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The steady-state cornering behaviour of rear-wheel drive vehicles fitted with locked differential is critically analysed by means of simple, albeit carefully formulated, vehicle models, which allow for a rigorous theoretical analysis. Results obtained for some classical manoeuvres, with either constant forward speed, steer angle or turning radius, clearly show that, in the case of locked differential, the vehicle cornering behaviour is strongly affected by the manoeuvre. As an important consequence, the handling diagram is not unique and the understeer gradient is no longer dependent only upon the lateral acceleration, as in vehicles equipped with an open differential. Accordingly, this study shows that some typical tools and concepts of vehicle dynamics are indeed inadequate in the case of locked differential.  相似文献   
For the purpose of estimating Engel elasticity, one needs to find the best functional form among various alternatives. In this paper, a new function, which is called the double semi-log Engel function turns out to be the best functional form for the transport and communication items in Australia on the basis of the distance function (D2) criterion, and the non-nested hypothesis testing procedure. This function is then used to estimate total expenditure elasticity, and the percentage change in consumer demand due to changes in total expenditure and total expenditure inequalities; using the 1975–76 Household Expenditure Survey data. The results of the analyses demonstrate that transport and communication is a necessary item in Australia on the basis of two criteria, viz., its elasticity is not significantly greater than unity, and the percentage change in demand increases with a decrease of the total expenditure inequality [emphasised by Iyengar (I960)]. Policy implication of the analyses has also been discussed.  相似文献   
交通管理监视器的视频电路,受通频带限制导致图像轮廓模糊、清晰度下降,通常需要采用双微分视频补偿.以一种具体的双微分视频补偿电路为例,分析了两次微分的补偿过程,用电路理论对元件的取值进行了研究,并采用功能强大的Electronics Workbench软件进行了仿真实验论证.  相似文献   
差示扫描量热法(DSC)技术近年来广泛应用于高分子材料领域,已成为实验室研究热固性树脂固化特性,确定固化生产工艺的一种常用手段,但在管道防腐涂敷施工方面很少报道。为在管道涂敷上有效推广此项技术,首先结合现行的管道涂敷施工工艺,通过理论推导证明了它的可行性,其次通过真实的管道熔结环氧粉末涂料涂敷施工案例进一步验证了它的可靠性,由此得出差示扫描量热法技术可完全应用于管道FBE/3PE涂敷施工中的结论。  相似文献   
结合南方地区填石路堤施工,通过填石路堤试验段研究,介绍了填石路堤的施工工艺和质量控制要求,并通过沉降差检测分析,说明了沉降差作为填石路堤质量控制指标的可行性,为同类工程提供参考.  相似文献   
To improve the braking safety of automobiles, the author studied the effect of differential brake on the stabilities. To analyze the mechanical characteristics of differential brake, automotive subsystem models were built by applying ADAMS/CAR, and automotive mechanics simulation model was built by setting the main subsystems such as body, engine and brake. The simulation model studied the distribution mode of three kinds of differential brake, and beeline braking stability and turning braking stability were simulated. It shows that differential brake can amend turning shortage of automobile brake and improve its braking stability, but the effect of automobile mass on its braking stability is great. So the distribution mode of braking force and the effect of mass change should be considered while differential brake is applied.  相似文献   
揭示了传统的GNSS差分处理技术在基准站移动时所面临的问题,从差分实现的原理上首次对该问题进行了理论解释。针对这一问题建立了动态对动态差分相对定位模型,提出了测试方案并进行相应的试验验证,结果表明:所提动态对动态差分相对定位方法精度达到10cm量级,能够满足高精度动态对动态测量需求。  相似文献   
刘强  高玉杰 《水运工程》2018,(7):159-164
建设大型油罐软基处理的重点在于控制工后沉降和差异沉降,但普通强夯置换法存在置换墩体着底情况不良与地基工后沉降量大的问题,针对这个问题进行了普通置换强夯法的改进研究。采取预成孔工艺能解决墩体着底情况不良的问题,从而减少地基工后沉降量。预成孔置换强夯法是一种用于处理软弱土地基的施工工艺,具有工期短、造价低与绿色环保等优点,通过预成孔保证置换墩着底可靠性,从而成功控制了工后沉降和差异沉降,实际检测结果和充水预压试验证实了处理方案的可靠性。  相似文献   
浅层小煤窑采空区给高速公路的建设带来较大困扰,采用强夯法处治工程造价低、治理效果显著、工期短、施工难度小,具有良好的社会及经济效益。  相似文献   
结合我国国情,客运专线拟采用多种速度动车组混合运行的运输组织模式,通过分析客运专线运输市场需求价格弹性,探讨了按淡、旺季对客运专线分市场来实施差别价格策略的合理性与可行性。通过分析表明,在一定条件下实施季节性差别定价法能增加客运专线运营企业利润,提高经济效益。  相似文献   
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