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结合南疆吐库二线站改过渡工程,总结了几种既有线车站插铺道岔纳入既有联锁过渡工程的设计原则,电路处理方法等。对如何规范站改过渡信号工程设计,确保既有线联锁车站安全具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
结合京津客运专线悬臂浇筑连续梁的施工过程,介绍了主梁的整体线形及各节段间的接缝控制和桥面横向六面排水坡等平整度控制内容,对全桥合拢后桥面的平整度缺陷处理方法进行了阐述,对今后悬浇连续梁施工中的桥面平整度控制与处理有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
Significant effects of traffic congestion include the cost associated with extra travel time, fuel consumption, and gas emissions. This paper develops a mathematical function to quantify the monetary impact of transition designs between signal timing plans on users and the environment. This function offers an approach to reduce problems such as excessive travel time, pollution emissions and fuel consumption. The proposed social cost function is evaluated for various transition plans to assess the impact of the number of steps required to adjust signal timing. The relationships between delay, fuel consumption and gas emissions and the number of steps needed to achieve the transition are also analysed.  相似文献   
在对750k V格构式变电构架K形、KT形圆钢管桁架节点足尺试验研究的基础上,采用ABAQUS软件对优化的钢管节点进行有限元数值分析,考察减小连接板厚度以后K形、KT形钢管节点的受力性能和承载力、连接板应力分布及变形等指标。结果表明:在设计荷载作用下节点没有明显变化,处于弹性状态;超加载阶段,试件局部进入塑性,但分布面积较小,区域不连通,节点整体受力稳定。有限元分析的连接板应力分布及变形趋势与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   
魏玉省 《隧道建设》2017,37(2):200-206
根据汕头苏埃隧道的建设条件,对工程方案设计中的几个技术难点进行研究,并提出解决方案。通过采用"多级分流"理念,实现隧道与北岸4条城市主干道的交通衔接;选择"抛石+排水板"方案解决海域深厚淤泥地层中的围堰设计;8度高烈度震区选择合理的抗震减震措施解决隧道结构抗震;采取双道密封垫和加大密封垫断面的防水设计,满足地震时管片接缝张开量大的防水要求;针对复杂地层,对盾构选型和配置提出建议;对海底凸起进入隧道内的硬岩进行爆破预处理,以降低盾构施工风险。  相似文献   
针对在白车身等复杂的焊接结构进行有限元分析过程中,不同焊点的模拟方法对结构的弯曲刚度和扭转刚度影响较大的问题,文章对CWELD焊点进行研究,以RBE2刚性单元为参照,得出CWELD焊点对弯曲和扭转刚度的影响,为焊点的有限元建模方法积累经验。  相似文献   
大型C型独立液货罐Y型接头疲劳强度评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着C型独立液货罐的新技术发展,目前在工业界推出了采用双体罐和三体罐构造形式的新颖大型C型独立液货罐。由于双体罐和三体罐构造的要求,在相邻罐体连接处设有Y型接头。该Y型接头位置处由于结构件交汇,构造复杂、应力集中,在船舶运动、蒸汽压力变化,以及温度变化的动载作用下有可能发生疲劳损伤。本文对新颖大型C型独立液货罐Y型接头疲劳强度评估方法的规范技术要求及制定开展了深入详尽的研究,包括对C型独立液货罐疲劳损伤计算工况择取,液货内部动压力计算公式推导,蒸气压力、温度变化等低周疲劳载荷模式确定等,创新提出一整套基于热点应力的C型独立液货罐Y型接头的疲劳损伤评估方法的规范实施要求。进一步地,还推导了基于一般实际情况假设下的C型独立液货罐Y型接头疲劳评估筛分准则,并应用本文上述研究成果和结论,进行了双体和三体罐Y型接头疲劳评估和筛分准则的应用与验证。  相似文献   
Many accidents are caused by fatigue in welded built-up steel structures, and so it is important to estimate the fatigue lives of such structures quantitatively for safety reasons. By assuming that fatigue cracks cannot grow without an accumulation of alternating tensile/compressional plastic strain, one of the authors identified an improved effective stress intensity factor range ΔK RPG based on the re-tensile plastic zone generating (RPG) load, which represents the driving force for fatigue cracks, and suggested that ΔK RPG should be used as the parameter to describe fatigue crack growth behavior. The “FLARP” numerical simulation code in which ΔK RPG is implemented as the fatigue crack growth parameter, was developed in order to predict fatigue crack initiation and propagation behavior. In this paper, it is demonstrated that FLARP gives accurate estimates for fatigue life by comparing the estimated fatigue crack growth curves and SN curves with the experimental results for in-plane gusset welded joints, which are used in many welded steel structures. Moreover, the effect of induced bending moment due to the linear misalignment in the out of plane direction on the fatigue strength of in-plane gusset welded joints is investigated through numerical simulations.  相似文献   
在高桩码头整体结构的三维有限元计算过程中,着重考虑了增加凹凸缝结构传递水平力的环节,从计算结果中发现,桩基内力结果比不考虑凹凸缝传递水平力的计算结果,无论是弯矩、剪力、扭矩和位移值均有一定程度的降低,从而达到减小桩型、节省工程造价的目的。  相似文献   
邵堃  潘卫彬  马永生 《中国水运》2007,7(4):135-136
简要讨论了采用直线过渡方式和圆弧过渡方式进行工件轮廓尖角过渡处理的基本原理和编程方法,深入分析了两种尖角过渡形式对工件转角处的加工质量、加工效率和刀具耐用度等的影响和在数控编程中的应用范围。  相似文献   
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