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利用MSC.Marc Mentat 2005通用有限元软件对深海探测用压力容器受静水压力作用时的弹塑性失稳问题进行了计算与分析,弹性失稳数值计算的结果与用现有规范计算公式所得结果一致,均大于塑性失稳数值分析时的临界载荷。由此得出结论,对于厚壁且形状复杂的压力容器的失稳计算,用理论公式或仅用厚壳单元的弹性失稳分析是不够的,应该用3维立体单元的弹塑性失稳计算才能给出比较精确的强度预测。MSC.Marc Mentat2005强大的计算和仿真功能有效地模拟了深海精密探测容器受静水压力作用时的弹塑性失稳问题,为深海精密探测容器在材料、外观等方面做进一步的设计改进提供了可靠的工具。  相似文献   
吴冕  王芳  罗瑞龙  姜哲  崔维成 《船舶力学》2021,25(10):1356-1366
深海超高压环境模拟容器用于模拟水下压力环境,其容器壁上承受反复载荷,容易产生疲劳裂纹.疲劳裂纹扩展是影响其断裂的主要因素.本文旨在分析半椭圆裂纹在老化的深海超高压环境模拟容器中的扩展行为,评估容器的安全性,因此对材料20MnMoNb钢的裂纹扩展特性进行了试验研究,首先考虑三角形和梯形加载情况,通过比较两组实验结果,考察了其材料对保载时间的敏感性.采用基于统一的裂纹扩展率模型的三维有限元方法进行了疲劳裂纹扩展计算,并通过CT试样的一组数值和实验结果进行了验证,最后建立了不同初始尺寸、展弦比和倾角的裂纹有限元模型,并根据裂纹在容器内壁的容许深度准则,计算了容器的剩余寿命.其分析结果可为深海超高压环境模拟容器可靠性评估提供参考.  相似文献   
Identification of optimal sites for the isolation of waste on the abyssal seafloor was performed with two approaches: by the traditional method of map overlays of relevant attributes, and by a specially developed, automated Site-Selection Model (SSM). Five initial, Surrogate Sites, identified with the map-overlay approach, were then compared with the more rigorously produced scores from the SSM. The SSM, a process for optimization of site locations, accepts subjective, expert-based judgments and transforms them into a quantitative, reproducible, and documented product. The SSM is adaptable to any siting scenario. Forty-one factors relevant to the isolation scenario, including 21 weightable factors having a total of 123 scorable categories, have been entered into the SSM. Factors are grouped under project definition, unique environments, anthropogenic, geologic, biologic, weather, oceanographic and distance criteria. The factor scores are linked to a georeferenced database array of all factors, corresponding to 1°×1° latitude–longitude squares. The SSM includes a total of 2241 one-degree squares within 1000 n.m. of the U.S. coasts, including the western North Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the eastern North Pacific. Under a carefully weighted and scored scenario of isolation, the most favorable sites identified with the SSM are on the Hatteras and Nares Abyssal Plains in the Atlantic. High-scoring sites are also located in the Pacific abyssal hills province between the Murray and Molokai Fracture Zones. Acceptable 1° squares in the Gulf of Mexico are few and of lower quality, with the optimum location on the northern Sigsbee Abyssal Plain. Two of the five Surrogate Site locations, on the Hatteras and Sigsbee Abyssal Plains, correspond to the best SSM sites in each ocean area. Two Pacific and a second Atlantic Surrogate Site are located in low-scoring regions or excluded by the SSM. Site-selection results from the SSM, although robust, are an initial attempt to quantify the site-selection process. The SSM database exposes a significant lack of high-quality information for many areally mappable attributes on the abyssal seafloor, particularly bottom-current speed and measures of biologic productivity and flux. Terminologies and classifications of some measures, such as sediment types, suffer from parochialism and vary by ocean. Considerable research is needed even for a broad understanding of the environmental measures required to make sound societal decisions about use of the abyssal seafloor for disposal or other purposes.  相似文献   
