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The investigation of problems related to the interaction of train, bridge and track systems has been accelerated by the emergence of high-speed trains. Such studies are required, not only for the endurance issues regarding bridge and tracks, but to assure trains' functionality and performance. The suspension mechanism of train systems is of prime importance in defining the functionality of high-speed trains, and accurate mathematical models of the mechanism are imperative. This paper introduces a numerical technique for an interaction study of train-bridge-track systems based on Maxwell (three-element type) modeling of the suspension mechanisms of vehicles. Track irregularity in sinusoidal form is also integrated into the mathematical model. Although the proposed technique is simple in formulation, it offers phenomenal accuracy in representing the interaction of train, track and bridge systems. In a numerical example, the dynamic behavior of a train-bridge system has been studied. Results of this analysis provide a valuable insight into the contributing roles of different parameters in this subject.  相似文献   
蠕变性能是评价沥青混合料的重要指标之一。利用三分点小梁弯曲试验对沥青混合料的蠕变性能进行研究,探讨加载水平对蠕变曲线的影响。通过对试验蠕变曲线的拟合,获取沥青混合料的粘弹性参数,利用有限元方法对沥青混合料小梁的弯曲蠕变试验进行数值模拟,得出不同温度及不同荷载条件下沥青混合料小梁蠕变规律,并与试验结果进行比较。研究表明,同一温度下,随着应力水平的增大,永久变形会随之增大,且稳定期应变发展速率也会增大;粘弹性数值分析结果与试验结果吻合良好,可以反映沥青混合料蠕变前2个阶段的变形特征。  相似文献   
为解决用于城轨列车空心滤波电抗器磁场屏蔽的Q235-A防磁钢板重量过重的问题,文章通过对防磁板的磁场屏蔽原理分析,选取不同磁屏蔽材料防磁板进行基于AnsoftMaxwell软件的电抗器磁场屏蔽效果仿真实验。仿真结果表明,具有高磁导率的硅钢DW470和电工纯铁DT4两种材料制作成的较薄防磁板具有替代较厚Q235-A防磁板达到更好磁屏蔽效果的可能性,从而达到轻量化防磁板的目标。实际磁屏蔽效果有待实测试验验证。  相似文献   
采用8对极18槽的单盘盘式电机为实验原型,在试验台上测出其能带动的最大负载,定子绕组的最大电流等,并用Ansys公司的RMxprt和Maxwell 3D模型建立永磁同步电机模型,给予电机以电流激励,构建一个完整的仿真系统。通过对PMSM模型的有限元分析,得出反电势曲线,以及随时间变化的输出转矩曲线及电流密度的分布情况。并将仿真结果与试验测试结果相比较。对比结果给盘式PMSM的优化设计及进一步研究提供了依据。  相似文献   
本文基于电磁场理论和Maxwell仿真软件,建立脉冲脱扣器的动态仿真模型.通过仿真分析电容、电压等电气参数以及脉冲脱扣器的结构参数对脉冲脱扣器的动态特性影响,确定电容参数为470μF、初始间隙为7mm.研究结果表明,脉冲脱扣器动铁芯受到电磁吸力随着电压增加而增加,当电压升到220 V时电磁吸力随着电压的升高而缓慢的增加...  相似文献   
沥青路面永久变形的非线性粘弹-弹塑性本构模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了正确预估沥青路面的永久变形, 对沥青路面永久变形的非线性粘弹性有限元法进行了研究, 推导了广义Maxwell模型的非线性粘弹性有限元法, 建立了沥青路面永久变形的非线性粘弹-弹塑性本构模型, 从弹性、非线性弹性、塑性、粘弹性、非线性粘弹性等方面对沥青路面的永久变形进行了分析, 对沥青路面的永久变形进行了计算, 并将计算结果和SHRP的计算结果以及SWK/UN轮辙试验结果进行了对比。计算结果表明: 沥青路面永久变形的非线性粘弹-弹塑性本构模型是有效的, 其路面变形计算值与SHRP的计算值相对误差为6.567%, 与SWK/UN轮辙试验值相对误差为6.069%。  相似文献   
电动汽车无线充电技术以其运行安全、方便灵活等优点受到了越来越多的关注,为电动汽车发展提供了新鲜活力。耦合线圈是无线充电系统中电能场能转换、能量传输的关键部件,从根本上影响整个系统的性能。文章首先在有限元仿真软件Ansys Maxwell中建立耦合线圈模型,包括只有耦合线圈、带磁芯铝板的耦合线圈两种;然后针对两种模型进行仿真,分析磁芯铝板对磁场分布、互感和耦合系数的影响,同时仿真得出互感、耦合系数与耦合线圈的传输距离、偏移距离之间的关系。  相似文献   
张明  周俊  查智  曾明 《船电技术》2014,(3):33-35,40
双体对转电机在舰船等对转推进系统中有着广泛的应用前景.本文运用Ansoft Maxwell 2D软件建立了双体对转电机的有限元模型,在双体对转电机有限元模型瞬态仿真的基础上对有限元结果进行了分析和讨论,证明了双体对转电机有限元建模以及分析计算的正确性,为水下无人航行器(UUV)推进系统的研发和设计提供了理论参考.  相似文献   
The investigation of problems related to the interaction of train, bridge and track systems has been accelerated by the emergence of high-speed trains. Such studies are required, not only for the endurance issues regarding bridge and tracks, but to assure trains’ functionality and performance. The suspension mechanism of train systems is of prime importance in defining the functionality of high-speed trains, and accurate mathematical models of the mechanism are imperative. This paper introduces a numerical technique for an interaction study of train–bridge–track systems based on Maxwell (three-element type) modeling of the suspension mechanisms of vehicles. Track irregularity in sinusoidal form is also integrated into the mathematical model. Although the proposed technique is simple in formulation, it offers phenomenal accuracy in representing the interaction of train, track and bridge systems. In a numerical example, the dynamic behavior of a train–bridge system has been studied. Results of this analysis provide a valuable insight into the contributing roles of different parameters in this subject.  相似文献   
由动态力学试验数据通过粘弹性力学关系式转换,得到用Prony级数进行数值表征的广义Maxwell模型参数。在此基础上,以九江长江公路大桥为例,通过有限元建模,模拟分析荷载-温度耦合作用下钢桥面铺装面层表面的应变状态,计算得到典型温度下4种铺装结构表面最大横向弯拉应变及其分布特征。结果表明,某温度下的一个加载过程中,任一荷位出现最大表面横向弯拉应变的位置在横断面上的分布是不同的,而双层环氧沥青混凝土铺装结构增加Eliminator防水粘结层可有效降低铺装表面最大横向拉应变。  相似文献   
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