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该文将造成混凝土路面开裂的原因进行归类分析,并提出了相应的预防措施和几种常用的治理方法。  相似文献   
应用新技术、新工艺,对已运行20余年的秦皇岛港煤一期、煤二期工程翻车机等系统进行全面改造,大大提高了系统的自动化程度、安全可靠性,以及作业线的生产效率和港口的卸车能力.  相似文献   
浅层地下水开采对高速铁路工程的影响及对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研究目的:研究掌握浅层地下水开采引起的地面沉降特征及其对高速铁路工程的影响,提出针对性的防治对策与工程措施,供高速铁路勘测、设计及施工参考。研究方法:结合华北平原地面沉降情况,建立浅层地下水开采引起地面沉降的固结沉降模型。研制离心场中地基抽水的模拟和测量系统,进行了离心模型试验,测量抽水过程中粉土地基孔隙水压力和沉降的变化及分布规律,并对比分析了对不同型式桥梁的影响。研究结果:对浅层地下水开采引起的地面沉降机理进行初步分析,基于离心模型试验结果探讨了浅层抽水引起地基沉降的过程和特征,评价了地基不均匀沉降对特殊桥梁形式的影响,并提出了针对性的防治措施和对策。研究结论:浅层地下水开采造成的不均匀沉降对高速铁路工程的影响较大,需通过控制线路附近地下水开采、采取适宜的工程结构措施加以防治。  相似文献   
本文通过对国内轨道交通发展前景、环境现状、主要污染类型、特点、产生机理和影响因素等方面的分析,提出从规划设计、施工和运营三个方面进行综合环境污染治理的措施,以实现环保的城市轨道交通。  相似文献   
对生产现场存在的“三厶”现象以及东汽推行一个流的现状及其存在的问题进行了剖析。说明了现场综合改善的重要性、紧迫性与艰巨性。论证了一个流必须以工业工程特别是工作研究为基础。工业工程是现场综合改善的金钥匙。  相似文献   
Major highway reconstruction can cause significant disruptions to existing travel patterns and economic activity. Reducing these impacts on travelers, shippers, businesses and residents requires that innovative and effective transportation management actions be developed and implemented. This paper reports the major findings and recommendations of a research study on managing transportation during highway, reconstruction. The primary objectives of the study were
–  to investigate and document the critical interrelationships among state-of-the-art reconstruction and scheduling techniques, traffic accommodation strategies, construction quality control measures, and project planning and evaluation processes, and
–  to formulate and recommend a corridor transportation management process that can be used to develop, implement and evaluate a transportation management plan of strategies to mitigate the corridor-wide impacts of major highway reconstruction.
The recommended process consists of five chronological phases, each composed of many tasks having related focuses within the overall process. Each task is designed to contribute to the common objective of seeing that an effective transportation management plan for mitigating travel impacts throughout the project corridor is successfully realized. This process was formulated on the basis of information collected on 25 highway reconstruction projects throughout the United States by way of site visits, direct meetings with project personnel, requests for documentation, and phone interviews.  相似文献   
针对地铁双层车辆段的土建工程特点,通过对出段列车运行能力的分析,提出适应双层车辆段特点和运营需求的信号设备平面布置以及信号工程实施的配合措施,可为今后双层车辆段的信号工程设计提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
列车在行进中及进站和出站时伴随着滚动噪声和制动啸叫噪声等,使得车内和站内噪声加剧,对乘客的身心健康造成一定影响。通过对大连地铁2号线噪声进行调查与测试分析,找到了引起噪声过高的主要因素,得出车内噪声符合标准,但站台噪声超过标准要求。针对监测数据及分析结果,提出了对应的减振降噪措施,为地铁建设工程提供参考。  相似文献   
川藏铁路昌都至林芝段主要工程地质问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川藏铁路昌都至林芝段穿越藏东横断山区和藏东南高山峡谷,走行于印度板块与欧亚板块挤压形成的南迦巴瓦东构造结附近,地形环境极其艰险、地质构造极其活跃、不良地质极其发育。分析拟建铁路沿线的工程地质环境特征,提出了影响铁路建设的主要工程地质问题。研究表明:拟建铁路具有"九极"工程地质环境特征,极为复杂的宏观地质环境孕育了岩爆和软岩大变形、高地温、深大活动断裂带、高位滑坡崩塌、泥石流、溜砂坡(岩屑坡)、雪崩、冰害、生长期高陡卸荷岸坡、放射性、有害气体等工程地质问题,针对不同的工程地质问题,因地制宜地提出防治措施。针对上述工程地质问题,在拟建铁路的勘察设计过程中,本着以科学研究为先导原则,探索复杂艰险山区勘察方法手段的革新,利用新技术、新方法、新设备,研究重大地质灾害和问题的评估技术。  相似文献   
Research purposes: The vertical deformation of high-speed railway (HSR) bridge will cause the track irregularity, which threatens the safe and efficient operation of the HSR. Taking the 32 m simple supported beam bridge as the research object, based on the existing mapping analytical model for bridge vertical deformation and rail geometry, the influence of the track regularity of the CRTS Ⅰ slab ballastless track structure caused by the key parameters such as the bridge vertical deformation amplitude, the hanging length of the beam end and the vertical stiffness of mortar layer were studied, and the corresponding measures to control the rail deformation were proposed, to provide theoretical reference for comprehensive treatment of rail deformation of HSR bridge. Research conclusions:(1) The pier settlement, the vertical rotation of the beam end and the beam fault will cause the rail to follow the beam deformation, and "up-warping" of the rail on the vertical deformation boundary will appear. (2) The rail deformation is directly proportional to the vertical deformation amplitude of the bridge and the key to control the rail deformation is to reduce the vertical deformation of the bridge. (3) The rail deformation can be controlled by reducing the hanging length of beam and vertical stiffness of mortar layer. (4) The research results can provide a theoretical reference for controlling the vertical rail deformation of high-speed railway bridges. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   
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