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Introduction In recent years,the lattice Boltzmann method(LBM)has developed into an alternative andpromising numerical scheme for simulating hydro-dynamic and aerodynamic flow[1].The success ofthe LBM can be partly attributed to the particle-based approach which is directly inherited from itspredecessor,the lattice gas automata(LGA)[1,2],unlike LGA,the LBM simulates a flow system bytracking the evolution of particle distributions in-stead of tracking single particles.For this reason,it o…  相似文献   
基于多层动网格技术的流固耦合方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从弱耦合的角度出发,对某型跨声速风扇叶片做了第一阶扭转振动模态下的流固耦合验证计算,采用三维线性插值方法,通过商用软件ANSYS和CFX实现了计算结构动力学和计算流体力学之间的数据交换,从而使固体域与流体域顺序祸合.应用多层动网格技术解决了固体域模型在流场中运动受到流体网格尺寸制约的问题.计算结果表明,模拟结果可以预估叶轮系统的模态气动阻尼系数,具有工程参考价值.  相似文献   
For safety reasons,in the automated dispensing medicines process,robots and humans cooperate to accomplish the task of drug sorting and distribution.In this dynamic unstructured environment,such as a human-robot collaboration scenario,the safety of human,robot,and equipment in the environment is paramount.In this work,a practical and effective robot motion planning method is proposed for dynamic unstructured environments.To figure out the problems of blind zones of single depth sensor and dynamic obstacle avoidance,we first propose a method for establishing offline mapping and online fusion of multi-sensor depth images and 3D grids of the robot workspace,which is used to determine the occupation states of the 3D grids occluded by robots and obstacles and to conduct real-time estimation of the minimum distance between the robot and obstacles.Then,based on the reactive control method,the attractive and repulsive forces are calculated and transformed into robot joint velocities to avoid obstacles in real time.Finally,the robot's dynamic obstacle avoidance ability is evaluated on an experimental platform with a UR5 robot and two KinectV2 RGB-D sensors,and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified.  相似文献   
水泥混凝土路面沥青加铺罩面层反射裂缝的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈奕帆 《公路》2007,(5):180-184
依托上海市A30高速公路旧水泥混凝土路改造工程实例,通过对防治反射裂缝方案的选择、材料性能试验并结合加铺层施工工艺来对旧水泥混凝土路面沥青罩面层防治反射裂缝的办法进行研究。材料性能试验结果表明:采用玻纤格栅加筋后沥青混凝土的整体稳定性比原沥青混凝土有较大提高,具有更好的防裂性能。本文还因地制宜地对施工工艺进行了精心制定。加铺罩面层建成后,有关单位的检测数据表明,通车一年多的试验路及相关路段路面使用状况良好,均未出现反射裂缝。说明合理的防治反射裂缝方案选择与严格的施工工艺结合起来是防治反射裂缝的有效办法。  相似文献   
从实用的角度研究了清洗网篮对超声清洗槽内声场的影响.在理论上给出插入损失的定义,实验上用水听器法测量了不同规格网格的插入损失.结果表明,当丝径远小于1/4波长时,网格的存在对声场分布的影响很小,只是引起声波传播能量不同程度的衰减.  相似文献   
论述了利用船位线梯度,借助推算船位进行陆标解析定位的方法步骤,通过示例解释了解析定位过程,总结了该方法的应用注意事项和研究价值.  相似文献   
在分析地铁车站综合接地常规设计的基础上,针对高土壤电阻率地铁车站提出了双层接地网的设计方案.重点分析了双层接地网的设计特点及其在施工中的注意事项,供高土壤电阻率地区的地铁综合接地设计参考.  相似文献   
非结构化网格浸入边界法的流固耦合数值模拟(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an improved unstructured grid immersed boundary method. The advantages of both immersed boundary method and body fitted grids which are generated by unstructured grid technology are used to enhance the computation efficiency of fluid structure interaction in complex domain. The Navier-Stokes equation was discretized spacially with collocated finite volume method and Euler implicit method in time domain. The rigid body motion was simulated by immersed boundary method in which the fluid and rigid body interface interaction was dealt with VOS (volume of solid) method. A new VOS calculation method based on graph was presented in which both immersed boundary points and cross points were collected in arbitrary order to form a graph. The method is verified with flow past oscillating cylinder.  相似文献   
船速位置分布是指某一时间段内指定水域所有船舶速度平均值的空间变化情况.船速位置分布图反映了不同邻近水域在相同时间内的船速分布情况,是交通流的重要组成部分,是分析海事的重要参考.本文提出了一种新的船速分布图即网格分布图.为绘制船速网格分布图,采用AIS信息数据库提供的速度、位置和时间信息,使用数据库技术、数据库访问技术、电子海图控件和VC++,设计相应流程,实现了网格分布图在电子海图上的显示.  相似文献   
本文采用网格节点型有限体积法求解二维瞬态雷诺方程,采用矢量化方法离散雷诺方程,从而构建并得到新的数值模型,该模型既有有限体积法守恒性的特点,又能适用于结构复杂的求解域.通过与相关算例的对比验证,证明了该模型可适用于滑动轴承润滑特性的研究,同时精度也可以得到保证;根据计算得到的压力分布特点,采用不同的网格类型和网格数量重新划分求解域,并对计算结果和时间进行了对比,结果表明可以采用不同的稀疏网格来提高计算效率;通过计算圆锥形织构轴承的压力分布,证实了该模型对复杂求解域的良好适用性.  相似文献   
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