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以某动车段化粪池实际出水为原水样本,采用SBR工艺重点对COD、氨氮的去除效率进行了研究,确定了列车集便污水活性污泥法好氧处理曝气时间、DO值、进水主要污染物指标浓度范围等参数。试验表明SBR工艺对列车集便污水化粪池出水中的COD仅有50%的去除效果,曝气时间超过8 h对COD去除效果的提高作用不大;集便污水NH3-N浓度在1 500 mg/L以上时,停留时间为24 h,曝气时间达到12 h,去除率可以达到70%左右;NH3-N浓度为500 mg/L时,曝气8 h,可达到80%的去除效果;SBR反应器对TP的去除率在10%~40%之间。当进水为吹脱稀释原水,COD浓度在1 000~1 500 mg/L,保持DO值在2~3 mg/L,反应周期8 h,能够达到SBR反应器的最佳运行工况,COD去除率可达80%。  相似文献   
柴油、乳化油和甲醇喷雾燃烧光强波的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了柴油机燃烧光强波的性质。在不同压力、氧浓度的条件下,对柴油、乳化油、甲酵喷雾的燃烧光强波进行了测量分析。结果表明,柴油机的燃烧光强波所反应的是火焰内碳粒的氧化历程。对于不同的燃料,燃烧光强波的强弱并不仅仅取决于火焰中碳粒的数量,同时还取决于火焰中的氧浓度。  相似文献   
This paper offers an exploratory study of sustainable facility location. The methodology, based on the classical uncapacitated facility location problem, provides decision makers with a multi-objective optimization model to determine the trade-off among economic, service and environmental considerations. Our results indicate that it may be desirable to open more facilities than optimal from a narrow economic perspective to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of transport and to improve service reliability.  相似文献   
依据有关文献提供的热力学状态函数值,分水蒸气再生和真空再生2种工况,近似计算了标准状态和实际状况下固态胺吸附与解吸CO2反应的平衡与程度,并讨论了温度、湿度和CO2分压等对其所产生的影响。  相似文献   
China’s transport industry is energy intensive and high-polluting. While with the surging urbanization and the development of service industry, China’s economic relies more and more on the transport sector. Therefore, exploring the relationship between transport energy-related carbon emission (TECE) and economic development is crucial to the realization of China’s “Post Paris” mitigation target. The paper carries out a decoupling research between TECE and Gross domestic product (GDP) at both national level and province level based on Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition analysis with the extended Kaya identity and Tapio decoupling model. The model quantifies eight factors’ effects on the relationship with focusing on external macro socio-economic related factors (i.e., spatial pattern, urbanization, per capita service industry output value, reciprocal of the service industry’s share of GDP, and demographic variable) successfully. The key conclusions are indicated as follows: (1) the national decoupling status was extensive coupling during 2004–2010 and then weak decoupling during 2010–2016. The progress can be attributed to the decline of energy intensity. (2) Per capita service output was always the prominent factor to promote carbon emissions growth in different time periods and provinces with inhibiting the advancement of decoupling process, followed by urbanization. (3) Scenario analysis shows that with the continuous growth of traffic demand and the promotion of urbanization, improving energy efficiency has become the key link to realize the decoupling between China’s TECE and its economy.  相似文献   
为解决由于隧道施工断面大、在开挖过程中产生的粉尘难以通过施工通风排除的问题,对秦岭天台山隧道(双向6车道)施工过程中钻孔、爆破、出渣、喷浆等不同工况下的隧道粉尘质量浓度进行现场实测,并根据现场实测结果,对隧道内各工况施工粉尘分布特性进行数值模拟研究,提出适合于大断面隧道施工的粉尘控制措施。现场测试结果表明,出渣和喷浆工况下,粉尘质量浓度超过规范要求数倍。通过数值模拟得到: 1)靠近掌子面40 m区域内粉尘质量浓度不稳定,下降趋势不明显; 2)在布置风管时,风管末段至掌子面距离建议取为60~80 m,以保证新鲜风以较大的喷射面抵达掌子面; 3)建议采用附壁风筒降尘+车载除尘方案,除尘效率达95%,能有效处理隧道各区域粉尘,且对施工造成的影响小。  相似文献   
双线自动闭塞区段旅客列车扣除系数计算方法的探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文对旅客列车影响区和非影响区进行了分析,进而确定了非影响区及影响区内可铺画的货物列车数,提出了双线自动闭塞区段旅客列车扣除系数的分析计算方法。  相似文献   
高锰酸钾去除天然水中微量有机污染物机理探讨   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
对高锰酸钾去除饮用水中微量有机污染物的机理进行了研究,结果认为高锰酸钾除了传统的氧化作用外,在中性条件下生成的水合二氧化锰还有催化氧化和吸附作用,后大大提高了高锰酸钾的除污染效能。  相似文献   
针对扣除系数法在高速铁路通过能力计算上存在的问题,对其适应性进行分析.从需求的角度分析高速铁路通过能力与既有线的差异,明确了高速铁路通过能力的概念.分析扣除系数法的思想本质并从3个基本假设入手分析其思想本质上的适应性.对扣除系数法相关研究进行总结,并提炼出其方法本质即时间占用的重叠关系,归纳出了4种基本情况,采用算例对其方法本质进行验证,结合高速铁路特点,对其方法本质存在的3个问题进行概括.研究证明了原有的扣除系数法已不适应我国高速铁路通过能力的计算,并在最后给出了进一步研究高速铁路通过能力计算方法的相关建议.  相似文献   
某船右主机主润滑油进口温度出现较大范围波动由来已久,由于其温度波动在许可范围内.未引起足够重视.后经故障机理分析.解决了存在达12年之久的问题。  相似文献   
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