深海空间站导航技术初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吉雨冠  程荣涛 《船舶》2011,22(1):48-50,53
船舶科技发展"十一五"规划纲要中,超前布置了包括深海空间站等10项代表船舶科技发展方向的重大关键技术。而导航技术的研究是深海空间站保障系统中一个主要内容,基于光纤陀螺(FOG)的惯导技术(INS)的开发和利用具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
董鹏  朱克强 《港工技术》2010,47(6):6-9,23
简要介绍当前运用较广的TLP、FPSO、Spar等型式深海平台的生产背景和主要特点,通过对上述各种结构型式深海平台的优、缺点进行深入的比较分析,探讨在南海特殊海洋环境下进行油气资源开采时宜采用的最合理的平台结构型式。  相似文献   
目前深海石油平台广泛采用桩基锚固形式,深海锚桩与浅海桩基的受力形式存在较大差异。采用三维有限元软件模拟深海锚桩的受力情况,重点分析深海锚桩在受缆索斜向拉力作用时,不同加载角度和系泊点位对桩基水平承载力和竖向抗拔承载力的影响,可供深海石油平台设计研发参考。  相似文献   
大深度载人潜水器耐压壳极限承载力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对钛合金材料的力学性能试验数据的研究拟合出钛合金材料曲线,同时对泰勒水池公式的计算结果和有限元计算结果进行比较,将泰勒水池公式的有关思想应用于有限元分析结果的处理,对有限元分析的结果进行改进,较好地评估大深度载人潜水器耐压壳体的极限承载力。据此提出在大深度载人潜水器的耐压壳体初步设计阶段可以用该方法对结构的承载力进行预测。  相似文献   
The response of pore water oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, sulfide, ammonium and methane and particulate organic carbon distributions to the input of 8.5 million m3 (3.8×1012 g) of organic-rich waste materials is simulated. The deposit is assumed to be conical with a maximum thickness of approximately 20 m. Remineralization reactions within the deposit rapidly deplete any initially available pore water oxidants such as oxygen, nitrate and sulfate, and are subsequently dominated by fermentation reactions. Diffusion downward of reduced metabolites, sulfide, ammonium and methane, depletes the available oxidants in the pore waters below the waste pile, increasing the thickness of the anoxic layer. While the impacted region is limited to essentially the deposition site, recovery of the pore waters is estimated to be >104 years. The overall computational results are corroborated by the pore water distributions observed at turbidite boundaries. Numerous uncertainties in the parameterizations limit the overall accuracy of the calculations presented. The most significant of these are: (1) A quantitatively accurate assessment of the remineralization rate of the deposited organic matter including its rate of inoculation by abyssal microorganisms; (2) a detailed assessment of potential non-diffusive pore water transport processes including advection due to compaction and buoyancy-driven flows and enhanced exchange due to macrobenthic irrigation activities and (3) an assessment of the potential alteration of pore space and methane reactivity due to gas hydrate formation.  相似文献   
顾继红  廖又明  胡震 《船舶》2008,19(2):8-12
文章较为详细地介绍了美国伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所(WHOI)目前在建的新概念ALVIN号载人深潜器研制项目,该项目经过了美国科研机构认真详实的凋研论证而立项,新概念ALVIN号的研制对确保美国在深海研究及深海技术方面处于领先地位有着重大意义。文中介绍了新ALVIN号的主要技术性能、关键技术、建造费用、建造计划等内容。  相似文献   
综合考虑复杂的海洋环境和水下设备形式,深入分析深海采矿作业中水下设备布放回收的技术难点和作业效率,开展布放回收系统中的集矿车、中继仓、提升泵和扬矿管等水下设备的配置和布局设计,形成深海采矿船水下设备布放回收工艺。研究结果可为深海采矿船水下设备布放回收系统的设计制造提供参考,为深海采矿船工程应用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
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