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The aim of the German Government is the licensing of one million electric vehicles (EV) in Germany until 2020. However, the number of battery electric vehicles (EVs) today still is just above 25,000. There are several reasons for deciding against an EV, but especially low battery ranges as well as too long perceived charging duration inhibit the usage of an EV. To eliminate the negative influence of these two reasons on the decision to purchase an EV, a novel charging technology is established. The rapid-charging technology enables the user to recharge the battery to 80% of its state of charge (SOC) within 20–30 min. For the examination of the technology’s impact from (potential) user’s perspective, users and nonusers of battery electric vehicles were questioned about the perceived additional value of public rapid-charging infrastructure by taking into account different trip purposes and running comparisons to regular charging options. The results show an increased perceived value especially for trips with leisure purpose, considering their share of all trip purposes in Germany, according to the MiD 2008. In order to increase the number of licensed EVs in Germany, the study’s results also suggest further dissemination of information on rapid charging which might influence the perceived usefulness of the technology and consequentially the perceived usefulness of an EV.  相似文献   
《白鹿原》中的性描写在小说发表之初曾引起争议,但还是得到了读者和主流意识形态的一致认可,其中一个重要的原因就在于小说的性叙事策略,即将性"社会文化化",并采用"散点透视"的手法将性描写与故事的整体叙述有机融合。这种叙事策略至今仍然值得借鉴。  相似文献   
<喧嚣与骚动>是美国20世纪最杰出的作家之一威廉·福克纳的代表作.该作品不仅代表了美国意识流小说的最高成就,而且较为全面地运用了现代主义的各种写作手法和技巧.文章通过分析福克纳所运用的对位式结构、多视角的叙事角度以及絮语不止的内心对白等意识流表现手法,来揭示并欣赏作者独特的艺术才华.  相似文献   
2012年10月,JR东日本铁路集团公司提出了未来的“集团公司经营构想V——推动公司持续发展”计划。其中将改进服务质量,提升乘客满意程度列为铁路运输的首要目标。要实现这一目标,车辆维修部门必须发挥至关重要的作用。文章介绍了东日本铁路集团为确保安全、稳定的运输及与环境的协调,在机车车辆维修方面进行的多种改进、采取的有效措施及取得的成效。同时也描述了今后的发展前景。  相似文献   
"破窗效应"适用于社会生活的方方面面,"行乞"和"青少年"犯罪问题作为"破窗效应"所表现的两个方面,具有典型的代表性。从哲学的视角对这两扇"破窗"进行解析,有助于帮助人们认清对诸如此类的"破窗"所造成的不良社会后果,借以呼吁人们要及时修补"破窗",净化社会风气,营造和谐的生存环境。  相似文献   
本文从体裁基本理论人手,对话语的体裁、话语的图式结构、常见的话语模式进行简要分析,论述语篇体裁对翻译的重要作用。  相似文献   
水运是影响国家和地区经济社会发展的重要因素。平陆运河作为西部陆海新通道骨干工程和加快建设交通强国的标志性工程,将重构区域交通运输发展格局。高标准高质量建设好平陆运河,需要遵照历史观,充分发挥水运优势,释放“海”的潜力;需要遵从系统观,利用科学思想方法统筹资源,实现预期目标;需要遵循实践观,综合运用新发展理念带动区域经济平衡协调发展。  相似文献   
国际铁路行业标准(简称IRIS)已成为优化铁路行业及其与其他相关行业增值链的国际性体系标准。介绍了IRIS体系建立的经过、与ISO 9001:2000之间的差别及通过其认证所带来的益处。  相似文献   
伴随高等教育大众化进程,我国高校逐步进入以质量取胜的内涵式发展阶段,质量成为高等院校赖以生存与发展的生命线,尤其是高职院校人才培养质量遭受质疑,在新的时代背景下高职教育如何从大变局和新占位视域跳出传统思维定式走向理性。教师教学质量评价作为高校一项常规性工作,不只是一个管理工具和评价手段的应用,而是关乎人才培养质量的管理与生成,集中体现为学生需求满足程度的价值判断过程,其根本目的在于提高人才培养质量。本文基于生本视角,从问题缘起、理论探源及结构要素三个逻辑层面重视高校教师教学质量评价,深刻回答教师教学质量评价"为什么、是什么、怎么样"的元生逻辑问题,以期从学理层面厘清教师教学质量评价的本质内涵和应然之义,科学指导实践。  相似文献   

Most scenery evaluation methodologies incorporate visibility extent. In New York's coastal zone, visibility mapping for planning and project studies is complicated by low topographic relief, and diverse configurations of water edge and upland surface character. A generalized visibility model has been developed, including macrolandscape, observer, and sight‐line recording. Based on a prior shorescape study of New York's coast, the Lake Ontario Port Bay site was selected to test alternative visibility methods. Within the study site, four “landscape control points”; were chosen which provided extensive views of representative land and water forms, and surface types. For each control point, four families of visibility mapping approaches were applied: primary (field observation); secondary (topographic maps and vertical air photo analysis); tertiary (physical topographic model); and quaternary (digital terrain computer model). Major study conclusions are: the methods require different resources; all methods readily produced visibility maps; all methods, except secondary, could be used to produce perspective scenes for subsequent content evaluation; all methods except primary omitted one or more elements of the general visibility model; all methods should incorporate field work due to critical viewer environment conditions; sensitivity analysis in each method produced ambiguous zones; each view map was different, particularly in the background. An integrated, multi‐approach strategy would appear desirable for most planning and project applications.  相似文献   
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