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In this study, Submerged Floating Tunnel (SFT)-mooring-train coupled dynamics is solved in the time domain to investigate their dynamic and hydro-elastic interactions under wave and earthquake excitations. The SFT is modeled by the rod-FE (finite element) theory, and it is connected to mooring lines through dummy-connection-mass and linear and rotational springs. A 3D rigid-multi-body dynamic model is developed for train dynamics that consists of seven rigid bodies. The tunnel-train interaction is taken into consideration based on the wheel-rail correspondence assumption and the simplified Kalker linear creep theory. The developed computer simulation program is validated through comparisons with commercial programs and published results when possible. In the case of earthquake-induced dynamics of the coupled system, the effects of soil conditions, tunnel length, mooring interval, seismic-wave propagation, and seaquake are investigated. The magnitudes of the SFT downward motions induced by the moving train are small compared with the motions induced by earthquakes. The earthquake causes transient SFT responses especially at their lowest wet natural frequencies while high-frequency motions are induced by seaquake effect. Structural damping and seismic propagation play an important role in dynamic responses. The interaction of the tunnel and moving train is also evaluated for various train speeds in terms of the derailment and offload factors and riding-comfort criterion. For the given SFT and train designs, the offload factor and riding-comfort criterion can slightly exceed their limits at certain earthquake conditions with the speed as high as 70 m/s, which can be adjusted by reducing train speed.  相似文献   
基于无人船机动灵活、安全性高、可在常规调查平台受限的水域作业的特点,将其引入海洋调查领域,作为一种新型调查平台使用。海洋调查无人船主要用于海洋环境观测和海底探测,目前其发展的关键在于如何降低平台对任务载荷的扰动,保证循线精度,提高通信系统的可靠性。根据水深、水动力和水底地形地貌等条件,将无人船工作环境分为岛礁区、滨海区、浅海区、半深海区和深海区5类;结合作业环境,以无人船的体量和吃水深度为依据,建议将其分为微型平台、小型平台、中型平台、大型平台和超大型平台,并对适配任务载荷作出分析。  相似文献   
The existence of trapped modes due to a horizontal submerged rigid cylinder placed below a compressed ice-covered surface is shown to exist within the frequency band of wave blocking by employing linearized water wave theory and with the inclusion of the effects of a two-dimensional current and the obliqueness of the propagating wave. A new modified multipole expansion method catering to the multiple propagating modes is proposed. The impact of different choices of propagating modes at a fixed frequency within the above-mentioned band on the trapped modes is detailed. Multiple trapped modes whose number depends on the direction and magnitude of the current exist within the frequency band. Out of the three choices of current types considered, while two of them result in the generation of trapped modes for all three possible choices of the propagating wave, the remaining one shows that only one propagating mode can generate a trapped wave. A break in the continuous spectrum of the trapped mode frequency due to the wave blocking and at the point of inflexion is presented. There exists a region of angle of propagation within which an abundance of the trapped mode is shown. The surface profiles for different angles of propagation and choices of propagating modes are illustrated graphically. The trapped modes associated with a higher angle of propagation decay at a faster rate.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamic load and motion response are the first considerations in the structural design of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT). Currently, most of the relevant studies have been based on a two-dimensional model test with a fixed or fully free boundary condition, which inhibits a deep investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics with an elastic constraint. As a result, a series of difficulties exist in the structural design and analysis of an SFT. In this study, an SFT model with a one-degree-of-freedom vertical elastically truncated boundary condition was established to investigate the motion response and hydrodynamic characteristics of the tube under the wave action. The effect of several typical hydrodynamic parameters, such as the buoyancy-weight ratio, γ, the relative frequency, f/fN, the Keulegan–Carpenter (KC) number, the reduced velocity, Ur, the Reynolds number, Re, and the generalized Ursells number, on the motion characteristics of the tube, were selectively analyzed, and the reverse feedback mechanism from the tube's motion response to the hydrodynamic loads was confirmed. Finally, the critical hydrodynamic parameters corresponding to the maximum motion response at different values of γ were obtained, and a formula for calculating the hydrodynamic load parameters of the SFT in the motion state was established. