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对目前货车转向架装用的JC型双作用弹性旁承体进行了非线性有限元计算,分析了旁承体两侧翼橡胶层在安装及工作时的应力,给出了JC型双作用弹性旁承体在安装时的相关建议。  相似文献   
基于弹性动力分析的工程机械集成化设计系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解次目前国内工程机械设计中由于动力学分析水平和设计效率较低而造成的产品性能落后这一长期存在的问题,首次引入弹性动力分析理论建立了工程机械工作装置的通用弹性动力分析模型,以此为基础建立了工程机械动力学仿真系统,并建立了工程机械方案设计与部件选型专家系统以实现总体方案设计、部件选型和整机动力匹配的自动化,最后利用信息集成技术建立了基于弹性动力分析的工程机械集成化设计系统。  相似文献   
多年冻土地区路基冻胀变形分析   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
首先模拟气候因素变化过程,得到不同时期冻土路基温度场分布,温度场随时间的变化可以反映出冻结相变区的变化,然后考虑土体体积力和土体冻结相变产生的冻胀力,采用考虑拉破坏的热弹性力学方法,分析得到多年冻土地区路基变形分布和演变规律;在此基础上,对冻土路基纵向裂缝的成因进行研究,揭示出冻土路基纵向裂缝主要出现于路面中部及路面靠近路肩部位,这与实际情况是相符合的。进一步的分析表明:采用低冻胀性的土填筑路基,如采用碎石土填筑,对于降低冻土路基冻胀变形及防治纵向裂缝病害是有效的。  相似文献   
地下连续墙作为桥梁基础在软土地区的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以上海浦东国际机场1号桥的设计为背景,介绍了地下连续墙做为桥梁基础的计算模型的建立、计算参数的取值以及构造处理措施。结果表明:当条件受限制时,地下连续墙不失为一种较好的基础型式。  相似文献   
通过对汽车行驶时轮胎滚动阻力的分析,阐述了不同路面,不同轮胎形成滚动阻力的原因及影响因素.并揭示了降低滚动阻力系数也是提高汽车燃油经济性的重要措施之一.  相似文献   
Predicting damage to vibration isolators in a raft experiencing heavy shock loadings from explosions is an important task when designing a raft system. It is also vital to be able to research the vulnerability of heavily shocked floating rafts unreliable, especially when the allowable values The conventional approach to prediction has been or ultimate values of vibration isolators of supposedly uniform standard in a raft actually have differing and uncertain values due to defective workmanship. A new model for predicting damage to vibration isolators in a shocked floating raft system is presented in this paper. It is based on a support vector machine(SVM), which uses Artificial Intelligence to characterize complicated nonlinear mapping between the impacting environment and damage to the vibration isolators. The effectiveness of the new method for predicting damage was illustrated by numerical simulations, and shown to be effective when relevant parameters of the model were chosen reasonably. The effect determining parameters, including kernel function and penalty factors, has on prediction results is also discussed. It can be concluded that the SVM will probably become a valid tool to study damage or vulnerability in a shocked raft system.  相似文献   
从船级社规范对于不符合主尺度比要求的船舶船体梁波浪载荷的规定出发,采用理论预报和船模试验2种综合方式,进行了小于0.6方型系数、高航速、高海况目标船的波浪载荷研究.从规范对波浪载荷的线性理论预报值进行的非线性修正,修正后中拱和中垂波浪弯矩绝对值之和与线性理论预报极值全幅值相等出发,阐述所研究船特殊主尺度比下的模型试验结果、三维非线性水弹性理论预报结果显示出的波浪载荷非线性行为;同时综合模型试验与理论预报的共同规律,研究不同波高、航速、浪向等非常规船型船体波浪载荷的强非线性行为,从而认为规范基于的线性理论预报值进行非线性修正的统一规定太过笼统,进而建议规范对波浪载荷的非线性修正予以进一步的明确区分和规定.  相似文献   
The flexible riser top connection to the floating unit is a critical region considering extreme loading and fatigue lifetime assessment and is generally protected by a bend stiffener to limit the curvature in this region. The top connection usually interface the floating unit with two main configurations: i) end-fitting and bend stiffener directly connected to a riser balcony or ii) riser connected to the floating unit in the end of an I-tube, which reduces the end-fitting bending loading, and bend stiffener assembled to a bellmouth with a given inclination in relation to the I-tube longitudinal axis. The traditional modeling approach considers the riser/bend stiffener system attached to the floating unit, representative of the first configuration. A more realistic modeling approach, capturing the complex interactions of flexible riser/bend stiffener with I-tube interface can be employed for preliminary assessment with less conservatism. In this work, a large deflection analytical beam model is developed for the riser top connection with I-tube considering the bellmouth transition region with a straight rigid surface followed by a curved section. The riser follows a nonlinear bending behavior described by a bilinear moment vs curvature function and the bend stiffener polyurethane material exhibits nonlinear elastic symmetric response represented by a power law function. It is assumed that there is no gap between the riser and the bend stiffener and the riser is fixed in the end-fitting position. The mathematical formulation of the statically indeterminate system results in three systems of coupled differential equations combined with the corresponding multipoint boundary conditions to be numerically solved by an iterative procedure. A case study is carried out with a 7” flexible riser protected by a bend stiffener connected to an inclined I-tube bellmouth. The system is subjected to extreme loading conditions and the influence of the sleeve shape and I-tube length on the riser curvature distribution, including the end-fitting position, and contact forces between the riser/sleeve and riser/bend stiffener sections are assessed.  相似文献   
基于ABAQUS 用户自定义子程序UMAT,采用已有的冰的弹性失效准则,针对冰与结构的相互作用进行数值模拟。首先, 通过简单算例验证本文开发的UMAT的正确性;然后, 采用开发的UMAT建立单个冰单元受刚性板挤压下的力学模型,得到力—位移曲线;最后, 通过建立圆柱与冰相互作用的仿真分析模型,探讨冰板厚度对结构反力的影响。研究结果表明,采用用户自定义程序UMAT使得模拟更为复杂的冰力学特性成为可能,可为以后开展大规模的冰—结构相互作用研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
船舶在恶劣的海况下航行时,船舶结构遭到剧烈的波浪砰击作用,这种冲击载荷可能使船体结构发生屈曲而造成舰船结构总体承载能力的丧失,导致灾难性的后果。加筋板结构作为船舶结构的基本结构之一,研究其动力特性显得尤为重要。基于离散加筋板模型,对具有弹性约束边界的初缺陷矩形加筋板在面内流固冲击载荷下的动力响应问题进行了理论研究。取样条函数作为挠度试函数,运用加权残值法求得初缺陷加筋板动力响应的控制方程,采用四阶Runge—Kutta法求解该方程,并用Fortran语言编制了相应的计算程序。构造的B样条函数能适应板侧边上的任意弹性转动约束,讨论了初始几何缺陷、冲击载荷持续时间、加强筋及弹性约束的影响。结果表明,它们是影响加筋板动力特性的重要因素。适当增加弹性约束,减小初始几何缺陷及冲击载荷持续时间有利于提高加筋板的承载能力。  相似文献   
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