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This work considers the second-order sum-frequency diffraction problem for a stationary truncated surface-piercing circular cylinder in bichromatic waves. The solution method was based on a semianalytical formulation of the second-order sum-frequency diffraction potential. The boundary conditions were properly satisfied by introducing the “locked” and the “free” wave components of the nonlinear velocity potential. The method was validated by comparing the calculated results with numerical data previously reported by other authors. Particular attention was paid to the second-order sum-frequency heave forces and the change in the wave run-up configuration due to the existence of the lower fluid domain underneath the truncated cylinder.  相似文献   
波浪对船舶非线性横摇阻尼的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
横摇非线性阻尼通常是在静水中进行横摇衰减试验确定。本文通过在波浪水池中进行不规则波的船模横摇衰减试验,研究了波浪对非线性横摇阻尼的影响。研究发现波浪的存在使横摇阻尼线性部分减少,非线性部分增加;采用随机减量法得到非线性横摇阻尼时,门槛值不同所得到的阻尼也不相同,一般说来,门槛值越大,阻尼非线性成分增加,而线性成分减少。  相似文献   
舰船风浪中航行及操纵系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于风浪中经验航法和理论航法相结合的观点;汲取耐波性等领域的研究成果,提出了一种实用的风浪航行操纵系统,集合3个子系统(海浪计算子系统,航向航速优选子系统,摇荡短期时历预子系统)的计算结果,合理组合,可满足风浪航行及转向时机,舰载直升机起降时同,海上补给及拖带航向航速选择等决策的需求。  相似文献   
走锚预报数学模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对锚泊船进行受力分析和受力计算,应用船舶操纵基本方程,建立了风流浪等外力作用下,锚泊船在浅水、低速、大漂角中的运动方程。通过对船舶运动与锚链受力及锚链受力与锚抓力之间的关系进行研究,提出了一般运输船单锚泊时,在设定的海况下进行走锚预报的数学模型。并利用计算机对实船进行模拟计算,取得了与实际情况比较符合的效果。本文对研制开发走锚预报器提供了理论依据,对于提高锚泊安全性作了一种新的尝试。  相似文献   
文章探讨了舰船在三维非规则波中,基于方向谱的六自由度摇荡及动力响应统计特征值的计算方法,并给出了计算结果和实船海试结果的对比,证实了算法是可行的,精度高于舰船在二维非规则波中基于频谱的计算结果。在此基础上,提出了舰船在三维非规则波中航向航速优选的求解模式和算例。  相似文献   
潜艇近水面运动的定深控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗凯  李俊 《船舶工程》1999,(5):34-36
考虑了潜艇于近水面航行时波浪对深度测量的干扰,在分析潜艇运动特性的基础上,针对高频操舵问题,提出了一种“开环补偿+闭环增量修正”的定深控制方法。仿真结果表明其控制算法效果良好。  相似文献   
本文在4.19×104<Re<5.21×105,1.96≤Kc≤7.85,0.42≤Vr<5.01的范围内,实验研究了孤立圆柱在均匀流场、波浪及浪流中的动态响应。研究表明在三种流场中,往在横向以涡激振动为主;在流向,三者之间存在着较大的差异,且在浪流中,波浪对柱的撞击作用不能忽视。  相似文献   
波浪中螺旋桨推力变化的近似计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
螺旋桨在波浪中随船运动是前进、旋转和振荡三者的结合。本文近似计算波浪中桨流体动力性能相对于静水中性能的变化,将波浪中螺旋桨运动分解为旋转兴波和振荡兴波两部分线性迭加。利用Green函数法,求解其兴波问题,给出桨推力的变化值。编制程序进行了系列数值计算。结果表明,波浪中螺旋桨推力系数变化值随桨轴浸深、桨升沉振荡频率和幅值而变化。  相似文献   
船舶在波浪中操纵运动的模型试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了船舶在波浪中的操纵运动船模试验的模型、方法、内容和结果,并对试验结果进行比较,据此初步分析了波浪对船舶操纵性能的影响。  相似文献   
Three Argos buoy-years of Lagrangian data in westward-moving cyclonic eddies, or Storms, near 32.5°N, together with hydrographic measurements, have shown that Storms move westward at nearly 3 km day−1. Water in eddies can be trapped and moved westward by advection within the eddy or by phase propagation of the eddy pattern, so we cannot say that the flow field (or Eulerian mean) is 3 km day−1 westward. Two moorings (155 and 156) deployed in the Storm Corridor have provided a further 8 instrument-years of Eulerian data. The temperature and current records confirmed that two Storms a year passed each mooring over the 2-year measurement period. As expected, there is a lag of 1.3 month at mooring 155 (which is 102 km to the west of mooring 156) with respect to conditions at mooring 156. The progressive vector diagrams (PVDs) derived from the current meter records exhibit fairly regular X (east or zonal) and Y (north or meridional) displacement scales that repeat with semi-annual periodicity (SAP). The dominant current signal is the north component of the SAP, which reaches an amplitude of 18 cm s−1 for the upper layer or near surface current record (242-m depth). The geostrophic north component values derived from altimetry were in good agreement with the upper layer current meter measurements. The large north component amplitude was not interpreted as evidence for Rossby Waves but rather due to the passage of nine eddies (eight complete) of alternate sign (cyclonic, anticyclonic) passing the mooring rigs during the 2-year deployment period. The Y scale shows that the near surface characteristic or mean maximum azimuthal speed is about 35 cm s−1 for cyclonic eddies or Storms, and that this value is reduced to 4 cm s−1 at 1400-m depth. The residual or mean Eulerian currents range from 8 cm s−1 for the upper layer currents to 1 cm s−1 for the deeper currents at 1400-m depth and are predominantly westward. Simple theoretical considerations and idealised numerical simulations show that the mean westward Eulerian current depends markedly on whether the eddy centres pass to the north or south of the rigs. This raises the question as to what do we mean by Eulerian residual currents, even for relatively long records (2 years). It is shown that the strong near surface westward current (6 km day−1) measured at mooring 155 is largely due to a westward-moving eddy field with variable centre offsets. The magnitude of the near surface east–west component of flow was estimated as eastward at 2 cm s−1. The north–south component of mean flow was southward at 2 cm s−1. The deeper records gave a weak westward flow of 1 cm s−1 but did not show a significant southward component for the mean Eulerian flow field. 7.4 float-years of Lagrangian ALACE data in the Subtropical Front region near 740 dbar gave mean east–west flows that were <0.5 cm s−1. Overall, it is shown that the eddy structures propagate westward mainly by phase propagation (i.e. a westward-moving pattern with no westward advection for the current meter to measure), though plane Rossby Wave dynamics appeared inappropriate. Theoretical and modeling considerations show that a speed of 3-km day−1 westward is too large a value for the self-advection of eddies due to the beta effect.  相似文献   
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