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (i) Under the wave action, the motion of the SFT shows an apparent nonlinearity, which is mainly caused by the intensive interaction between the tube and its surrounding water particles, as well as the nonlinearity of the wave. (ii) The relative displacement of the tube first increases and then decreases with increasing values of f/fN, Ur, KC number, Re, and the generalized Ursells number. (iii) γ is inversely proportional to the maximum relative displacement of the tube and the wave force on the tube in its motion direction. (iv) Under the motion boundary condition (as opposed to the fixed boundary condition), the peak frequency of the wave force on the SFT in its motion direction decreases and approaches the natural vibration frequency of the tube, whereas the wave force perpendicular to the motion direction increases. When the incident wave frequency is close to the natural vibration frequency of the tube, the tube resonates easily, leading to an increased wave force in the motion direction. (v) If the velocity in the Morison equation is substituted by the water particle velocity measured when the tube is at its equilibrium position, the inertia coefficient in the motion direction of the tube is linearly related to its displacement, whereas that in the direction perpendicular to the motion direction is logarithmically related to its displacement.  相似文献   
为解决中厚板高强钢埋弧焊(Submerged Arc Welding, SAW)焊缝热影响区(Heat Affected Zone, HAZ)热循环参数准确测量难题,自主研制多通道热电偶测温软/硬件系统,测量并比较不同焊丝组合(单丝和冷热多丝复合)对应的焊缝HAZ热循环主要参数。试验结果表明:与单丝SAW工艺相比,冷热多丝复合SAW工艺可解决SAW较大热输入产生的焊缝HAZ脆化问题,提高焊缝组织性能和焊接质量;在中厚板高强钢焊接过程中,冷热多丝复合SAW工艺可为温度场数值模拟计算分析提供实测数据,为各种工艺参数的确定与优化、焊缝HAZ的组织性能改善提供必要的理论基础。  相似文献   
本文对摆盘式发动机气液脉动两相流水下排气噪声的形成过程和影响因素进行了理论和实验研究,给出了控制水下排气噪声的主要技术途径,并进行了初步实验验证。  相似文献   
Stress evaluation of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT) is an issue important for determining the section dimensions required to resist environmental loads. However, the complex interaction between an SFT and surrounding fluid has confined most research on SFTs to longitudinal global time-history analyses based on Morison's equation [1]. Even though these analyses give sufficient information in the longitudinal direction, too little information about the circumferential direction compels an SFT section to be designed conservatively. This means that SFT design requires additional information on the structural behavior of the tunnel in the circumferential direction for efficient design. Accordingly, a supplementary approach by which to obtain structural responses in the circumferential direction is introduced in this paper. Upon consideration of the static responses equivalent to the dynamic behavior, three-dimensional (3-D) finite-element analyses of an SFT were performed by application of static loads corresponding to dynamic loads equivalent to those of wave, current and earthquake. The validation of each equivalent static load was supported by the results from comparison of the tension forces in mooring lines obtained using OrcaFlex [2] and ABAQUS [3]. These were used mainly for longitudinal dynamic analysis and 3-D stress evaluation, respectively, of an SFT. Based on the stresses obtained in the longitudinal and circumferential directions, the selection of suitable section dimensions for an SFT is considered.  相似文献   
In case of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT), which is difficult to cast in-site underwater construction, it is modularized on land and then assembled them in the field. Therefore, it is influential to investigate the structural performance of the joints between the modules. A concept of the steel-concrete composite hollow in the SFT, which stably maintains the joints, has been proposed by applying prestressing method to resist various external loads. In this study, the bending behavior of module joints was experimentally analyzed to evaluate the safety for the bending deformation that is dominant in SFT. Test results show that there is a difference at the module joint portion in the performance depending on whether or not the inner steel tube is connected. The bending stiffness of the module joints in the SFT was very similar but there was a difference in strength. The maximum strength was increased from 700 kN to 1200 kN when the inner tube was connected, and the residual displacement was increased from 15 mm to 40 mm. As a result, in the design of the module joint, depending on the purpose of SFT, it is possible to consider both methods which is allowing the ductility behavior of internal tube and controlling the tight connection. Moreover, the failure criterion of the bending behavior of the module joint can be selected as the maximum load or deformation limit.  相似文献   
从仑头-生物岛沉管隧道浅谈混凝土管段的防水设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
沉管法修建隧道是我国20世纪末新发展起来的一种修建水底隧道的工法,具有埋深浅、施工工期短等特点。由于目前国内沉管法施工的水底隧道数量少,因此我国现行地下工程防水技术规范未将沉管管段的防水内容列入,新建沉管隧道防水的设计和施工只能借鉴类似工程的防水。通过仑头-生物岛隧道沉管段的防水设计,结合国内已建成的沉管隧道,探讨沉管隧道混凝土管段的防水设计,为今后的沉管隧道工程防水设计和施工提供参考。  相似文献   
起重机工作时会导致吊重摆动,降低工作效率和安全性能.文中采用Visual Basic语言编写程序,构建不同形式的回转、起升操作信号,研究起重机操纵动作对吊重摆动的影响.结果表明,采用起止阶段匀加、减速进行回转操作时,吊重的摆动幅度最小,停止最快,摆动周期略大于自由摆动周期;回转起升联合操作时,同样采用起止阶段匀加、减速...  相似文献   
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