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文章简述了巴列特(Pareto)统计分配法的基本要点,并结合天津港南疆工作船码头工程的施工实例,应用巴列特法进行了分析,明确了该工程中节省成本的重点项目、内容及节省成本的贡献率,从而有针对性地制定了相应的成本控制和节约措施,经过实践,收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   
潜水器多学科设计中的多目标协同优化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
操安喜  崔维成 《船舶力学》2008,12(2):294-304
针对潜水器设计中涉及多个学科的耦合以及数据信息量大、数据关系复杂的问题,文章介绍了一种新的多目标协同优化算法.该方法将Pareto遗传算法(PGA)引入协同优化框架,二者的有机结合充分发挥各自的优势,该方法利用协同方法的分解协调机制将复杂系统的设计问题分解为一个系统级优化问题和几个学科级优化问题.采用PGA作为系统级优化器,不仅可以得到能够反映多目标优化问题实质的、客观的Pareto解集,而且,由于PGA是无需梯度信息的直接搜索算法,从而从根本上消除了协同优化由系统层一致性约束条件引起的收敛困难问题.在PGA与协同优化框架结合的过程中,采用目标函数的归一化处理、分级罚函数法、浮点数编码、群体分级和Paveto解集过滤器等技术提高算法的计算效率和可靠性,并通过一个数学算例和一个载人潜水器的例子证明了多目标协同优化算法的有效性.  相似文献   
针对船舶初始设计阶段船舶操纵性能优化这一复杂的多目标问题,开展相应的多目标优化方法研究。利用Pareto方法的特点,提出基于Pareto遗传算法来解决传统方法中的这个问题。经过优化可以得到均匀分布的Pareto解集,便于进行分析比较和选择,并给出计算实例。  相似文献   
Adjusting traffic signal timings is a practical way for agencies to manage urban traffic without the need for significant infrastructure investments. Signal timings are generally selected to minimize the total control delay vehicles experience at an intersection, particularly when the intersection is isolated or undersaturated. However, in practice, there are many other potential objectives that might be considered in signal timing design, including: total passenger delay, pedestrian delays, delay inequity among competing movements, total number of stopping maneuvers, among others. These objectives do not tend to share the same relationships with signal timing plans and some of these objectives may be in direct conflict. The research proposes the use of a new multi-objective optimization (MOO) visualization technique—the mosaic plot—to easily quantify and identify significant tradeoffs between competing objectives using the set of Pareto optimal solutions that are normally provided by MOO algorithms. Using this tool, methods are also proposed to identify and remove potentially redundant or unnecessary objectives that do not have any significant tradeoffs with others in an effort to reduce problem dimensionality. Since MOO procedures will still be needed if more than one objective remains and MOO algorithms generally provide a set of candidate solutions instead of a single final solution, two methods are proposed to rank the set of Pareto optimal solutions based on how well they balance between the competing objectives to provide a final recommendation. These methods rely on converting the objectives to dimensionless values based on the optimal value for each specific objectives, which allows for direct comparison between and weighting of each. The proposed methods are demonstrated using a simple numerical example of an undersaturated intersection where all objectives can be analytically obtained. However, they can be readily applied to other signal timing problems where objectives can be obtained using simulation outputs to help identify the signal timing plan that provides the most reasonable tradeoff between competing objectives.  相似文献   
应用稳健优化设计理论,考虑设计变量的不确定性对结果的影响,建立稳健优化模型。以发动机悬置系统能量解耦为目标,用Pareto遗传算法对系统的刚度参数进行稳健优化,并将优化结果运用Monte Carlo方法进行分析.结果表明,优化方法可以有效提高悬置系统的稳健性。  相似文献   
提出了一种新的评价函数,将多目标优化问题转化为单目标优化问题,并证明了由这种方法所得到的最优解是多目标优化问题的有效解.用混合罚函数法将约束问题变为无约束问题,将改进的模拟退火算法与单纯形法结合起来构造一种效率较高的全局优化算法,该算法具有模拟退火算法在全局搜索上的优点和单纯形法在局部搜索上的优点.用计算机语言编制了通用程序,给出了单目标优化和多目标优化的例子,数值仿真结果表明这种方法是可靠的.  相似文献   
动车组运用和检修是铁路运输生产的重要过程,占据很大的成本比例. 为与客流需求相匹配,在未来实现跨线动车组列车在某些枢纽站组合和分解存在可能,充分考虑组合动车组类型一致性,动车组在不同运行线进行重联与分解的接续条件,动车组进行一二级修的里程和时间标准等,以动车组的正常接续和空走接续时间里程费用、一二级维修作业费用、动车组运用费用和动车组接续时间费用之和最小及动车组空走费用占比最小为双目标,构建基于可变编组条件下的动车组运用和维修一体化模型方法.应用改进的非支配排序遗传算法求解,将目标值进行帕累托前沿分析,发现两者很难同时达到最优.模型的计算结果体现了动车组担当长编组运行线任务前后的组合和分解过程,同时也进一步分析了在动车组类型归一化或者动车组维修地点不受限情况下动车组运用数量的变化,反应了相关运行参数对结论的影响.  相似文献   
工程项目中各参与方之间的伙伴关系博弈分析与管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
首先分析当前工程建设管理的现状和工程项目中建立伙伴关系的必要性。通过博弈理论分析建立项目伙伴关系的可行性,指出工程项目中建立伙伴关系所需要的条件,以及建立工程项目伙伴关系需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
为了克服以偏心率为初始参数的轴承优化模型优化结果局限于原始形状的缺点,提出用傅里叶级数表示通用膜厚方程,建立了多目标形状优化设计数学模型.应用基于非支配排序遗传算法,以最小功耗和最小侧漏流速为目标、最小油膜厚度和最小承载力为限制条件,以通用膜厚方程系数为设计变量,进行了轴承形状的多目标优化设计,并用Matlab偏微分方程工具箱求解基于通用膜厚的控制方程.实例分析结果表明:基于通用膜厚方程的多目标优化后的轴承形状不受固有型线的限制;在保证最大承载力的基础上,优化后的非圆轴承与仅以最大承载力为单目标优化的结果相比,最小功耗下降了80.8%,最小侧漏流速比优化前下降了3个数量级,并得出了Pareto最优解集.  相似文献   
This paper extends the work on Pareto-improving hybrid rationing and pricing policy for general road networks by considering heterogeneous users with different values of time. Mathematical programming models are proposed to find a multiclass Pareto-improving pure road space rationing scheme (MPI-PR) and multiclass hybrid rationing and pricing schemes (MHPI and MHPI-S). A numerical example with a multimodal network is provided for comparing both the efficiency and equity of the three proposed policies. We discover that MHPI-S can achieve the largest reduction in total system delay, MHPI can induce the least spatial inequity and MHPI-S is a progressive policy which is appealing to policy makers. Furthermore, numerical results reveal that different classes of users react differently to the same hybrid policies and multiclass Pareto-improving hybrid schemes yield less delay reduction when compared to their single-class counterparts.  相似文献   
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