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采用薄层层析法测定混苯接触工人尿中马尿酸和甲苯马尿酸的排出量,同时,测定车间空气中甲苯和二甲苯浓度,结果提示尿中代谢物浓度与车间空气浓度和接触时间的乘积有高度相关性,认为可以作为生物监测指标。  相似文献   
随着近年来客货共线铁路轨道铺设技术的进步,双块式轨道、枕式无砟道岔等新的轨道结构大量应用,原《客货共线铁路轨道工程施工技术指南》及《有砟轨道铁路铺砟整道施工作业指南》,已不能完全适应当前客货共线铁路发展需要,部分新技术内容施工标准缺失,而且其中的部分条款内容不完善,无法满足新技术的推广和施工过程中质量控制,需要重新制定相应的标准。通过深入现场,对双块式无砟轨道施工、铺砟整道、无缝线路铺设、道岔铺设、轨道与相关专业接口等关键技术进行研究,深入分析施工技术要求及控制标准,研究编制《客货共线铁路轨道工程施工技术规程》,对新研究编制的规程的主要编制原则、研究的关键技术内容、实施要点等进行阐述,便于使新标准得到更好的理解和执行。  相似文献   
信号交叉口摩托车与汽车混合交通流运行特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摩托车出行在近期是我国中小城市居民的主要出行方式之一,因此摩托车、汽车混合交通流也是我国很多中小城市主要的机动车交通流形式。摩托车车流与汽车车流在道路上行驶的行为与特征上存在的差异较大。本文在对摩托车、汽车的混合交通流信号交叉口的实际调查基础上,将摩托车与汽车的相关数据分开进行统计分析,得到了较为符合实际的摩托车、汽车混合交通流在信号交叉口的特征,对交叉口的设计、提高信号交叉口的安全性和通行能力有重要的意义。  相似文献   
Traffic metering offers great potential to reduce congestion and enhance network performance in oversaturated urban street networks. This paper presents an optimization program for dynamic traffic metering in urban street networks based on the Cell Transmission Model (CTM). We have formulated the problem as a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP) capable of metering traffic at network gates with given signal timing parameters at signalized intersections. Due to the complexities of the MILP model, we have developed a novel and efficient solution approach that solves the problem by converting the MILP to a linear program and several CTM simulation runs. The solution algorithm is applied to two case studies under different conditions. The proposed solution technique finds solutions that have a maximum gap of 1% of the true optimal solution and guarantee the maximum throughput by keeping some vehicles at network gates and only allowing enough vehicles to enter the network to prevent gridlocks. This is confirmed by comparing the case studies with and without traffic metering. The results in an adapted real-world case study network show that traffic metering can increase network throughput by 4.9–38.9% and enhance network performance.  相似文献   
Representing activity-travel scheduling decisions as path choices in a time–space network is an emerging approach in the literature. In this paper, we model choices of activity, location, timing and transport mode using such an approach and seek to estimate utility parameters of recursive logit models. Relaxing the independence from irrelevant alternatives (IIA) property of the logit model in this setting raises a number of challenges. First, overlap in the network may not fully characterize perceptual correlation between paths, due to their interpretation as activity schedules. Second, the large number of states that are needed to represent all possible locations, times and activity combinations imposes major computational challenges to estimate the model. We combine recent methodological developments to build on previous work by Blom Västberg et al. (2016) and allow to model complex and realistic correlation patterns in this type of network. We use sampled choices sets in order to estimate a mixed recursive logit model in reasonable time for large-scale, dense time-space networks. Importantly, the model retains the advantage of fast predictions without sampling choice sets. In addition to estimation results, we present an extensive empirical analysis which highlights the different substitution patterns when the IIA property is relaxed, and a cross-validation study which confirms improved out-of-sample fit.  相似文献   
