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以成昆铁路红层地区的3个小流域为研究区,计算3个年份的地面割裂度及其年平均变化率,分析用地面割裂度表征泥石流沟侵蚀程度的不足及其原因。基于泥石流沟发育的物理模型,以原来的地面割裂度定义为基础,引入表述沟谷分布零散程度的异型度因子,导出新侵蚀系数公式。以3个小流域固体物质的年平均流失量作为侵蚀程度强弱的标准,采用非参数统计推断方法,将侵蚀系数、地面割裂度的年变化值和固体物质的年平均流失量作秩统计和次序统计。对秩统计参数和次序统计参数比较结果表明:在表征泥石流沟侵蚀程度方面,侵蚀系数优于地面割裂度。  相似文献   
结合青藏铁路西格段增建二线工程碎石桩复合地基工程实例,通过重型动力触探试验和桩间土承载力计算分析,研究了复合地基桩间土承载力随软土固结时间提高的特性,得到了动力触探曲线随时间变化的规律;理论分析了地基处理后瞬时桩间土承载力与处理前地基承载力的关系,得到了时间对桩间土承载力影响的规律,给碎石桩复合地基的处理效果提供评价依据,为碎石桩复合地基上层的路基施工提供科学指导.  相似文献   
户式中央空调适用于小型办公楼的需求。空调方案一般采用集中冷源 新风机组 房间风机盘管、传统的家用空调系统、家用小型中央空调3种方式。通过比较可变冷媒直接蒸发式一拖多系统(如VRV系统)、冷水系统、全空气系统户式机组3种方式,考虑到大厦现有实际情况,本次大厦新增空调工程设计方案采用了水系统形式的户式空调机组,并对该方法的经济效益进行了分析。  相似文献   
土压平衡盾构在不同的地层进行渣土改良的关键是选择合适的改良剂,纯砂层施工中最常用的改良剂就是膨润土泥浆,目前已开始尝试使用聚合物进行改良。本文选取3种典型的聚合物,研究聚合物溶液特性与聚合物浓度、搅拌时间和静置时间的关系,并选择合适的聚合物对粗砂试样进行塌落度试验、渗透试验和直剪试验的室内试验研究。研究结果表明,针对粗砂地层(含水率10%左右),0.3%的PAM聚合物溶液注入率为20%~25%时,能有效增强粗砂的流动性和黏聚性,降低渗透系数和摩擦因数,满足土压平衡盾构施工要求。  相似文献   
以某VAN客车顶置空调风道实体模型为分析对象,模拟了空调风道内部气流分布,分析了空调风道各出风口的风量分配。通过对客调出风口结构的优化,使空调风道各出风口的体积流量趋于均匀,各出风口体积流量标准差、空调风道压力损失有所降低,各项指标得到明显改善,优化效果显著。  相似文献   
伴随着国民经济的高速增长,各个大中城市的轨道交通建设得到迅猛发展,轨道交通线路变得越来越多,从而导致地铁用地变得愈发紧张,地铁车站的附属设施经常无处可放,尤其是地铁风亭数目众多,更加难以协调布置,而这些又与地铁车站的通风空调系统紧密相关,如何科学合理地确定通风空调系统成为日益重要的研究课题。本文在总结国内外各城市地铁车站通风空调系统设计、建设、运营经验的基础上,发明了一套更加节能、更易于实施的新型组合闭式地铁车站通风空调系统。该系统具有灵活新颖、设备成熟、简化了设备布置和控制系统,减小了车站建筑面积,降低了工程造价,提供了节能运行的方案措施。该系统值得在地铁设计中大力推广、借鉴和应用,具有重大的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   
Pipelines are important to offshore oil and gas development, but suffers from the pipeline walking phenomenon due to cyclic temperature variations—where large axial walking distances threaten the safety of pipeline systems. Current research indicates that pipeline walking is triggered by steel catenary riser (SCR) tension, seabed slopes, or thermal transients. This paper proposes a new driving mechanism for the pipeline walking phenomenon, involving cyclic hardening soil strength. The finite element analysis method was adopted to analyse the soil friction difference induced walking phenomenon, and the influence of key parameters on the gain in soil friction on walking distance was studied. Pipeline walking distances under different drainage conditions in the heating and cooling processes were also calculated, and the impact of the degree of drainage in the heating process was determined. To better understand the new pipeline walking mechanism, theoretical analysis of the walking behaviour under different cyclic soil friction conditions was carried out. Analytical solutions for estimating the pipeline walking distance were also provided, based on the simplified theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
Seabed in regions, such as the Gulf of Guinea and North West Shelf of Australia, may exhibit a crust layer where the undrained shear strength can be an order of magnitude higher than that of the immediately underlying sediment. This can complicate design of steel catenary risers, where fatigue depends on the cyclic vertical stiffness of the pipe-soil interaction. Potential punch-through of the riser into the underlying soft soil may invalidate design assumptions based on the pipe-soil stiffness within the crust layer. The long-term evolution of pipe-soil stiffness within the crust layer, which exhibits similar properties to an over-consolidated soil, is also poorly understood. This paper describes centrifuge model tests undertaken in a clay sample with a crust layer, simulating the punch-through process of a pipe under load control and investigating the pipe-soil stiffness during long-term cyclic loading tests under displacement control. Results confirm that the potential for punching-through the crust layer depends strongly on the relative ratio of pipe diameter to crust layer thickness. The long-term evolution of pipe-soil stiffness showed a steady increase after an initial remoulding stage in contractile soils (normally consolidated and lightly over-consolidated), but a steady reduction in the heavily over-consolidated, more dilatant, crust. The magnitude of pipe-soil stiffness changes (during both remoulding and reconsolidation) is governed by the over-consolidation ratio of the soil and the amplitude of the cyclic displacements. This study provides insights on the relevant cyclic stiffness to consider when assessing SCR fatigue life in over-consolidated soils and soils exhibiting a superficial crust layer.  相似文献   
Wind energy is clean and sustainable. Taiwan is establishing offshore wind farms using wind turbines in the Taiwan Strait. However, these are located in an earthquake-prone area with sandy seabed conditions. To ensure their safety and reliability, the turbines’ support structure must be protected against wind, waves, and seismic loads. Tuned mass dampers (TMDs) are commonly employed to reduce structural vibrations. A TMD is more simply incorporated into turbine structures than are other energy dissipation devices. In this study, a 1:25-scale test model with a TMD was constructed and subjected to shaking table tests to experimentally simulate the dynamic behavior of a typical 5-MW wind turbine with a jacket-type support structure and pile foundation. The scaled-down wind turbine model has a nacelle without rotating blades; therefore, the aerodynamic and rotational effects due to the rotating blades were ignored in this study. A large laminar shear box filled with saturated sandy ground was used to simulate the typical seabed conditions of Taiwanese offshore wind farms. The TMD system was designed to be tuned the first-mode frequency of the test model. Two ground accelerations, selected by considering wind farm site condition and near-fault characteristics, were used for excitation in the test. The responses of the test model with and without the TMD system were compared, and the influence of soil liquefaction on the effectiveness of TMD vibration control was addressed.  相似文献   
泰州长江大桥中塔沉井号称"世界第一巨型深水沉井",高76m,入土深度达55m,详细介绍了该沉井施工的整体工艺流程,其多项创新性施工工艺对类似沉井施工具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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