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杨勇 《船舶工程》2019,41(S1):69-70
本文介绍了ISO 9943-2009国际标准和GBT 20846-2007中国国家标准中对船用厨房和具有烹调设备的配餐室的通风计算及空气处理中提出的送风量的计算方法,提出另一种更易于大家理解和接受的简易计算方法和空气处理过程,供工程技术及设计研究人员参考。  相似文献   
We analyse mode choice behaviour for suburban trips in the Grand Canary island using mixed revealed preference (RP)/stated preference (SP) information. The SP choice experiment allowed for interactions among the main policy variables: travel cost, travel time and frequency, and also to test the influence of latent variables such as comfort. It also led to discuss additional requirements on the size and sign of the estimated model parameters, to assess model quality when interactions are present. The RP survey produced data on actual trip behaviour and was used to adapt the SP choice experiment. During the specification searches we detected the presence of income effect and were able to derive willingness-to-pay measures, such as the subjective value of time, which varied among individuals. We also studied the systematic heterogeneity in individual tastes through the specification of models allowing for interactions between level-of-service and socio-economic variables. We concluded examining the sensitivity of travellers’ behaviour to various policy scenarios. In particular, it seems that contrary to political opinion, in a crowded island policies penalising the use of the private car seem to have a far greater impact in terms of bus patronage than policies implying direct improvements to the public transport service.  相似文献   
为了深入分析出行者的汽车共享选择行为,首先以技术接受模型和计划行为理论为框架,将对汽车共享选择行为具有影响的心理因素整合到传统的离散选择模型之中,形成混合选择模型.然后,基于南京市的实证调查数据,运用混合选择模型对出行者的汽车共享选择行为进行研究.结果表明,出行者对于汽车共享的感知有用性、感知易用性、行为态度、知觉行为控制等心理态度潜变量对其选择行为产生显著的正向影响,混合选择模型比传统不带潜变量MNL模型对实证数据具有更高的拟合度.  相似文献   
低碳交通是城市交通发展的必然选择.为定量分析出行者环保意识对低碳出行选择行为的影响,本文基于出行者环保行为和环保态度,利用Rasch模型,构建了出行者潜在的环保意识.将出行者潜在的环保意识作为解释变量带入多变量Probit模型中,分析出行者环保意识对私家车限制政策赞同度和购买纯电动车意愿的影响.研究结果表明:在出行者低碳出行行为中,带入出行者环保意识能够提高模型的拟合度;环保意识对多设公交专用道、通过提高燃油税和停车费等减少市中心小汽车量的赞同度的平均边际效用为0.127、0.144;环保意识对现阶段、未来基础设施完善时购买纯电动汽车意愿的平均边际效用为0.133、0.116;未来购买纯电动汽车意愿比现阶段购买纯电动汽车意愿高0.182.  相似文献   
自动驾驶技术和共享经济融合产生的共享自动驾驶汽车(SAV)可为人们提供优质的出行服务。为探究出行者选择SAV的行为特性,对受访者的社会经济属性、历史出行特性、行为态度特征进行调查,并采用正交试验设计出行方式选择意向调查问卷,收集到311份有效数据。为充分考虑个体异质性,利用潜在类别分析探究SAV使用者的潜在类别,并将所得潜在类别作为变量融入离散选择Logit模型,建立SAV使用意向的潜在类别-Logit模型。结合多项或混合Logit模型以及划分的3个潜在类别,根据4个合理的模型标定的性别、交通模式、SAV使用人群类型、等待时间等59个变量的参数,识别SAV使用意向的显著性影响因素,并采用7个拟合优度指标评价多项Logit、混合Logit、潜在类别-Logit等8个模型。利用边际效应分析,探讨出行方式属性对SAV使用意向的具体影响。结果表明:涉及3个潜在类别的离散选择Logit模型具有更强的解释性,这3个潜在类别可分别描述为冲动的积极创新者、矛盾的保守创新者和理智的保守使用者;不同潜在类别人群的显著性因素存在明显差异,SAV使用人群类型是不同潜在类别人群共有的显著性因素,其中SAV创新者在各个模型中的显著性水平值均小于0.1;潜在类别-Logit模型的第1类和第2类预测正确率比其他Logit模型分别高出5.9%~28.3% 和5.4%~18.5%,可以更好地解释出行者对SAV的使用意向;出行等待时间对出行者选择SAV的影响最大;当SAV选择概率接近于0.5时,轻微降低SAV人均出行费用最易引起选择私人小汽车的出行者转而选择SAV。  相似文献   
雷飞亚 《隧道建设》2019,39(Z1):245-256
为研究寒区隧道围岩在持续低温作用或冻融循环作用过程中,考虑岩体相变过程中多相体各组分变化引起的岩石热学参数差异对围岩温度场时空变化规律的影响,利用已有岩体未冻水含量研究成果,进一步推导不同孔隙率下岩体的热学参数计算公式。基于多孔介质模型建立考虑相变过程的围岩温度场计算模型,分析考虑潜热时不同孔隙率下围岩冻结缘的空间形态变化规律,及相变过程对温度场的影响。研究结果表明: 1)饱和岩体孔隙率越高,对岩体整体热学参数影响越大; 2)低温持续作用围岩时,冻结缘向围岩深处移动并不断变宽,其宽度与其深度呈线性关系; 3)饱和围岩孔隙率对冻结缘移动速度影响较大,但对其宽度基本无影响; 4)由于相变潜热,岩体在冻融循环过程中围岩温度时程曲线出现不对称阶梯状形态,且其阶梯形状宽度与围岩孔隙率呈正相关; 5)冻融循环过程中,升温及降温过程中冻结缘临近岩体温度梯度存在差异引起的传热效率不同直接导致升温、降温时程曲线的不对称性特征出现; 6)沿硐室围岩径向向外,各处围岩体的温度时程函数与加载的温度函数存在着振幅衰减和相位滞后的现象,且岩体孔隙率越高该现象越明显。  相似文献   