To curb emissions, containerized shipping lines face the traditional trade-off between cost and emissions (CO2 and SOx) reduction. This paper considers this element in the context of liner service design and proposes a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model based on a multi-commodity pickup and delivery arc-flow formulation. The objective is to maximize the profit by selecting the ports to be visited, the sequence of port visit, the cargo flows between ports, as well as the number/operating speeds of vessels on each arc of the selected route. The problem also considers that Emission Control Areas (ECAs) exist in the liner network and accounts for the vessel carrying capacity. In addition to using the MILP solver of CPLEX, we develop in the paper a specific genetic algorithm (GA) based heuristic and show that it gives the possibility to reach an optimal solution when solving large size instances.  相似文献   
Policies that encourage mixed land use are widely believed to make transport more energy efficient. However, few studies have directly examined the impacts of land-use heterogeneity on travel energy consumption at the individual level. Moreover, the definition and measures of land-use heterogeneity are debated. This paper aims to fill these gaps using the large city of Beijing, China, as a case study. Three types of land use are examined in terms of their effects on individual residents’ travel energy consumption. The results suggest that high land-use diversity and a good jobs-housing balance significantly reduces commuting travel. Interestingly, highly heterogeneous retail and housing areas may have high travel energy use, as residents are more likely to go shopping. There are obvious spatial variations in these effects. Residents of suburban ‘newtowns’, where the jobs-housing balance is particularly good, consume less travel energy. The results suggest that decreased use of conventional planning patterns, such as the socialist danwei system, and increasing urban sprawl, bring new challenges to achieving transport efficiency. Mixed land-use policies can be an effective solution to these challenges.  相似文献   
In India pedestrians usually cross the road at mid-block crosswalks due to ease of access to their destination or the development of adjacent land use types such as shopping, business areas, school and residential areas. The behaviour of pedestrian will change with respect to different land use type and this change in behaviour of pedestrian further reflects change in perceived level of service (LOS). So, it is important to evaluate the quality of service of such crossing facilities with respect to different land-use type under mixed traffic conditions. In this framework, pedestrian perceived LOS were collected with respect to different land-use type such as shopping, residential and business areas. The ordered probit (OP) model was developed by using NLOGIT software package, with number of vehicles encountered, road crossing difficulty as well as safety considered as primary factors along with pedestrian individual factors (gender and age), land-use type and roadway geometry. From the model results, it has been concluded that perceived safety, crossing difficulty, land-use condition, number of vehicles encountered, median width and number of lanes have significant effect on pedestrian perceived LOS at unprotected (un-signalized) mid-block crosswalks in mixed traffic scenario. The inferences of these results highlights the importance of land use planning in designing a new set of pedestrian access facilities for unprotected mid-block crosswalks under mixed traffic conditions. Also the study results would be useful for evaluating pedestrian accessibility taking into account different land-use type and planning required degree of segregation with vehicular movement at unprotected mid-block crosswalk locations.  相似文献   
纯电动卡车的产品特点与传统燃油卡车既有共性又存在差异,对比两种车型的底盘装配和调试工艺后,在传统燃油车总装配线的基础上设计了一套新能源的装配工艺流程,不仅提高总装配车间柔性化生产,还实现了纯电动卡车和燃油卡车的混线生产。  相似文献   
目前建成的时速200 km的客货共线铁路,在实际运营中一般采用客(动车组)货不见面或降速至160 km/h速度的运营组织方式,因此对于今后类似项目是否还有必要按时速200 km客货共线铁路建设存在一定争议。通过调研、参考在建及运营项目,结合现行规范、标准及实际运营项目运输经验,对时速160 km、时速160 km(预留200 km)、时速200 km三类方案选用的主要技术标准进行详细汇总和对比分析,提出部分研究思路和实施建议,为后续类似项目速度目标值标准选用提供借鉴。研究结论为:项目初期就应结合项目特点、沿线客货运量需求、相邻路网构成、地形地貌等因素对速度目标值方案进行综合比选确定。  相似文献   
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