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水下连接器的对接作业是水下工程作业的重要环节,针对目前依靠摄像机传回视频进行作业过程中存在的操作难度大、依赖操作员经验的问题,设计基于双目视觉的水下连接器位姿测量方法。该方法首先根据水下连接器的颜色特征确定检测范围,之后在检测范围中以水下连接器为模板进行初步定位,然后根据水下连接器端面的成像特点检测椭圆特征,并进行双目匹配获得相关三维点坐标,最后计算得出水下连接器的位姿。实验表明,该方法位置测量平均误差1.3%,姿态测量平均误差3.5°,可以较好地为水下连接器对接作业提供参考。  相似文献   

同步考虑水下近场爆炸冲击波载荷与气泡射流载荷的作用,综合分析双层防护结构型式及尺度对其抗爆能力的影响,可为双层防护结构的抗爆设计提供直接技术支持。采用基于欧拉法的气泡动力学程序模拟气泡的近壁脉动过程,基于能量等效原则,将射流水柱对结构的冲击简化为等效的射流载荷,通过编制MSC.Dytran软件子程序,在冲击波数值模拟阶段后自动添加等效射流载荷,实现更接近实际情况的双层防护结构遭受水下近场爆炸过程的数值模拟。以内壳单位板厚变形能表征双层防护结构的抗爆能力强弱,通过改变结构型式与尺寸参数,对不同支撑结构板厚、内壳板厚和内外壳间距下结构的抗爆能力进行批量计算,以结构总重和抗爆能力为双重目标,借鉴多目标优化思想,得到双层结构抗爆能力的最优解集。计算结果表明: 当内外壳厚度及其间距一定时,存在最佳支撑结构板厚;在同等结构重量情况下,Y型双层结构能提供更强的抗爆能力。

伴随着我国海洋经济的快速发展和海洋资源开发活动的日益活跃,潜水打捞在国家应急保障体系中的作用凸显.第四届国际潜水救捞与海洋工程技术论坛在此背景下由中国潜水打捞行业协会主办召开.通过对论坛报告内容的梳理和总结,探讨了沉船整体打捞工程、水下装备、"智慧海洋"战略展望、灾害应对与环境保护以及涉海法律法规等当前行业关注的多个方面的热点话题,结合我国救捞力量发展历程与现状,分析并展望了大型救捞船舶、水下高精度感知、大深度潜水、水下潜航器、仿真演练与辅助决策及水下作业工具等关键技术与装备的发展趋势.  相似文献   
球鼻艏作为现代舰船的重要结构,具有降低流体阻力和装载声呐的作用,其结构强度直接关系到舰船的战斗力,而其抗爆抗冲击性能更是影响舰船生命力的重要因素。针对某舰球鼻艏结构,采用ANSYS软件建立有限元模型,并应用ABAQUS对其水下非接触爆炸载荷下的抗冲击性能进行数值仿真计算。计算结果表明,合理的结构设计及材料选择可使球鼻艏结构在不同水下非接触爆炸载荷下的塑性变形均处于安全范围内,并发现其主要薄弱环节位于导流罩与船体外板的连接区域,从而在设计中对薄弱环节进行适当加强。  相似文献   
To understand the intrinsic strong interaction between the soft coating and near-field underwater explosion, a series of comparative live fire tests are implemented. Nine steel circular plates with three configurations (i.e. rubber coated plate, foam coated plate and bare plate) are tested using 1.5 g PETN detonator. The stand-off between the plate center and explosive charge is ranged from 3.41 to 1.14 times of the maximum bubble radius. The transient strain history of the plate and acceleration history of the metal base fixture are monitored. The whole explosion process including local cavitation and bubble motion is recorded by an APX-RS high speed camera. Test results show that the compressibility of coating layer is the dominative factor that controls its protective performance in the shock wave loading phase. The more compressible foam coating distinctly reduce the shock wave intensity by local cavitation before enters the densification phase, while the explosion bubble shape and even the direction of water jet can also be changed. But the attenuation performance in the bubble loading phase is not as optimistic as that in the shock wave phase because more deformation space is required while the core has often entered the densification phase.  相似文献   
In this paper, towing tank experiments are conducted to study the behavior of flow on a model of the underwater vehicle with various shapes of bows, i.e. tango and standard bows in free surface motion ...  相似文献   
通过研究海上水声信号的产生和海上水声信号定位系统的构成,设计水声信号处理系统流程,指出陆地上的主控中心与水中的基站如何进行信号数据传递,以及环境噪声、传输损耗、多径传输、多普勒效应等物理特性对信号偏移产生何种影响。最后通过实验验证加入消除滤波器后可以有效地控制多普勒效应产生的频率偏移。  相似文献   
提出一种适用于水声宽带信号的DOA估计算法。该方法首先将时域宽带信号变换到频域,然后划分子带,在每个子带上进行不同的加权得到信号的DOA估计。同时子带算法采用改进的MUSIC算法,降低了DOA高分辨力估计所需要的信噪比。计算机仿真对比了MUSIC算法和改进后算法的空域分辨力,同时也对比了不同信噪比下2种算法的性能。仿真结果表明,改进后的算法无论在适用信噪比条件还是分辨能力上均有较大提高。最后采用某型水下航行器的实航数据对算法进行验证,验证结果表明该算法可在实际应用环境中获得良好的DOA估计。  相似文献   
钻孔灌注桩水下混凝土灌注的施工控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灌注水下混凝土是钻孔灌注桩成桩的关键工序,运用科学、实用的水下混凝土灌注工艺,以确保工程质量显得极为重要。  相似文献   
The phase change characteristic of the power source of an underwater glider propelled by the ocean's thermal energy is the key factor in glider attitude control. A numerical model has been established based on the enthalpy method to analyze the phase change heat transfer process under convective boundary conditions. Phase change is not an isothermal process,but one that occurs at a range of temperature. The total melting time of the material is very sensitive to the surrounding temperature. When the temperature of the surroundings decreases 8 degrees,the total melting time increases 1.8 times. But variations in surrounding temperature have little effect on the initial temperature of phase change,and the slope of the temperature time history curve remains the same. However,the temperature at which phase change is completed decreases significantly. Our research shows that the phase change process is also affected by container size,boundary conditions,and the power source's cross sectional area. Materials stored in 3 cylindrical containers with a diameter of 38mm needed the shortest phase change time. Our conclusions should be helpful in effective design of underwater glider power systems.  相似文献   
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