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翟大强  程明永 《铁道车辆》2007,45(11):20-22
介绍了两用型铁水车的技术参数、结构特点及其应用情况。  相似文献   
针对常温下长期受到恒载荷作用下的某舰螺旋桨尾轴进行了常温蠕变分析,并对变形后的螺旋桨尾轴进行了动力分析。选择合适的蠕变模型,采用有限元法,计算出20年后尾轴的挠曲线,并对无变形的螺旋桨尾轴和蠕变变形后的螺旋桨尾轴进行模态分析,进行比较。最后计算出变形后尾轴所产生的激励和响应。经过分析计算可知,蠕变已经使尾轴性能有了实质性的降低。  相似文献   
万向轴式动力车转向架驱动系统分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文系统地分析了万向轴式动力车转向架驱动系统的组成、悬挂方式及万向轴的结构特点。根据刚体相对运动原理,分析了在动力车运行过程中驱动系统相对车体的运动,计算了万向轴的轴向伸缩量和其它运动特性。  相似文献   
The long-term mean fresh water balance of the Adriatic Sea is studied by ananalysing evaporation, precipitation and river runoff. Evaporation is computed from May latent heat flux and by means of bulk formula. In the latter case two wind speed data sets are used, namely those from the NMC and May. The sea surface temperature is taken from a historical Adriatic data set, and the air temperature and relative humidity come from the NMC data set. Two precipitation data sets are considered, namely the Legates and Willmott climatology and a data set consisting of data measured at 62 rain-gauge stations located on the Adriatic coasts. Runoff contribution to the fresh water balance is estimated from the long-term average flow rates of 39 rivers and the horizontal distribution of salinity in the upper mixed layer.The spatial distribution of the fresh water balance, as well as of its components, is analysed by means of monthly objective maps, from which averages and standard deviations are computed. The results obtained from the different computations are not always univocal, particularly in the evaluation of Summer evaporation, and are affected by relatively large statistical errors. Significant spatial and seasonal variability occurs, with a noticeable fresh water gain along the coastline of the northern and middle basins, while small areas of fresh water loss are found in the middle and southern basins. Nevertheless, on an annual basis, the difference between the fresh water losses by evaporation and the gains by precipitation and runoff is clearly negative, indicating that, unlike the whole Mediterranean, the Adriatic Sea is generally a dilution basin.  相似文献   
结合具体工程,根据某车站空调采暖系统设计工况及该工程地埋管换热特性测试报告,采用地源热泵系统作为冷热源。考虑地源热泵系统的冷热平衡需要,分析采用地源热泵+锅炉辅助系统及太阳能地源热泵耦合系统两种不同热平衡方案用于铁路站房,计算各自需要的热泵机组容量及室外埋管换热器具体设计规模。详细介绍两种系统的冷热平衡方式,并对各自特点及工程运用进行论述,提出在具体工程中因地制宜,应根据不同情况,采用合适的系统热平衡方式。  相似文献   
针对大沙沟特大桥处于大风区、低温高对流区施工条件下对超高墩(高达106 m)0号梁段施工托架的设计进行研究分析,确保大沙沟特大桥在复杂施工条件下托架施工的安全性及解决0号梁段施工质量等诸项技术难题。  相似文献   
吕岗 《铁道建筑技术》2010,(1):21-24,29
基于广州地铁6号线大坦沙站盾构始发井的实践,研究富水砂层中破除盾构井端头门时防涌水的施工监测和工程检测方法,根据检测和监测结果,基于朗金土压力理论进行计算分析,提出相应的加固措施和方法。介绍了具体的防水加固措施和效果。  相似文献   
研究目的:通过对西安地铁黄土隧道施工采取的施工方法和措施及通过F3地裂缝穿越施工竖井出现涌水的处治,总结出一套合理、安全可行的施工处理方法,确保竖井和地铁隧道施工安全,为类似工程积累经验。研究结论:通过采用竖井外施做旋喷桩技术,使地下水和地裂缝涌水绕旋喷桩隔水帷幕外通过,同时采用竖井内注浆加固堵水、井内降水、分部开挖、向下外插花管注浆、竖井底混凝土封底,超前引排地下水及隧道内降水等措施,有效克服了黄土地区富水夹砂地层竖井和隧道施工涌水的难题。  相似文献   
详细介绍了关角隧道4号斜井施工过程中,穿越与地表河谷连通性密切地段的综合处理技术,其中包括连通试验测定,地表处理等措施。施工实践表明,所介绍的施工方案合理可行,效果较好,经济效益显著。  相似文献   
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