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“高价商品”只是一个相对概念,在本质上同普通商品并无不同。在判断何为“生活消费”时,应根据商品购买者的具体消费行为来确定是生产经营性消费,还是生活消费。有权机关应及时作出立法解释或者司法解释,明确《消费者权益保护法》的适用范围,保护弱势的消费者的合法权益。  相似文献   
法理学不法的一般理论,法理学内容驳杂,难以纲学目张。找出法理学的主题,对于科研和教学都有重要意义。法理学以法本体论为主题,而法本体论即法本质论。马克思主义的法本质论是当代法律思想的精华,视野兼顾存在法,观念法、实证法,是法的事实,价值和形式理论的三位一体。  相似文献   
为了解决城市构筑物空间描述现有方法存在的空间目标划分和表达困难的问题,应用本体论的基本理论———部分-整体关系,分析了城市构筑物的描述层次和几何定义;从部分和整体两方面对空间实体的联系进行了分析,提出了一种基于本体论的城市构筑物三维描述框架,并用V isual C 语言和OpenGL Perform er图形软件包实现了原型系统.  相似文献   
传统的西方哲学对本体所作理解的总的倾向是:以为本体是一种“知性的绝对体”,是表象世界的基础与本质。康德哲学中,物自体在经历了经验认识领域里的失败之后,却在实践的世界中发现了成功的希望和出路。批判哲学的整个体系便水到渠成地实现了向道德实体、向信仰主义的过渡。康德的本体思想潜伏着传统西方知性本体论的危机和解构,从而或者本体论的问题应该予以取消,或者必须逃离知性领域而到实践世界中去、到人的生存存在中去发现真实的本体。海德格尔依据存在论,关注人的生存性,把本体从传统哲学抽空或蒸发时间性和历史性的危险边缘中挽救了回来。德里达试图用“延异”解构知性本体,彻底否弃现象背后的本质和能够决定整个世界命运的本体,在本体虚无化的同时还进一步将本体追寻的活动本身问题化、游戏化,有效地拓宽了人类本体追寻的视野。  相似文献   
目前在Web信息的表示和获取方式等方面存在着一些瓶颈,而语义Web的核心思想是通过增加一些语义信息,使得计算机能参与到自动处理Web信息的过程,并为实现智能化的Web应用提供必要的技术基础。语义Web吸取了人工智能、信息论、哲学、逻辑和计算复杂性等学科的研究成果,是多学科、多技术融合的产物。  相似文献   
A computer system for human resource (HR) redistribution system is presented to solve the balance problem of the "surplus resources" and "surplus tasks" among a group of project units. The system architecture is designed in a compositional manner using the elements of agent technology and knowledge technology. A combination of generic agent models, ontology and knowledge provides an effective approach to address the dynamic, distributed and knowledge-intensive characters of the HR management. In the system, the broker agent acting as intermediary provides matchmaking services to the domain agents, and the individual domain agents communicate directly with each other. The HR ontology provides the semantic match of the surplus task and the surplus resource. Finally, an application example is presented to illustrate the achieved solution for a concrete scenario. This novel way offers a comprehensive HR exchange solution and is snitablc for both intra-organizational and inter-organizational HR management.  相似文献   
The goal of this paper is to take a further step towards an ontological approach for representing requirements information. The motivation for ontologies was discussed. The definitions of ontology and requirements ontology were given. Then, it presented a collection of informal terms, including four subject areas. It also discussed the formalization process of ontology. The underlying meta-ontology was determined, and the formalized requirements ontology was analyzed. This formal ontology is built to serve as a basis for requirements model. Finally, the implementation of software system was given.  相似文献   
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