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The offshore wind industry in China has seen a rapid development in recent years and is projected to account for half of global yearly installed capacity in the years to come. Monopiles are a popular foundation solution for supporting offshore wind turbines. However, due to challenging seabed soil conditions, which often feature thick normally consolidated soft clays and harsh environmental loading (i.e. frequent occurrence of typhoons), extremely long monopiles are often designed. The large monopiles are costly to fabricate and install and sometimes kills the viability of the concept in cases where the bedrock is relatively shallow and expensive piling in rock is otherwise required. However, the state-of-practice for designing these monopiles in clays is typically by using the API p-y springs, which are widely known to underestimate soil-pile interaction stiffness and capacity for large diameter monopiles. Improvement to the design method can therefore have significant economic implications to the industry. The paper presents an effort toward this direction. A multi-spring beam-column model suitable for monopile design in soil conditions in China is proposed. The model features three soil spring components, namely the lateral p-y spring, the pile tip base shear s-y spring and rotational m-θ springs along the pile shaft. The validity of the model is verified by a comprehensive suite finite element parametric analyses. Guidance for incorporating the cyclic loading effect into design is also provided. The model proposed in this paper has large potentials for application in design practice.  相似文献   
Pipelines are important to offshore oil and gas development, but suffers from the pipeline walking phenomenon due to cyclic temperature variations—where large axial walking distances threaten the safety of pipeline systems. Current research indicates that pipeline walking is triggered by steel catenary riser (SCR) tension, seabed slopes, or thermal transients. This paper proposes a new driving mechanism for the pipeline walking phenomenon, involving cyclic hardening soil strength. The finite element analysis method was adopted to analyse the soil friction difference induced walking phenomenon, and the influence of key parameters on the gain in soil friction on walking distance was studied. Pipeline walking distances under different drainage conditions in the heating and cooling processes were also calculated, and the impact of the degree of drainage in the heating process was determined. To better understand the new pipeline walking mechanism, theoretical analysis of the walking behaviour under different cyclic soil friction conditions was carried out. Analytical solutions for estimating the pipeline walking distance were also provided, based on the simplified theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
Seabed in regions, such as the Gulf of Guinea and North West Shelf of Australia, may exhibit a crust layer where the undrained shear strength can be an order of magnitude higher than that of the immediately underlying sediment. This can complicate design of steel catenary risers, where fatigue depends on the cyclic vertical stiffness of the pipe-soil interaction. Potential punch-through of the riser into the underlying soft soil may invalidate design assumptions based on the pipe-soil stiffness within the crust layer. The long-term evolution of pipe-soil stiffness within the crust layer, which exhibits similar properties to an over-consolidated soil, is also poorly understood. This paper describes centrifuge model tests undertaken in a clay sample with a crust layer, simulating the punch-through process of a pipe under load control and investigating the pipe-soil stiffness during long-term cyclic loading tests under displacement control. Results confirm that the potential for punching-through the crust layer depends strongly on the relative ratio of pipe diameter to crust layer thickness. The long-term evolution of pipe-soil stiffness showed a steady increase after an initial remoulding stage in contractile soils (normally consolidated and lightly over-consolidated), but a steady reduction in the heavily over-consolidated, more dilatant, crust. The magnitude of pipe-soil stiffness changes (during both remoulding and reconsolidation) is governed by the over-consolidation ratio of the soil and the amplitude of the cyclic displacements. This study provides insights on the relevant cyclic stiffness to consider when assessing SCR fatigue life in over-consolidated soils and soils exhibiting a superficial crust layer.  相似文献   
船舶数据交换量的增加导致现有的船用自动识别系统(AIS)87B/88B VHF通信信道堵塞严重,数据的完整性传输受到现实的考验.为解决严峻的通信信道压力,甚高频数据交换系统(VDES)应运而生.文章基于软件无线电(SDR)技术,搭建基于Gnuradio软件及2块HackRFOne硬件的软件无线电开发平台,进行16位正交...  相似文献   
基于AQWA计算规则波中新型海工船的运动响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用三维势流理论的水动力软件AQWA分析一种新型工程船舶在波浪中的运动响应,新型船为改造的波兰中型集装箱船B-573,设计搭载Pram型艉和POD吊舱式推进系统的新型海工船.本文计算此船在规则波中不同浪向角条件下的六个自由度的频域和时域的运动响应,得到在不同浪向角下船体的响应振幅算子RAO,计算船舶顺浪下不同船速的垂荡RAO以及纵荡、垂荡和纵摇三个自由度的一阶、二阶波浪力,分析结果显示该新船型具有良好的耐波性.  相似文献   
不同管道特征对声发射信号幅度的衰减影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了引起声发射信号衰减的各种原因,采用美国PAC公司的声发射仪,对一个复杂特征管道中声发射信号的幅度衰减情况进行了试验测量,得出了不同管道特征对声发射信号幅度的衰减影响的结论,并提出相关的建议.  相似文献   
介绍了直接数字频率合成技术以及分析其杂散误差,对相位截断误差和幅度量化误差进行了傅立叶级数分析研究。文章最后还简单介绍了几种改善杂散误差的方法。  相似文献   
论文利用韦弗法实现单边带调制,并且使用幅频分传技术改善通信质量。对所设计的系统进行了仿真建模和数值计算,在此基础上搭建了基于NI PXI FPGA平台和LabVIEW软件开发平台的水下通信节点系统。通过水池实验对系统的性能进行了分析。结果表明基于PXI平台的水声通信节点设计灵活,性能稳定,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   
通过对笔者单位一台ABG Titan423沥青摊铺机工作时出现的故障和解决过程的分析,介绍了ABG摊铺机在摊铺厚度较薄时熨平板夯锤和震动器的正确调整方法.并且Ingersol-rand DD110双钢轮振动压路机在出现类似故障时,也可以用同样的方法解决.  相似文献   
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