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The need to increase measurement accuracy of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in vehicles is forcing the market to develop chassis-dyno test cells that reproduce on-road conditions realistically.Air-cooling is key to vehicle performance. It is therefore critical that the design of a test cell guarantees realistic cooling of all vehicle components, as important errors in fuel consumption and emissions measurements may otherwise arise. In a test-room, a blower placed in front of the vehicle supplies the cooling air. While there are some guidelines in the literature for the selection of fans required for emissions measurements for standard driving cycles, the information for designing the air supply system for specific tests in other areas is scarce.New Real Driving Emissions (RDE) legislation will force manufacturers to perform on-road measurements of pollutants. This represents a significant challenge due to the variability of conditions coming from non-controlled parameters. In order to optimize vehicles, different tests are performed in cells equipped with a chassis-dyno where the on-road flow field around the vehicle is reproduced as closely as possible.This work provides some guidelines for the definition of the airflow supply system of chassis-dyno facilities for vehicle optimization tests, based on a CFD analysis of the flow characteristics around the vehicle. By comparison with the solution obtained for a vehicle in real road driving conditions, the exit section of the blower and the distance between the blower exit and the car that best reproduce realistic on-road flow conditions in a test room are determined.  相似文献   
The response of an offshore wind turbine tower and its monopile foundation has been investigated when exposed to linear and fully nonlinear irregular waves on four different water depths. The investigation focuses on the consequences of including full nonlinearity in the wave kinematics. The linear and nonlinear irregular wave realizations are calculated using the fully nonlinear potential flow wave model OceanWave3D [1]. The linear and nonlinear wave realizations are compared using both a static analysis on a fixed monopile and dynamic calculations with the aeroelastic code Flex5 [2]. The conclusion from this analysis is that linear wave theory is generally sufficient for estimating the fatigue loading, but wave nonlinearity is important in determining the ultimate design loads.  相似文献   
H型钢接触网支柱在高速铁路中得到广泛使用,直接影响铁路接触网系统安全。长期处于风荷载作用下,H型钢接触网支柱存在疲劳问题。通过建立数值计算模型,应用热点应力的表面外推法,对H型钢接触网支柱柱脚焊缝在风荷载作用下的疲劳性能进行分析。以兰新高铁H型钢接触网支柱为例,依据热点应力-寿命曲线,计算支柱焊缝的疲劳寿命。分析结果表明:其他条件不变的情况下,改变型钢规格和柱高,热点位置不发生变化;随着支柱高度增加,疲劳寿命降低21%左右;随着型钢截面的增大,疲劳寿命增加23%左右。  相似文献   
虞驰程 《船舶工程》2015,37(10):36-39
以上海海事大学教学实习船"育明"轮为对象,研究船舶加装风帆装置的船体结构强度问题,通过局部加强风帆基座和船体连接部分来保证风帆安装部位的结构稳定性。利用Solidworks和Femap软件建立了风帆基座和船体的有限元模型,计算得到该模型在10级风载荷下受风角度从0°~60°的应力和应变。最终结果表明,在10级风载荷下,该船风帆基座和局部加强后的船体的强度符合要求。  相似文献   
高巍  石扬  张继春 《船舶工程》2018,40(1):106-112
本文以OC3 Hywind Spar基础浮式风机为研究对象,采用先进的空气动力-水动力耦合时域分析方法,针对其在中国南海某海域风浪流共同作用下,系泊系统、浮式基础运动以及风机与塔桶载荷响应进行分析。对比了定常风与湍流风模型对浮式风机系泊系统、整体运动响应以及风机载荷的影响。计算结果表明:相比于湍流风,采用定常风进行浮式风机系泊系统分析将得到偏于危险的结果,同时浮式风机运动响应与风机载荷结果偏小。本文建议在系泊系统初始设计阶段采用定常风方法进行设计,在系泊分析阶段采用湍流风进行分析,以保证浮式风机长期服役安全。  相似文献   
