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上海出现了民营经济向“联合体”发展的良好态势。众多民营企事业单位以母子公司为主体,通过投资及生产协作等多种方式共同组成民营企业集团。上海市统计局最新统计报告显示,上海民企集团目前已达136户,占全市企业集团总数的42.6%。  相似文献   
<正>梅西百货的发言人克林顿·凯利说:"鞋子通常奠定了一套服饰的基调。"无论你的衣服多么新潮,穿错的鞋子总是可以瞬间将时尚ICON变身村炮  相似文献   
随着汽车进入家庭步伐的加快,北京市汽车保有量迅速增加,截至2003年8月底,总数已达202万辆。急剧增长的汽车保有量,不合理的路网结构,加之不够科学完善的有效规划管理,北京市交通拥堵日趋严重,成了影响市民出行生活,制约城市经济发展的瓶颈。2003年初召开的市十二届人大第一次会议上,就有258名人大代表针对交通管理问题提出了15件议案。为此,北京市交通委提出了十大应对措施设想。  相似文献   
随着汽车工业的发展,无铅、无锡的环保型阴极电泳漆已经在汽车涂装中获得了广泛应用。实际使用经验表明,由于细菌会严重影响电泳涂膜质量,所以在严格控制无铅、无锡电泳槽液各项工艺参数的同时,还必须对电泳槽内的细菌含量进行监测,通过试验确认了电泳槽内的细菌对电泳涂层有哪些影响,并采取相应措施使问题得到了解决。  相似文献   
A simple and rapid expression and purification method of recombinant firefly luciferase was developed for bacteria detection. A modified luciferase gene from North American firefly Photinus pyralis was cloned into pET28a expression vector and the recombinant protein was produced in Escherichia coli BL21. The recombinant luciferase, equipped with a polyhistidine affinity tag, was purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC). The approach generated an abundant expression and an efficient purification of a recombinant luciferase with final yield 1.995mg/L of cell culture. Experiments on the recombinant luciferase also showed that the relative light units (RUL) of the enzyme were 5.8×108, and the specific activity was 2.9×1010 RLU/mg. By applying adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence to detection of the coin bacteria using the recombinant protein, the ATP content of bacteria was 9.48×10-16mol/mL, and was identical to the bacteria counts (4500CFU/mL) in order of magnitude. Taken together, our results provided a simple and efficacious method of the preparation of recombinant luciferase, which could be applied in the determination of bacteria via ATP bioluminescence.  相似文献   
11月14日~17日,亚洲最大的摩托车专业展、全球最大的交通工具博览会—第十三届中国摩博会将在"摩托车之都"重庆掀起大幕。目前,除了整车厂商参展规模不断扩大,全球知名零部件展商的踊跃参展也成为一大亮点。此外,本届中国摩博会组委会还将在观众组织力度上下足功夫,着力从国内配套、售后以及国际市场加强组织专业观众,全面提升本届展会的交易功能,使摩博会这一行业盛事再次迎来全面升级。  相似文献   
一、以表演促青年教师成长 随着教师年龄结构的变化,我院现有青年教师(35岁以下)295人,占教师总数的40.9%。中副教授2人,讲师137人,助教134人,见习助教18人,教员4人。在上述层次中,研究生有201人,约占青年教师的70%。我院青年教师在本、专科教学中,承担着大量、繁重的教学任务,  相似文献   
据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国英力士公司(INEOS)日前宣布,他们目前已经掌握了将生活垃圾转变为燃料的技术工艺,并计划到2011年底大规模采用这项工艺生产燃料。 英国英力士公司总裁彼特&#183;威廉姆斯说,他们公司已掌握变垃圾为燃料的生产工艺,并拥有这个生产工艺的专利权。在生产过程中,加热垃圾产生气体,气体和某些细菌反应产生乙醇,乙醇经过净化变成燃料。经过这个生产工艺,1000公斤的垃圾可以生产出400升乙醇。  相似文献   
Abstract A new microfluidic system with four different microchambers (a circle and three equilateral concave polygons) was designed and fabricated using poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and the soft lithography method. Using this microfluidic device at six flow rates (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 μL/h), the effects of microenvironmental geometry and aqueous flow on bacterial adhesion behaviors were investigated. Escherichia coli HB101 pGLO, which could produce a green fluorescent protein induced by L-arabinose, was utilized as the model bacteria. The results demonstrated that bacterial adhesion was significantly related to culture time, microenvironment geometry, and aqueous flow rates. Adhered bacterial density increased with the culture time. Initially, the adhesion occurred at the microchamber sides, and then the entire chamber was gradually covered with increased culture time. Adhesion densities in the side zones were larger than those in the center zones because of the lower shearing force in the side zone. Also, the adhesion densities in the complex chambers were larger than those in the simple chambers. At low flow rates, the orientation of adhered bacteria was random and disorderly. At high flow rates, bacterial orientation became close to the streamline and oriented toward the flow direction; All these results implied that bacterial adhesion tended to occur in complicated aqueous flow areas.The present study provided an on-chip flow system for physiological behavior of biological cells, as well as provided a strategic cue for the prevention of bacterial infection and biofilm formation.  相似文献   
清代以前的宫廷医案已散佚殆尽,无从查考。值得庆幸的是。北京屡经近、现代战乱,迭遭帝国主义侵略军占领、抢劫,但清官医案还保存得相当完好。不少资料还是当年原封。未首启动过,真是极为难得。其中包括皇帝、皇后、妃、嫔、王子、太监、宫女以及部分王公大臣的原始诊病记录、内务府抄件、帝后用药底薄、配方密本、御药房和御膳房、御茶房的各项记录,皇帝以及个别皇后的起居注、皇帝有关医药的“朱批”、宫中敬事房档案等,除顺治、康熙、雍正三帝的医疗资料较少外,乾隆以下诸帝。大多有成奎的资料,尤以慈禧、光绪的案卷为多。清朝历代宫延的医案总数约有三、四万件。  相似文献   
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