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This paper deals with friction-induced vibration of a disc brake system with a constant friction coefficient. A linear, lumped, and distributed parameter model to represent the floating caliper disc brake system is proposed. The complex eigenvalues are used to investigate the dynamic stability, and, in order to verify simulations which are based on the theoretical model, an experimental modal test and dynamometer test are performed. The comparison of experimental and theoretical results shows good agreement, and the analysis indicates that modal coupling due to friction forces is responsible for disc brake squeal. Also, squeal type instability is investigated, using a parametric analysis. This indicates which parameters have influence on the propensity of brake squealing. This is helpful for validating the analysis model and establishing confidence in the experimental results of the modified system. These results may also be useful during system development or diagnostic analysis.  相似文献   
针对钳盘式制动器产生的制动尖叫声问题,对制动盘模态进行分析可知,即使制动盘纵波压缩模态频率在两个相邻模态频率中间,纵波压缩模态也可能被激发而产生制动尖叫声.提出了改变制动盘摩擦部分和帽子部分模态动态耦合的措施,并对改进后制动器进行了有限元分析和台架试验,结果表明,改进后制动器尖叫声的声压级和发生制动尖叫的次数都比改进前显著降低.  相似文献   
为降低铁路车辆盘形制动尖叫噪声,应用全模型直接复特征值分析方法研究制动系统的运动稳定性。使用NASTRAN有限元软件建立了包括制动盘、闸片、闸片托、制动杠杆和杠杆托等部件的全尺寸铁路车辆盘形制动系统有限元模型。在模型中,制动摩擦面间的法向力用线性弹簧力表示,摩擦力取为线性弹簧力与摩擦系数的乘积。应用Hess方法解有限元系统特征方程的特征根,根据特征根实部的正负,判断制动系统发生制动尖叫噪声的趋势。计算结果表明,摩擦系数、制动盘转动方向以及闸片托的厚度对制动尖叫噪声都会产生重要影响,可以通过优化制动系统闸片托的厚度来抑制制动尖叫噪声。  相似文献   
针对美国舰艇尾轴承材料的发展现状及存在的问题,对美国Duramax公司生产的ROMOR I水润滑橡胶尾轴承的工作特点及摩擦磨损特性进行了研究分析。就目前美国对水润滑橡胶尾轴承振鸣音机理、振动特性以及影响因素等问题的研究,进行了深入剖析。最后介绍了美国海军军标MIL-DTL-17901C(SH)的内容规定。认为低噪声、低摩擦、长寿命等因素将指引整体式、表面光滑的新型橡胶轴承材料研发,且新材料的研制是尾轴承主要发展方向。  相似文献   
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