳动生产率的影响非常显著.因此,应该加快农业产业结构调整、推进科学技术在农业生产中的应用、加强农业基础设施建设、提高公共服务水平.  相似文献   
由于鲜活农产品的时效性、分散性,目前国内很少对这类产品物流进行系统研究;鲜活农产品物流的合理发展不仅促进农民经济收入,而且有效引导农村剩余劳动力转移。以寿光市蔬菜物流中心为例,分析了鲜活农产品物流现状和特点,提出了鲜活农产品物流运作模式,同时也为山东省发展农产品物流运作模式提出了建议。  相似文献   
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are now generally accepted as important tools in the protection of coastal biodiversity. It is also likely that they play a positive role in enhancing fisheries. Yet currently, less than 1% of the global oceans are protected, although international agreements have targets ranging from 10–30% coverage. Despite its minuscule size, we consider the current MPA “network” to be beneficial to fisheries, and its running or maintenance cost, therefore, to be a positive contribution to the sustainability of fisheries, or a “beneficial” subsidy (“harmful” subsidies enhance fishing capacity and effort). A method was derived from data in Balmford et al. (PNAS, 101: 9694–9697) to estimate the annual cost of maintaining MPAs as a function of their size, and of the degree of development of the country in question. We provide national costs of the 53 countries that jointly contribute 95% of global fisheries catch and, assuming that this type of subsidy, in a given country, cannot exceed 15% of the ex-vessel value of its fisheries catches, estimated a global MPA subsidy to fisheries of 870 million US$. Given that total subsidies to fisheries currently range from 30–34 billion US$ annually (without MPA costs), this amounts to only 2.5–2.8% of total subsidies to fisheries being devoted explicitly to the maintenance of the biodiversity that sustains them.  相似文献   
Despite an effort by Congress to design a market-based public policy to limit development on certain coastal barriers and protect the federal treasury from paying for recovery from expensive natural disasters, growth continued on these shifting sands. In enacting the Coastal Barrier Resources Act, federal policymakers may have overlooked the key role of state and local governments, as well as the role of local developers, landowners, and realtors in shaping development on coastal barriers. By itself, the act will not prevent development. In fact, it appears that development in areas designated under the act will occur if (1) development pressure is strong enough to overcome the disincentives posed by the act, and (2) state and local governments facilitate development. For example, a local government may substitute its own subsidies for those withdrawn by the federal government. Nothing in the act prevents this from occurring. This article examines the key forces affecting development in areas designated under the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) and seeks to explain why development has occurred in some designated areas, despite the withdrawal of federal subsidies. Using case studies of selected coastal barriers designated by the act, as well as surveys of state coastal managers and key informants, the research shows that the Coastal Barrier Resources Act, by itself, will not prevent development from occurring in the designated coastal areas.  相似文献   
随着改革开放以来,我国的经济得到了快速的发展,第一产业和第二产业都得到了有效的发展。众所周知,我国是农业大国,农业生产是国民经济中的重要组成部分,随着我国工业的发展,我国都农业也得到了飞速的发展。其主要为农业提供机械的生产,以促进农业的发展以及农业水平的提高。在农业机械的逐步推广,我国的农业农村发展发生了翻天覆地的变化。但是我国农业机械在发展的过程中,我国的农业机械在保养和维修方面存在不足,大多数人对这方面的知识比较欠缺,导致农业机械得不到保障而容易损坏,或者不能有效的维修,导致资源的浪费。因此,在农业的发展过程中,其农业机械应该得到有效的保养和维修,只有这样,才能更好地促进我国农业的发展。基于此,本文主要以农业机械的保养和维修展开表阐述,以此来为众多的农业生产者提供更多地经验和借鉴。  相似文献   
针对农村生活污水治理工程污水管道口径小、乡村道路狭窄、大型施工设备进出不便等特点,结合海盐县农污处理设施工程,介绍了微型顶管二次工法工艺流程及施工过程.总结了微型顶管顶进速度快、工作坑占地面积小、管道铺设精度高、对环境影响小等优点,认为微型顶管在一般砂性、黏性地质条件下具有良好的应用效果,为农污治理项目提供了较好的解决方案.  相似文献   
在综合分析不同学者对农村物流概念的认识的基础上,将现有理论划分为空间论、农产品核心论以及“大农村物流”论。通过分析不同理论的合理性与不合理性,探索性、创新性地提出农村物流的概念。在此基础上,对农村物流、农产品物流、农业物流的概念和关系进行了分析。  相似文献   
供港农副产品的市场风险依风险大小排列有:行情风险,质量风险,信用风险,汇率风险,运输风险,仓储风险等.供港农副产品生产的发展方向有:连片经营与土地重划;找准项目品种;适度发展高附加值农副产品生产;必要时限产保价;大力发展行业协会;走优质货卖高价的路子;供港农副产品销售方式的发展方向包括短期发展方向(中转),长期发展方向(直销)两方面.  相似文献   
现代社会类似于禽流感的公共灾害往往不期而至,给国家和人民带来重大损失。但是国家给予灾害受损户的公共补偿则因为国家财政的限制而很有限,使得这种补偿不完全;商业性质的财产保险又因为这种灾害具有很大的不确定性而惰于保险。基于此,本提出我国应当建立一种融国家公共补偿责任和商业财产保险机制于一体的农业公共灾害社会保险制度。  相似文献   
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