采用严格配对的研究方法,对20对6~30个月隐性缺铁(LatentIronDeficiency,LID)婴幼儿进行了脑功率谱和脑地形图分析。结果显示LID患儿在右后顶部、左中后颈、右中颞及前中央顶部α1能量减低,提示LID患儿大脑发育比正常组婴幼儿落后。  相似文献   
Measurements of boundary layer moisture have been acquired from Rotronic MP-100 sensors deployed on two NDBC buoys in the northern Gulf of Mexico from June through November 1993. For one sensor, which was retrieved approximately 8 months after deployment, the post- and precalibrations agreed closely and fell well within WMO specifications for accuracy. The second sensor operated continuously from June 1993 to February 1997 (3.5 years). Buoy observations of relative humidity and supporting data were used to calculate specific humidity and the surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat. Specific humidities from the buoys were compared with observations of moisture obtained from nearby ship reports, and the correlations were generally high (0.7–0.9). Surface gravity wave spectra were also acquired. The time series of specific humidity and the other buoy parameters revealed three primary scales of variability, small (h), synoptic (days), and seasonal (months). The synoptic variability was clearly dominant and occurred primarily during September, October, and November. Most of the synoptic variability was due to frontal systems that dropped down into the Gulf of Mexico from the continental US followed by air masses which were cold and dry. Cross-correlation analyses of the buoy data indicated that: (1) the moisture field was highly coherent over distances of 800 km or more in the northern Gulf of Mexico; and (2) both specific humidity and air temperature served as tracers of the motion associated with propagating atmospheric disturbances. These correlation analyses also revealed that the prevailing weather systems generally entered the buoy domain from the South prior to September, but primarily from the North thereafter. Spectra of the various buoy parameters indicated strong diurnal and semidiurnal variability for barometric pressure and sea surface temperature (SST) and lesser variability for air temperature, wind speed and significant wave height. The surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat were dominated by the synoptic events which took place from September through November with the transfer of latent heat being primarily from the ocean to the atmosphere. Finally, an analysis of the surface wave observations from each buoy, which included calculations of wave age and estimates of surface roughness, indicate that major heat and moisture flux events coincide with periods of active wave growth, although the data were insufficient to identify any causal relationships.  相似文献   
阐述了转轮式全热交换器的显热和潜热效率,分析了空调系统中显热和潜热的能耗构成。通过对转轮式全热交换器和显热交换器热回收率的比较,得出使用全热交换器的节能效果更加明显的结论。结合国内舰船空调通风系统的现状和发展趋势,提出了转轮式全热交换器在舰船空调通风系统中应用的可能性。  相似文献   
以影响轨道交通票价制定的各类因素为研究对象,依据已有的理论基础和实践经验,设计了涵盖众多影响票价构成因素的调查问卷,并对有效问卷数据进行统计。利用隐类模型分析合理的票价分类,以及各分类水平对应的多因素不同取值,为轨道交通票价制定的实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   
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