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为满足洋山深水港生产营运需要,有关部门希望保留颗珠山—蒋公柱潮流汊道,这与总体规划布置不一致。为此需进行深水港西港区岸线功能规划调整研究。考虑到汊道的颗珠山一侧潮流具有岬角绕流型特点,而蒋公柱一侧有岬角环抱型特点;在此认识基础上针对多种岸线方案进行试验。试验结果表明,采用岸线优化方案后,可以保持甚至改善汊道内和已建港区潮流条件。从水流角度看,采取合理的岸线布置和适当的工程措施后,保留和开发利用颗珠山—蒋公柱潮流汊道是可行的。  相似文献   
结合泰州港高港港区高港作业区沥青码头改扩建工程实例,通过对其平面布置方案的优化过程分析,提出了长江深水岸线充分、合理利用的必要性,并归纳了提高岸线利用效率所采取的一些平面措施。  相似文献   
Relative sea-level rise will affect vulnerable coastal communities globally. Quantifying this effect on the coastal environment and infrastructure provides critical information that enables coastal managers to develop sustainable mitigation and adaptation measures. Modeling applications have enabled the past, present, and future trends in shoreline morphology to be investigated in detail. Predictive numerical models depend largely on the reliability of the input data. This article reports on using the Soft Cliff and Platform Erosion (SCAPE) numerical model to simulate future shoreline evolution trend in the central Accra coast in Ghana. The model input parameters include historic shoreline recession rates, wave data, tidal data, bathymetry, beach volume, beach topography, historic relative sea-level rise rates, and the shoreline orientation. The data fed the SCAPE numerical model which simulated the emergence of soft rock shore profiles over timescale of decades to centuries, to project future positions of the central Accra shoreline for the next 100 years under different scenarios of climate change. Simulated future shoreline positions overlaid on a 2005 orthophoto map of Accra enabled vulnerable areas and infrastructure at risk to be identified. It emerged that a highly populated community in central Accra will be inundated by 2065, while the Rivera beach resort will be eroded from 2035. A natural fish landing site in Osu (suburb in Accra) will be lost from 2045. The study has demonstrated that considerable ecological, economic, social, and national losses should be expected within the next century. Shoreline change management options should be explored to help mitigate the expected impact of the sea-level rise.  相似文献   
张家港宏泰通用码头前方作业平台远离后方堆场,为典型的远岸深水码头,且兼具中转功能,需要停靠数量较多、大小差别较大的船舶,综合考虑工程造价、码头功能及与临近已建工程之间的关系等因素,提出了“T”型布置方案,提高了港口岸线的利用率。  相似文献   
应用MIKE21数学模型对天津近岸海域潮流场进行数值模拟,同时考虑天津近岸海域5个典型河口污染物输入的影响,计算了大小潮作用下COD输移扩散范嗣,并研究了岸线变化对COD输移扩散范围的影响.结果表明,岸线的变化对北塘口及天津港附近COD的输移扩散有较大影响.岸线变化后,大小潮高低潮时刻对应的0.001 mg/L浓度等值...  相似文献   
港口岸线是不可再生的稀缺资源,在社会经济发展中发挥着重要作用。文章以苏州市为分析样本,介绍了苏州内河港口岸线利用现状,通过与周边地区进行对照,分析了当前苏州内河港口岸线管理方面存在的不足,并提出了在建设现代化内河水运体系的背景下,提升苏州内河港口岸线集约化管理水平的途径。  相似文献   
Recent estimates by J. Gosselink, E. Odum, and R. Pope of the economic value of natural wetlands have had considerable impact on analyses and discussions of public policies concerning natural wetlands management. However, these economic value estimates are neither conceptually nor empirically correct. First, these workers failed to recognize the nature of the process by which economic values are determined and made an illegitimate marriage of the principles of systems ecology and economic theory. Second, where Gosselink et al. attempted to apply proper economic principles, their calculations resulted in economic value estimates that are most likely in error.  相似文献   
In principle, public rights of access to “outfield” along the Norwegian shoreline are protected by law. A case study from the village of Saltnes indicates that it is difficult for people to stay or walk along a populated shoreline area without feeling that they are violating privacy norms. Such “mental” barriers and subjective perceptions are not formally addressed in Norwegian regulations concerning legal rights of public access, but appear to affect the extent of recreational use. Interviews with property owners and visitors in Saltnes indicated that two key elements help to improve the situation. First, physical markers demarcating public land (“outfield”) and private land (“infield”) such as vegetation, small fences, signs, boulder walls, paths, and so on seem to reduce discomfort both for visitors and residents. Second, property owners and visitors value polite behavior highly, and communication between different groups of interests seems to clarify the challenging public/private divide. A main impression was that people find present rules and regulations unclear and diffuse and difficult to practice. It is relevant to ask whether the public accessible parts of developed and populated coastal zones are identifiable through the infield–outfield divide; more specific and adapted regulation of public traffic is needed on private shoreline properties.  相似文献   
刘猛  张宏伟  李为华 《水运工程》2013,(11):106-110
首次在潮汐河口采用局部正态物理模型研究了局部冲刷问题,结果表明:采用局部正态物理模型研究潮汐河口 相关工程问题是可行的,试验水力条件的选择、模型边界的确定以及模型的整体变坡是将局部正态模型应用于潮汐河口的 关键技术,提出了简便易行且效果良好的模型边界的确定方法,阐述了模型整体变坡的必要性及方法。  相似文献   
陆冬青  黄志清  邱云明 《船舶工程》2015,37(S1):206-208
建立船舶操纵运动数学模型,计算确定相邻的岸线线段和船舶轮廓线线段之间的凹凸关系,提出船舶操纵运动仿真中船舶碰岸检测算法,并对检测到的碰岸情况进行时间步长调整。编制了计算程序,对于船舶轮廓线端点位于岸线内侧和岸线端点位于船舶内部两种船舶碰岸情况进行了碰岸检测仿真试验,试验结果良好,很好地避免了在船舶操纵运动仿真中出现船舶冲上码头或者岸滩的现象。  相似文献   
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