The cost of foundations for offshore wind turbines constitutes approximately 35% of the total cost of an offshore wind farm. The bucket foundations show significant potential due to their superior transportation and installation efficiencies compared to pile foundations, leading to potential cost savings for the foundation of up to 30%. For a bucket foundation to be installed successfully, the penetration resistance must be predicted. However, there is currently a lack of clarity on how to select a suitable calculation method for penetration resistance based on known geological parameters to guide construction. In order to evaluate the current methods of calculation for bucket foundation penetration resistance, this study combines theoretical calculation methods with two sets of practical measurement data from the field. The calculation methods of penetration resistance for bucket foundation are first reviewed and categorized. The applicability range of each method and the parameters needed for calculation are given. Next, according to the measured data in the process of penetration of bucket foundation on site, the evolution of compartment pressure, tilt angle, resistance and required suction in the process of penetration are analyzed. Finally, the reviewed methods are compared to the results of two practical projects in order to analyze the differences between them and make recommendations for the calculation technique. The findings can be used as a guide for calculating the bucket foundation's penetration resistance in complex geological conditions.  相似文献   
In a previously reported study, wind tunnel experiments were undertaken to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics of hybrid-sails in isolation. Such sails are seen as providing a worthwhile reduction in the delivered power to the propeller and hence the engine generated thrust, with a corresponding reduction in the CO2 production of diesel engine exhaust. In this paper, wind tunnel testing is used to investigate sail–sail interaction effects for two sets of four identical hybrid-sails, and the sail–hull interaction effects for the same two sets of four identical sails in the presence of a bulk carrier hullform. The analysis presented suggests that to build a sail-assisted ship requires an appreciation of the sail–sail and sail–hull interaction effects.  相似文献   
防沙堤是造价低、使用广泛的工程防沙措施。对三角形和梯形截面防沙堤进行系统对比研究,总结出两种防沙堤的优缺点。通过风洞试验对不同断面形状的防沙堤的流场结构、流场压力分布、积沙情况进行对比研究,然后利用FLUENT数值模拟方法对风洞试验进行验证对比。研究结果和结论:(1)梯形横断面防沙堤迎风侧形成的低速区域宽度大于三角形,梯形迎风侧对沙粒的沉积、滞留作用优于三角形;(2)三角形横断面防沙堤背风侧产生的有效防护宽度大于梯形,防护效果优于梯形;(3)风沙流遇防沙堤阻挡在迎风侧坡脚受阻堆积,积沙达到堤体2/3高度时不再继续堆积增高,一部分向两侧随风流导向两端处,另一部分沿坡越过堤体顶部在落沙坡堆积。准备建设的风沙铁路酒额线及其他交通、民用建筑可以利用以上成果选择防沙堤的形状以达到最好防沙效益。  相似文献   
在NACA0006翼型和圆弧型风帆的基础上,针对船用助航风帆的特点设计出一种新型翼型风帆,并采用标准κ-ε模型,利用FLUENT软件对翼型在8个不同风向角下的空气动力特性进行了数值模拟计算,获得翼型风帆在8种不同风向角下的升力系数和阻力系数,并对计算风帆模型进行风洞试验,风洞试验得到的升力系数和阻力系数结果与模拟计算结果有较好的吻合,通过试验结果对比证明其升力系数比常规的矩形圆弧风帆有很大提高.  相似文献   
为研究铁路沿线不同地表条件与挡沙墙周围风沙流场的互馈规律及挡沙墙挡风沙的功效,基于数值模拟及风洞实验,对不同地表粗糙度下的风沙流场进行数值分析,揭示地表粗糙度对流场表征量诸如风速、积沙形态的影响规律。结果表明:不同粗糙度下挡沙墙周围速度均形成减速区、涡流区与加速区,其中,加速区受粗糙度影响较大;粗糙度越大对近地表(1 m以下)速度削弱越大,但在1 m以上风速受其影响减弱;不同粗糙度下挡沙墙周围积沙分布不同,粗糙度越大,迎风侧积沙位移越长,风沙流饱和路径越小;随风速的增大,4类粗糙度下的积沙长度都表现为迎风侧减少,背风侧增多。  相似文献   
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